Access Consultant RFQ 8/4/2003
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10545 Armstrong Avenue, Ste 201C
Mather, CA 95655
PHONE: (916) 876-6300 FAX: (916) 854-8984 / PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY
VACANT, Administrator
County Engineering & Administration
Water Quality
JOHN W. NEWTON, Director
General Services
KEITH DeVORE, Director
Water Resources
Multi-Agency Collaborative
Waste Management and Recycling
DATE: August 4, 2003
The Sacramento County Public Works Agency is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) to provide expertise in the field investigation and identification of barriers to access, according to Americans with Disabilities Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and California Code Regulations/Title 24 in order to compile ADA Transition Plans for County leased and owned facilities. The Respondent shall provide services and products to this end, as well as produce a countywide ADA Self-Evaluation. Based on the qualifications submitted, the Public Works Agency will select and short list up to four firms that will be invited to participate in an oral interview selection process. The firm deemed most qualified at the conclusion of the interviews will be recommended to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors for selection approval. Consultants and joint ventures with a local presence in the Sacramento region are encouraged to apply.
Pre-Submission Information Sharing Meeting
A Pre-Submission Information Sharing Meeting will be held for the purpose of reviewing the anticipated scope of work and answering questions pertaining to the County of Sacramento ADA Transition Plan RFQ. Interested consultants are encouraged to attend. Representatives of the County ADA Transition Committee Panel will be present to answer questions.
Date:August 14, 2003
Time1 – 3 pm
LocationMcCuen Center One (map attached – see last page)
First Floor Conference Room #162
10545 Armstrong Avenue
Mather, CA 95655
Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, but is highly encouraged.
Background/Project Scope
Sacramento County was incorporated in 1850 as one of the original 27 counties of the State of California. The County is the major component of the Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical Area ("SMSA"), which includes Sacramento, El Dorado, and Placer Counties. Sacramento County encompasses approximately 994 square miles in the middle of the 400-mile long Central Valley, which is California's prime agricultural region.
The County is bordered by Contra Costa and San Joaquin Counties on the south, Amador and El Dorado Counties on the east, Placer and Sutter Counties on the north, and Yolo and Solano Counties on the west. Sacramento County extends from the low delta lands between the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers north to about ten miles beyond the State Capitol and east to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The southernmost portion of Sacramento County has direct access to the San Francisco Bay.
The County is an ADA Title II Public Entity responsible for a wide range of various facilities. Sacramento County has worked to ensure compliance to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) since its inception in 1992. A county-wide ADA Transition Plan was implemented in 1992 as mandated by the ADA. This project is seen as an update to that original document.The County offers programs, activities and services within approximately 200 leased and owned facilities approaching 5,500,000 GSF. These facilities, outdoor areas, and recreation areas including the County-designated parking provided shall be included as scope of work for this project, in addition to the path of travel from associated parking to each building entrance, and from nearby public transportation stops to the building entrances. The overall scope of work for this project may be expanded at a future date.
I. The firm selected shall describe their ability to provide the following Services:
- Perform on site field investigations adhering to both ADAAG and CCR Title 24 scoping/technical requirements, as well as any other County-designated accessibility regulations, including guidelines from the Access Board such as outdoor areas and recreation areas.
- Identify all barriers found in all facilities– including non-traditional path of travel barriers such as areas not part of one single accessible route into a building, one accessible restroom per floor, etc.
NOTE: No initial prioritization or exclusion of barriers shall be made by field evaluators
- Designate barriers identified as being located in either “staff” or “public” areas
- Enter field data into the County database
- Add code requirements, as necessary, to the County database throughout this project
- Consultant is responsible to provide all current code information necessary to identify barriers and enter barriers into the County database, throughout the project
- Recommend ADA Transition Plan priorities
- Involve and educate key members of project team about the process to establish priorities
- Set priorities with input from key members of project team
- Plan and conduct Public Outreach Meetings
- Prepare, disseminate and compile responses to Public Outreach questionnaires
- Develop other methods for eliciting public input into the Transition Plan process, as necessary
- Present findings from field evaluations to Sacramento County staff, District Managers, etc. as needed to facilitate the process
II. The firm selected shall provide the following Products:
- Provide Access Assessment Reports for each facility, for which a field investigation was performed.
These reports are seen as draft reports for the purpose of review and will be used as the foundation for the subsequent ADA Transition Plans and as future reference material for barriers that do not become part of the ADA Transition Plans. Copies of each draft and final Access Assessment Report shall be deliverable in a binder format, in addition to the entry of the same data into the County database at County facilities. Reports are to include a high degree of detail; defining code references, detailed cost estimates, as-built dimensions, executive summaries, cost summaries, digital photo documentation, and reference drawings are only a few of the essential components to be provided.
All report formats provided for the actual project shall be subject to County approval.
- Submit a sample Access Assessment Report (e.g. survey report) from their most recent project of similar size and scope for County review.
Firms responding to this RFQ shall demonstrate the level of report detail that they are currently able to provide. Include examples from projects commissioned within the last five-years. Three copies (3) of a sample Access Assessment Report (e.g. survey report) shall be submitted with this response in electronic files on individual CD’s.
- Provide ADA Transition Plans for each County facility – distinct from and in addition to Access Assessment Reports and the data from those reports already entered into the County database.
Draft and final versions of the ADA Transition Plans reports will be required as part of this process. Copies shall be deliverable in a binder format, for both draft and final report documents. The same level of detail presented in the Access Assessment Reports shall be provided in the ADA Transition Plan reports, as a minimum requirement. All ADA Transition Plans will be subject to County review.
Respondents shall demonstrate the level of ADA Transition Plan detail, which they are currently able to provide. Firms responding to this RFQ shall submit a sample ADA Transition Plan including an example of project scheduling and duration control from their most recent project of similar size and scope for County review. Include examples from projects commissioned within the last five-years. Three copies (3) of a sample ADA Transition Plan shall be submitted with this response in electronic files on individual CD’s.
Note: All Access Assessment Reports and ADA Transition Plans for this project are to include barriers defined by both ADAAG and CCR Title 24, as the County deems appropriate. This requirement may exceed ADA requirements for Transition Plans.
- Provide an ADA Self-Evaluation of all County programs, activities and services.
This document is intended to include a correlation of all physical barriers listed in the ADA Transition Plans with associated County programs, activities and services. The identification and review of all County policies and procedures affecting persons with disabilities shall be performed. The identification of policies that may be discriminatory and recommendations for new policies and procedures shall be provided and the entire process shall be documented.
Respondents shall demonstrate their ability to provide this product and service. Firms responding to this RFQ shall submit a sample ADA Self-Evaluation from their most recent project of similar size and scope for County review. Include examples from projects commissioned within the last five-years. Three copies (3) of a sample ADA Self-Evaluation shall be submitted with this response in electronic files on individual CD’s.
Employment policies and procedures are not part of this scope of work.
Note: For this project, the County will require printed draft and final reports to be accompanied by electronic files on CD’s.
III. The Respondent shall provide resumes for each team member reflecting the following Technical Expertise:
A. Academic Background: Interested consultants should demonstrate that members of the project team possess a minimum of a BA or BS degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Management, Civil or Traffic Engineering or another pertinent field, or provide documentation of equivalency.
B. Relevant Experience: Team members conducting field evaluations, entering data into the County database or having any role in manipulating physical barrier data, reference drawings, etc. for this project shall have a minimum of 2 years of hands-on experience in the ADA/Access Compliance field, in addition to the academic credentials or equivalency required. Team members working on tasks associated with the ADA Self-Evaluation shall demonstrate a minimum of 2 years of experience in producing Self-Evaluations.
- Certification: Team members conducting field evaluations, entering data into the County database or having any role in manipulating physical barrier data, reference drawings, etc. for this project shall have current certification as an Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner, as providedthrough the International Code Council (ICC, former ICBO).
- Computer Skills: Team members entering data into the County database at County facilities shall have at least 2 years of prior experience with Access-based databases on projects of a similar size and scope for a state, county or municipal entity. Also provide references for experience and capabilities to produce reference drawings and manipulate CAD drawings as well as experience using Internet-based processes for ADA Transition Plan/Self-Evaluation projects.
E. Project Team: All team members conducting field evaluations, entering data into the County database or having any role in manipulating physical barrier data, reference drawings, etc. for this project shall be clearly identified in the SOQ, to include their academic or professional credentials and certifications, as required. Comprehensive resumes for these team members will be provided as part of the SOQ. All credentials, professional certifications and relevant experience will be verified. Finalization of contract is contingent upon documentation of the level of education, training or certification stated in resumes for the entire project team included in the SOQ.
During the course of the project, the members of the project team shall be changed only with the written approval of the County. If temporary staffing is used for this project, such project team members must have the same academic credentials, experience and certification required of permanent staff where they perform any tasks associated with conducting field evaluations, entering data into the County database or having any role in manipulating physical barrier data, reference drawings, etc. for this project. The required credentials must be submitted to the County for verification, and approval must be received in writing from the County before any temporary or new team members will be added to the project team. Substitution of temporary staffing without completion of verification of credentials by the County shall not be acceptable.
It is critical that the Consultant is able to demonstrate a history of providing a stable workforce in projects of a similar size and scope for a state, county or municipal entity. That information is expected be part of the Consultant’s SOQ documentation.
