TO: Individuals, Churches, Businesses, and Organizations

FROM: NAACP Tri County Branch

RE: NAACP Tri County Branch Banquet

We hope that you will join us for the 24thAnnual NAACP Tri-County Branch Freedom Awards Banquetto be held Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 6pm at theRailroad Roundhouse on 4th Street, behind the Historic Tuscumbia Railroad Depot,204 West Fifth Street in Tuscumbia, Alabama. We believe that you will be very pleased with our scheduled speaker, a special guest who will be introduced by Dr. Robert Potts, former president of the University of North Alabama. Dinner will be provided by Rhoda P’s Catering. A table of eight isavailable at $320.00 and individual tickets are $40.00 each. The funds generated by this banquet will be used to offset the costs of the banquet and awards and to support the work of the Tri-County branch.

As is our tradition, we will honor individuals and organizations with Freedom Awards at the banquet. We look forward to hearing what good deeds are being accomplished for the good of the Shoals area and beyond. You are welcome to nominate those whom you feel are deserving of recognition for their service to our community. Anomination formis attached to this letter. Additional forms are available by contacting the Tri-County Branch. For a copy of this form or to turn in a completed form, visit send mail to NAACP at Post Office Box 2110, Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662,or call the NAACP at 256-383-4260 or WZZA Radio at 256-381-1862. Feel free to make as many copies of this nomination form as needed. The deadline for entries is Friday, October 27th, 2017.

We will also offer ads in our souvenir program. Prices are $35.00 for a quarter page, $60.00 for half a page, $100.00 for a full page, $150.00 for the inside front or back cover, and $200.00 for the back cover. Patron ads are $10. The deadline for ad purchases is Friday, October 27th, 2017.

The NAACP welcomes all, and our annual Freedom Awards Banquet is an opportunity for all to come together in harmony to celebrate our shared interests and mutual goals. Thank you for your consideration and for your continued support of the NAACP. We look forward to seeing you atFreedom AwardsBanquet 2017. Have a wonderful day.

Tori Bailey

Tori Bailey, President

NAACP Tri County Branch


Tri-County Branch NAACP

Post Office Box 2110 / Muscle Shoals, AL 35662

Phone: 256-383-4260
