DfE 2010-12-16

[Note: this version for use when it will be a MultiAcademy Trust running the Academy and the Foundation or Trust will be transferring the freehold of the land to the MAT]

To: [insert name of the legal entity / body that holds the land, fortheconvertingschool]


  1. This is a direction made further to paragraph 10 of Schedule 1 to the Academies Act 2010 and following the making of the Academy Order dated [insert date] in respect of [insert name of converting school– notenot “the governing body” of converting school].
  1. I hereby direct that the land listed in the Schedule below held by you for the purposes of [insert name of converting school as per paragraph 1] be transferred by you to [enter name of Academy Trust], company number [insert company number].
  1. The said transfer should take place on the conversion date as specified at paragraph 2.4 of the Supplemental Funding Agreement with [insert name of Academy Trust], company number [insert company number] in relation to the [insert name of Academy].

Signed on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education by:

Signed: …………………………


Date: ………………………….


All thatland situated at and known as: [delete or add to list as applicable]

  • [enter address of land] and registered under [insert Land Registry Title Number]
  • [enter address of land] and registered under [insert Land Registry Title Number]
  • [enter address of land] and registered under [insert Land Registry Title Number]

as identified on the title plan(s) of the above title(s).

[and/or, if applicable, for unregistered land:]

All that land situated at and known as: [delete or add to list as applicable]

  • [enter address] shown edged [insert e.g. red] on the attached plan [attach a plan demarcating the land] [and identified as the subject of the conveyance dated [insert date] between [insert] and [insert].
  • enter address] shown edged [insert e.g. red] on the attached plan [attach a plan demarcating the land] [and identified as the subject of the conveyance dated [insert date] between [insert] and [insert].