Attention Sorin Boaje
23 Strada Lt. Av. Negel Gheorghe
Sector 6
06131 Bucuresti
Kraainem, 3 May 2012
Dear Sorin,
Further to your request, I am writing today to clarify the situation with respect to the CEPA membership of Pest Management organisations in Romania.
As I have specified in earlier correspondence, ANNODDD is the national organization representing CEPA in Romania.
ARCVIP has been admitted as a CEPA Regional Association Member, CRAM as defined in our revised statutes. In this capacity ARCVIP have a voting right in CEPA’s General Assembly of maximum 1/3 of the total voting rights allocated to Romania.
The goal of providing them with the opportunity to join CEPA is to enable CEPA to be as representative of the European market as possible.
We believe that this strategy is going to produce more means for CEPA and will translate to more actions, more lobby power, more image building, more recognition with the European authorities for our cause. As a result a stronger CEPA will emerge. It will become an advantage and build value for all our members, and that includes you.
We believe that it is not the role of CEPA to decide which national organization should represent our industry vis à vis the Romanian authorities.
It is in the interest of the industry that our members in their respective countries establish a joint strategy with all the actors in the marketplace on how to lobby the local authorities. I invite you to promote this as the lead association in Romania.
You know that we have already successfully organized Europe Days for some of your colleagues. If you can find a common communication platform with your Romanian colleagues CEPA will gladly organize a Europe Day for you and ARCVIP to voice all your concerns with the European Institutions. Find a way to work together and we will support you in setting this up within the next 12 to 18 month. As CEPA we believe that there is more to gain for the industry when our members work in unison. We hope that you share this long term view.
With best regards,
Roland Higgins
Director General
Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA), 37 Seringenstraat, 1950 Kraainem,Belgium
Tel. +32 2 731 32 81 E-mail: