Arts and Crafts 1edebé
Programming for the educational units
UNIT 1: The Body
- Recognizing and appreciating artistic expression in the environment.
- Planning and reviewing the creative processes themselves.
- Teamwork.
- Getting to know and appreciating the pictorial work of Pablo Ruiz Picasso.
- Distinguishing between the background and the figure in an image and identifying them as basic elements in artistic compositions.
- Expressing a range of emotions by drawing the human face.
- Exploring the soft crayon replica technique and discovering its aesthetic and artistic qualities.
- Using technological media in artistic investigations and expression.
- Working as a team to produce Christmas decorations.
A painting by Pablo Ruiz Picasso: Paul as Harlequin.
Expressive lines of the face: Eyes, nose and mouth.
- Interpreting images: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation.
- Identification of the background and the figure of an image.
- Image composition.
- Manipulation of the background and the figure of a work of art: Artistic reinterpretation.
- Drawing faces and expressions.
- Artistic experimentation: Colour replicas with soft crayons.
- Planning artistic processes.
- Producing Christmas decorations as a team.
- Initiation in aesthetic criteria.
- Perception of the expressive possibilities of visual language.
- Enjoying creative activities.
- Interest in the appropriate use of materials and artistic techniques.
Moral and civic education: Identifying the emotions and feelings of other people through the observation of the expressions on their faces. /
- Employing simple terms to comment on the main features of the work of Pablo Ruiz Picasso.
- Describing the contents of common images: The background and the figure in the portrait.
- Producing artistic compositions that represent the world of emotions: Drawing faces and expressions.
- Testing possibilities in their productions as regards the forms, textures and colours in the composition.
- Using simple information technology applications for artistic activities.
- Reading and commenting on the biography of Pablo Ruiz Picasso. @
- Reading and commenting on the Picasso quote: “I don’t say everything, but I paint everything”.
- Observing and completing the portrait of Paul, the son of Picasso.
- Completing the two portraits appropriately by colouring in the background or the figure.
- Following instructions to produce the portrait of the harlequin: Detaching the sheet, colouring in the figure, decorating the background, and lastly sticking the harlequin to the background.
- Circling the elements used to draw each of the faces.
- Completing the faces. Drawing different hairdos and hats.
- Choosing a drawing. Colouring in the back. Placing the drawing on page 19 and going over it. Lastly, removing the drawing and observing the result.
Activity to bring out prior knowledge of the students in relation to the contents of this unit:
- The students must employ the portrait on the left as a model and complete the incomplete model shown on the right in their own way. Drawing the eyes, the nose and the mouth.
- It is important to be able to evaluate the result obtained by each student, to appreciate the different lines, forms... and to encourage the desire to get involved in the unit to learn to draw their friends.
MOTIVATION / Class group
- Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected). Beginning by reading the title of the painting, and then, starting to reflect on the art through the quote displayed at the bottom of the page.
Contextualization: From the illustrated instructions for the production of fun portraits with colour replicas.
- Reading and understanding instructions that have to be followed to produce fun portraits using colour replicas.
- Looking in the mirror. The aim of this activity is to discover the expressive possibilities of the face through an imitation game.
- Commenting on the work. Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected).
- Topic. Answering the questions asked.
- Formal analysis. Commenting on each part of the work.
- Artistic techniques. Observing the artistic techniques used by the artist.
- Individual appreciation. Expressing the sensation the work inspires.
- Reflecting on a brief summary of the life and work of the artist.
- Our favourite characters. The aim of this activity is to consolidate the concept of background and figure, and to show images are composed of these elements.
- Coloured doodles. The colour replicas technique is perfect for creating striking designs from doodles and lineal shapes.
- Photocopiable reinforcement file: Distinguishing the background from the figure in the image. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)
- Photocopiable in greater depth file: Discovering the expressive possibilities of the face through drawing. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)
Individual dossier of the activities of the unit / Evaluation checklist – PUT INTO PRACTICE (Guide Book)
- Employing strategies for reading skills.
- Reading texts comprehensively.
- Reading other written texts, digitalized texts, interactive activities… to obtain information, learn, have fun and communicate.
- Presenting the approach to and development of the resolution of different activities orally: Presentation.