During the actual project, the County will have compiled an approved list of field evaluators from the Consultant-submitted project team. All Consultant team members allowed into County facilities to perform field investigations shall be included in the approved list and verified through picture identification. Only verified field evaluators will be allowed to enter County facilities. A County Representatives will accompany field evaluators throughout all County facilities.
SOQ Review Panel Composition:
Name______Title______Organization / Firm______
Dennis BerkheimerFacility ManagerFacility Planning and Management
Connie GehrtLeased Facilities Planning ManagerFacility Planning and Management
Teri MincherBuilding Project Coordinator IIFacility Planning and Management
Paul ScottSenior ArchitectArchitectural Services Division
Marc WilkersonChief of Disability ComplianceHR Department: Disability Compliance
Sue WiseChief of PlanningParks and Recreation - Planning
Scott Harger Architect/ContractorHi-Rise Interiors
Syroun Z. Sanossian Access ConsultantSZS Consulting, Inc.
IV: Selection Criteria
Interested consultants should submit nine printed (9) copies of their SOQ and one copy (1) on a CD. Include three separate copies (3) of an Access Assessment Report, an ADA Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation from the Respondent’s most recent project of a similar size and scope for a state, county or municipal entity separately on CD with the SOQ submittal. The SOQ shall include an introductory cover letter. Faxes will not be accepted.
Documented work examples required with SOQ submission on CD are:
- Three (3) copies of an Access Assessment Report
- Three (3) copies of an ADA Transition Plan
- Three (3) copies of a Self-Evaluation
The Respondent SOQ will be evaluated and rated based upon the following criteria:
Demonstrated ability to perform field investigations (15%)
Demonstrated ability to produce Access Assessment reports (12%)
Demonstrated ability to recommend ADA Transition Plan prioritization (8%)
Demonstrated ability to produce Transition Plans (12%)
Demonstrated ability to plan and conduct Public Outreach (12%)
Demonstrated ability to produce ADA Self-Evaluations (12%)
Expertise demonstrated in the resumes of team members, as verified (8%)
Demonstration of project management and team experience within projects of a similar size and scope for a state, county or municipal entity (12%)
Number of years the firm or joint venture has been practicing in Sacramento County (6%)
- Current office location in Sacramento County or within 50-mile radius, or
- Location of the firm’s office in the state of California and number of years practicing in the state
Quality of SOQ response (3%)
- References:
Furnish a minimum of five letters of references, from individuals whom we may contact, including project role of the reference, phone number, project name, project cost, and whether ongoing or completed. All references shall be for projects completed within the last 5 years. All references shall be from persons with direct project management responsibility for the given project.
Also list the same reference information for any proposed consultants or joint venture partners in terms of work experience with any proposed consultants or joint venture partners, in terms of technical expertise described in section III, on projects of a similar size and scope for a state, county or municipal entity.
Anticipated Consultant Selection Schedule:
The following is the anticipated consultant selection schedule:
- RFQ issuedAugust 4, 2003
- Pre-Submission Information Sharing Session August 14, 2003
- SOQ due at 4:00 PM.August 26, 2003
- Shortlists completeSeptember 4, 2003
- Notifications mailed to short listed firmsSeptember 8, 2003
- Consultant interviews heldSeptember 18, 2003
- Board approval of selected architectural firmOctober 21,2003
- Scope of work refined and contract negotiations completeNovember 5, 2003
- Board approval of consultant agreementDecember 9, 2003
Anticipated Project Schedule
The following is the anticipated project schedule:
- Board of Supervisors' approval and execution of consultant December 2003
- Project Kick-off MeetingJanuary 2004
- Project start - Field Investigation Schedule SubmittedFebruary 2004
- Submittal of Initial Assessment Reports for County Review
and ApprovalMarch 2004
- County Database Training for Consultant teamApril 2004
- Completion of First Phase of Project for ReviewJune 2004
- Self-Evaluation Seminarsto be ScheduledAugust 2004
- Initial Transition Plan Prioritization SubmittedSeptember 2004
- Initial Public Outreach Meetings to be Scheduled November 2004
- Self-Evaluation Submitted for ReviewDecember 2004
- First Phase -Transition Plans Submitted for ReviewJanuary 2005
- Field Investigations CompletedJune 2005
- Final Draft Transition Plans/Self-Evaluation SubmittedAugust 2005
- Project completeDecember 2005
Selection of Shortlisted Firms
The Public Works Agency intends to create a shortlist of up to four firms (4) that will be interviewed by the SOQ review panel. Selected firms will be provided with location, date and times, agendas, and instructions prior to the interview.
Solicitation of Subconsultants, Subcontractors, Other Service Providers and Suppliers
If the selected prime consultant intends to solicit subproposals and/or quotes for certain tasks on this project from qualified subconsultants, subcontractors, other service providers and suppliers, the prime consultant must not discriminate in the selection process and is encouraged to include qualified minority-owned and women-owned firms in such solicitations.