Course Resume & Syllabus Course Code: 3204.0Y
Mr. Brandon A. Sadberry Email:
Stockbridge High School (This is the best way to contact me)
Room 137 After School Availability: Fridays, 3:45-4:15 p.m., and by appointment
Course Overview
Welcome to a survey of World literature for the sophomore. In alignment with the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS), you will learn to develop your reading, writing, listening, viewing, and speaking skills by way of various texts and strategies. You will also review English grammar, improve essay form and writing skills, increase your vocabulary, and prepare for various end-of-the-year assessments. Therefore, it is essential that you develop and maintain a healthy, conducive attitude toward learning.
Please keep in mind that I will intentionally make this course intellectually challenging and rigorous for you as a learner; I make no apologies for that. Our goal together is to transcend beyond our comfort zones so that we can be more mentally and emotionally agile in a 21st-century society.
Academic Requirements
We will study, investigate, and utilize:
· Literary genres of past and present World societies;
· Academic English and its writing conventions through Daily Grammar Practice (DGP);
· Writers’ Workshops to facilitate our use of Academic English;
· In-class discussions and debates to facilitate classroom learning;
· and vocabulary pertinent to all the above.
· 1-inch binder;
· A composition notebook for daily writing prompts;
· Blue or black pen along with a pencil for tests/quizzes;
· Highlighters—any color will do
· Flash drive (do not buy the SanDisk “Cruzer” flash drives, as they are not compatible with school computers);
· and notebook paper (college or wide rule).
Textbook and Other Supplements
Elements of Literature, Fourth Course ($46.55) along with various texts provided by the teacher
Henry County Schools’ Grading Scale
90-100 A
80-89 B
74-79 C
70-73 D
0-69 F
Course Breakdown
Assignments – 85% of term grade
Course Breakdown
Assignments – 85% of term grade
Summative Assessments 53%:
Timed essays (1-2 grades)
Formal writing pieces (essays, letters, research papers, and such) (1-2 grade weights)
Group or Individual projects/presentations (1-3 grade weights)
Debates (1-2 grade weights)
Individual declamations (1-2 grade weights)
Random journal checks (1 grade weight)
Formative Assessments 47%:
Homework (.5 to 1 grade weight)
Classwork/participation (.5 to 1 grade weight)
Group work (2 grade weights)
Quizzes (2 grade weights)
SLO Final Exam – 15% of term grade
85%+15%=final grade for term
All forms of cheating are forbidden at Stockbridge High School, and plagiarized assignments will result in a grade of zero “0”. No one will be allowed a chance to relinquish his or her grade when caught plagiarizing or cheating by the teacher. Plagiarism and cheating include the following:
· Copying work or answers from other students;
· Copying verbatim (word for word) from a book or any source without using quotations and giving credit in correct MLA format. This also includes substituting synonyms, or rearranging words;
· Citing sources incorrectly or neglecting to include citations or a works cited page;
· Copying ideas of another and presenting them as your own;
· Work completed by anyone else;
· and allowing another student to “borrow” work and present it as his or her own.
In addendum, please observe the following:
· The only edible/consumable item allowed in this classroom is water. Keep all others in your bag.
· Cell phones, iPods, and all other electronics must be kept away.
· Cheating and plagiarism involve serious consequences in any academic environment; don’t do them!
· Read your student handbook. It will inform you of school and county expectations.
Behavior Expectations
You are to observe classroom and school rules in your Henry County Secondary Student Handbook. Failure to observe and comply with those expectations will result in the following:
· FIRST OFFENSE: One verbal warning and writing rules
· SECOND OFFENSE: Call to parent and after school detention
· THIRD OFFENSE: Referral and an “unsatisfactory” mark for the term
Late Work Policy (including classwork/homework, tests, essays, and quizzes)
Late work is anything turned in AFTER the bell has rung on the day the assignment is due, regardless of the quality you put into it. Late work is automatically a “50”.
For Projects, Papers, and other “Major” Grades:
11-point deduction for each day from grade earned.
Make-up Work
You have two days to make up a test or quiz from the day you were absent. After the two-day grace period, you will forfeit your chance to earn credit for that quiz or test, and a grade of zero (0) will be earned, as stated in the Henry County Schools’ Secondary Student Handbook (p. 5).
Essay Policy
As mandated by the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, all students enrolled in World Literature/Composition will master the conventions of argumentative writing and submit a research paper at the end of the year. Honors students will submit two before the year’s end. All formal essays and major drafts—unless noted otherwise—must be typed in MLA format, using a Times New Roman, 12-pt. font. If your essay has not been submitted in MLA format, it will earn, at best, a grade of “75”, regardless of the quality of your writing. If you do not master these standards, you will risk the issue of not earning credit for the course, regardless of your classification.
If you need help with essays, you should utilize additional resources, such as the after school hours that I have made available to you. After school help may earn you extra credit at the discretion of the teacher.
I do not allow students to print essays during class time, nor do I allow students to submit essays to me via e-mail for printing. Do not ask me.
On How I Will Assess Your Classwork and Homework
Small assignments such as journal prompts, impromptu writing assignments, responses, rough draft reviews, and miscellaneous homework assignments will receive the following scores:
√√ = 100
The student masters the standard, exceeds expectations, and presents work that is neat and professional with his or her first and last name, date, class period, and standard written on the work.
√+ = 85
The student masters the standard and presents work that is neat and professional with his or her first and last name, date, class period, and standard written on the work.
√ = 70
The student masters the standard, but does not produce work that is neat and professional, or the student does not master the standard, but produces work that is neat and professional.
√- = 50
The student does not master the standard, does not produce work that is neat and professional, or submits incomplete work.
On How I Will Assess Formal Writing Assignments, Oral Exams, Socratic Seminars, Speeches, Presentations, and Projects
For these assignments, you will receive a rubric that tells you what I am looking for. Before I assign you any major assignment, we will go over the rubric in class so that you are fully aware of what is expected of you. I do not give extra credit on any major assignments, nor do I assign class curves.
Communicating with me VIA E-mail
E-mail is not like texting; you must make your e-mails concise and clear. All e-mails sent to me must have a subject, greeting, message, and closer. We will learn about e-mail etiquette just as soon as we can. Please refrain from e-mailing me with an address that contains inappropriate language; I will not answer back.
Final Regards
Life happens; I know! If there is a circumstance that will hinder your progress in my class, I require that your parents contact me to best meet the issue. E-mail is the best way to contact me for these matters.
Let’s make it a great year!
English II – Sadberry
Please detach, sign, and return this portion to indicate that you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) have read the syllabus for a homework grade. The syllabus should be the first page in your 1-inch binder for future reference.
Student name (print) Period
Parent or guardian name(s)
Reachable contact number(s)______
Please add anything that you would like for me to know about your child:
Circle all that apply:
My child has access to a computer YES NO
My child has access to a printer YES NO
My child has access to a word processing program (i.e. Microsoft Word): YES NO
My child has access to a public library in his/her neighborhood YES NO