- Adequately expressing orally/in writing what you have learnt using the right vocabulary.
USB memory activities:
- Getting to know... Pablo Ruiz Picasso: Life and work. Art sheets. Web links.
- Playing with art… Paul as Harlequin puzzle.
- Printable resources: Photocopiable file.
- Click here! Faces and expressions.
- Using simple terms to comment on the work.
- Describing the contents of common images.
- Producing artistic compositions to represent the world of emotions.
- Testing in their own productions the possibilities adopted by the forms, textures and colours.
- Employing simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.
- Showing curiosity for the work of the artists featured: Picasso.
- Appreciating new technologies as tools for investigating and producing art.
- Appreciating their own productions and those of others.
- Identifying the expressive lines of the face.
- Employing the geometry of forms to draw simple elements.
- Following the guidelines given to work with techniques: Coloured crayon replicas.
- Exploring the artistic and expressive qualities of the techniques employed.
- Participating in the observation and collective interpretation of the works of art.
- Distinguishing the concepts of background and figure in an image.
- Identifying colours, forms and textures associated with an image.
- ARTS and CRAFTS text book 1; edebé.
- Digital blackboard.
- USB memory.
- Educational resources.
- Supplementary material.
- Classroom: Other spaces.
- Approximate time: 6 weeks.
- Initial motivation and evocation of prior knowledge.
- Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday and contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalisation and expansion of learning, and which connect with the basic skills identified.
- Application of what is learnt to different activities: Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive activities, reinforcement and in greater depth activities..., sequenced by levels of difficulty, and which facilitate the basic skills and the different cognitive styles of the students.
- Different kinds of digital resources, using the digital blackboard and the computer. These resources include activities integrated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.
Unit 1: The Body. STRUCTURE:
- Initial activity and motivation alongside an image and quote of the artist, Pablo Ruiz Picasso, so any prior knowledge as regards the topic can be presented to and commented on by everyone.
- Contents: Learning sequences for all the contents of the unit, tackled using contextualized situations or examples, with learning activities in the deductive process, to end with a conclusion and with application activities.
Work activities are also suggested for the BSs (basic skills) and the multiple intelligences, supplementary activities, TIC activities, and reinforcement and in greater depth activities.
All the work on the contents is aimed at the development (working) of the basic skills identified in the unit.
- Put into practice: Activities for working and evaluating the BSs and multiple intelligences. These are contextualized activities, which refer to real and everyday situations for the students in which their knowledge must be applied and rolled out, and which take the range of skills and learning styles into account (with the reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, artistic representation …).
- Different student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class.
- Different student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test…).
- Group work.
- TIC activities: Interactive activities, treasure hunts, Internet links.
- Individual and collective questions.
- Dialogue.
- Oral presentation.
- Individual oral test.
- Evaluation checklist.
- Individual record file.
- Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class group.
- Self-evaluation (oral and written).
- Blog of the teacher.
Class preparation and educational materials / There is consistency between what is programmed and the actual classes.
There is a balanced distribution over time.
The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.
Use of suitable methodology / Significant learning objectives have been taken into account.
Interdisciplinarity is considered (during activities, handling contents, etc.).
The methodology promotes motivation and develops the skills of students.
Regulation of the teaching in practice / Degree of monitoring of students.
Suitability of resources used in class to the learning.
The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.
Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and families / The criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents.
The evaluation tools enable the registration of numerous learning variables.
The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities.
The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available:
to the students
to the families
Employment of measures for attending diversity / Measures are taken in advance to become familiar with learning difficulties.
A response is made to different learning speeds and skills.
There are sufficient measures and resources available.
Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.
1…..... / 2 …… / 3 …… / 4 …… / 5 …… / 6 …… / 7 …… / 8 …… / …
Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the proposed activities.
Adaptation of the activities of the programme.
Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.
Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.
Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.
Adaptations made to the curricular material for late inclusion in the Education System.…
UNIT 2: Autumn Colours
Cultural and artistic:
- Using techniques and resources specific to artistic language.
- Exploring and recreating forms, colours and textures from the environment.
- Teamwork.
- Cooperating with the group and respecting norms and instructions.
- Getting to know and appreciating the work of Camille Pissarro.
- Appreciating the beauty of the natural environment as an element of artistic representation.
- Perceiving colour, forms and textures as qualities associated with the environment.
- Representing leaves and fruits through simple unstereotyped drawings.
- Exploring the rubbing technique.
- Using technological media for artistic investigations and expression.
- Exploring diverse materials and techniques suited to artistic creation.
- Making artistic productions cooperatively.
- Painting by Camille Pissarro: Autumn Morning at Éragny.
- Autumn forms and colours.
- Representing the environment: Painting and photography.
- Artistic technique: Rubbing.
- Interpreting the image: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation.
- Identification of warm colours.
- Composition with warm colours.
- Synthesizing the form of the drawing.
- Drawing leaves and fruits.
- Composition with autumn textures and colours: Recreation of a literary text.
- Organizing an exhibition.
- Producing Christmas decorations cooperatively: Organic Christmas trees.
- The environment as an element for artistic recreation.
- Interest and satisfaction having produced artistic creations.
- Respect for expressive diversity.
- Interest in participating in the activities of the class group.
- Interest and involvement in the group in collective activities.
Civic and moral education: Working cooperatively.
Environmental education: Enjoying the beauty of nature.
Consumer education: Reducing the use of materials and reusing and recycling them. /
- Using simple terms to comment on the main characteristics of the work of Camille Pissarro.
- Describing the qualities of the elements present in the natural and artificial environment.
- Representing the environment by means of unstereotyped drawings.
- Trying out the possibilities adopted by forms, textures and colours using the rubbing technique in their own productions.
- Using simple Information Technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.
- Making artistic compositions representing the imaginary, emotional and social world.
- Participating enthusiastically in cooperative activities.
- Reading and commenting on the life of Camille Pissarro. @
- Making the puzzle of the Camille Pissarro painting: Autumn Morning at Éragny. @
- Reading, commenting on and learning the poem related to Autumn.
- Completing and colouring in the leaves.
- Identifying the warm colours in an autumn photo and in the work of Camille Pissarro: Autumn Morning at Éragny. Painting with these colours.
- Painting the canopy of a tree in warm colours.
- Cutting out the coloured tree and sticking it to the file. @
- Observing the steps that have to be taken to draw some dried leaves and fruits such as walnuts and acorns.
- Drawing dried leaves and fruits following the instructions given.
- Experimenting with the rubbing technique: Looking for leaves, placing them under the cut out on page 30, rubbing with hard crayons over the cut out. Repeating the activity with a range of colours.
- Producing the technical file for each work of art produced using the rubbing technique. Then preparing an exhibition of the work of the whole class.
- Making organic Christmas trees all together in order to decorate the school. To do this, checking the appropriate material is available and following the instructions in the file: Making a cone with a large piece of cardboard, cutting strips from the cut out paper, sticking them together at their ends and sticking them to the cone using adhesive tape starting at the bottom and moving upwards.
- Completing the drawing of the leaves and colouring them in.
MOTIVATION / Class group
- Observing the painting and commenting on the short description of Camille Pissarro and his work. Saying when they think it was painted: Either at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of autumn, and explaining why. Reading and trying to memorise the short poem on the page.
Contextualization: Creating drawings using the rubbing technique.
- Reading and understanding the instructions that must be followed in order to create fun drawings using the rubbing technique: Folding a sheet and cutting it in half, painting using the rubbing technique in warm colours, drawing the colours and the textures, and lastly, cutting the drawings out and sticking them on the next page.
- Autumn has arrived! Organising an exhibition of their work. To do this, completion of an interdisciplinary piece of work. Drawing up the technical file for each piece of work with the title of the work, the artist and the technique. Choosing a space and preparing it in a suitable way: With leaves from trees, photos of autumnal landscapes, art sheets … Exhibiting the work in this place. Looking for poems and sayings about autumn and writing them on cards or on a mural. Designing posters and invitations...
- Greetings for special events. Create greetings cards for special events for friends and family.
- Making organic Christmas trees together to decorate the school.
- To do this, finding the necessary material and following the instructions in the file:
• Cutting out strips of paper from the cut out and sticking their ends together.
• Using adhesive tape to stick them to the cone starting a the bottom and moving up.