Occupational Therapy Goals
LTG: To improve function in FM development, ______will increase UE strength and stability to complete 10 minute task in prone, 90% of the time.
- complete ____ minutes of upper body strengthening activities including animal walks, weighted balls, wheelbarrow walking with ___% success.
- maintain prone prop over supportive device (ball,swing,wedge) for ____ minutes at a time, in ____ of _____ trials.
LTG: ______demonstrate improved body awareness, bilateral coordination, and motor planning to catch small ball from ______ft using hands only, _____ of _____ trials with minimal verbal cues.
- cross midline during rhythmic task, ______times with min verbal or tactile cues.
- toss ball to target from ____ ft distance, using overhand throwing pattern, _____ of ___ trials with minimal verbal cues.
LTG: ______demonstrate improved self-regulation, sustained attention, and self-control to improve performance with IADLs, ____% of the time.
- recall/perform 3-4 step obstacle course, __ of ___ times with minimal tactile or verbal cues.
- sustain targeted attention to a non-preferred table top task for ______minutes, with minimal verbal cues ___% of the time.
LTG: ______will follow a daily sensory diet with regulatory activities to improve participation at home and school, ____% of the time.
- tolerate therapeutic listening for a ___ min therapy task with ___% accuracy with the headphones to improve attention, motor and skill performance with tasks.
- Caregiver will be independent with HEP of sensory activities to improve Nicholas's self-regulation and modulation.
- engage in a table top task for ____ minutes with minimal redirection to task, ___% of the time.
LTG: To improve fine motor development, ______will increase UE and core strength and stability to complete 10 minute task in prone, _____% of the time.
- Propel self on scooterboard in prone position, using alternating arm pattern, for distance of ___ ft, __ of ___ trials with min cues.
- Perform ____ sit ups with stabilization at feet, within 1 minute, __ of ___trials.
LTG: ______will demonstrate improved body awareness, bilateral coordination, and motor planning to catch a medium size ball from ____ ft distance using hands only, __ of ____ trials with min verbal cues.
- perform ___ symmetrical and rhythmical jumping jacks independently, __ of ___ trials.
- cross midline during rhythmical task, __ of __ times with ___verbal or tactile cues.
LTG: ______demonstrate improved motor planning, bilateral coordination, and strength to complete ___ sequence gross motor task, ____% of the time.
- perform ___ symmetrical and rhythmical jumping jacks independently, __ of ____trials.
- independently perform _____ sit ups, without compensation, within 1 minute __ of __ trials.
LTG: ______will improve visual perception and graphomotor skills to print uppercase manuscript alphabet and numbers 1-10 with ____% letter legibility using correct directionality and formation.
- print ___/26 uppercase letters with proper directionality/ formation and sizing, __ of __trials.
- copy ___% of numbers 1-10 with correct formation/directionality and legibility, __ of __ trials.
- independently complete 1-20 dot-to-dot with success on __ of ___ trials.
LTG: ______will demonstrate improved manual dexterity, body awareness, and visual motor integration to independently complete tying shoes, __ of ___ times.
- successfully manipulate ___ small buttons on shirt while wearing, __ of ___ trials with minimal verbal cues.
- demonstrate complex translation with stabilization to place ___ small pegs into holes,___ of ___ trials with minimal verbal cues.
LTG: ______will demonstrate improved self regulation, transitional skills, and attention during ___ structured therapeutic activities, ___% of the time with minimal redirection.
- demonstrate improved transition between tasks with minimal upset, ___% of the time.
- engage in an interactive purposeful task for 3-5 minutes with minimal reinforcers, ___% of the time.
- complete 1-2 step obstacle course with mod cues each round, __ of ___ trials.
- tolerate therapeutic listening for a 30 minute therapy task with ____% accuracy with the headphones to improve attention, motor, and skill performance with tasks.
LTG: In preparation for age-appropriate participation in self-care tasks, ______will demonstrate improved grasping skills by dressing and undressing with minimal assistance in 4 of 5 trials.
- demonstrate improved grasping skills by donning socks and shoes independently in 4 of 5 trials.
- demonstrate improved grasping skills by doffing and donning pants with minimal assistance in 4 of 5 trials.
LTG: In preparation for age-appropriate participation in preschool-related tasks, ______will demonstrate improved fine motor and visual-motor integration skills by grasping a crayon with a tripod grasp in 4 of 5 trials.
- demonstrate improved fine motor and visual-motor integration skills by stringing __ beads with moderate verbal cues in 4 of 5 trials.
- demonstrate improved fine motor and visual-motor integration skills by snipping paper with minimal verbal cues in 4 of 5 trials.
LTG: In preparation for age-appropriate participation in playground tasks, ______will demonstrate improved sensory processing and modulation by completing 3-step obstacle course independently in 4 of 5 trials.
- demonstrate improved sensory processing and modulation by going to supine to sit over ball 10 times with minimal compensation in 4 of 5 trials.
- demonstrate improved sensory processing and modulation by completing 3-step obstacle course with moderate verbal cues and no more than 2 falls in 4 of 5 trials.
LTG: ______will feed self ___% of each meal
- use spoon ___% of each meal with min spillage.
- drink from a small dixi cup with no spillage ___% of the time.
LTG: ______will increase sensory processing to increase his/her play skills to age appropriate.
- tolerate all imposed movements on play equipment and with parent/caregiver ____% of the time
- attend to task at hand for minimum of __ minute with no more than __ redirections
LTG: ______will increase fine and visual motor skills to complete age appropriate coloring and writing.
- place large beads on a string with verbal cues only __% of the time
- use a tripod grasp to pick up and place pennies into a bank ___% of the time
- roll and ball back and forth with parent for ____ rotations with min. assistance in __ of ___ trials
LTG: ______will increase visual perceptual skills to complete simple prewriting forms _____% of the time.
- place simple form board puzzle together ____% of the time
- place features on a face with ___% accuracy ___% of the time.
LTG: ______will improve bilateral integration, UE control, and motor planning to incorporate LUE into functional activities to improve independence with ADL and IADL tasks, ____% of the time
- tolerate weight bearing on LUE for ____minutes during play and ADL activities with stabilization as needed, ___% of the time.
- use LUE to stabilize objects/paper during play activities and writing tasks with minimal verbal cues, ____% of the time.
- donn shirt overhead with minimal assistance, __ of ___ trials.
LTG: ______will improve visual-motor integration, FM control and precision, and coordination to replicate 5-6 block structure after demonstration, __ of ___ trials.
- demonstrate neat pincer grasp to place small objects into container, ___ of ___ trials with minimal verbal cues.
- imitate a circle and cross while holding writing utensil with static tripod grasp, __of ___ trials with minimal verbal cues.
- complete paper and pencil maze successfully with no more than ___ deviation from boundaries,__ of ___ trials with min verbal cues.
- cut out a square with ___ inch border with minA for stabilization of paper, __ of __ trials.
- write letters of first name with proper formation and directionality, with min verbal and visual cues __ of __ trials.
LTG: ______will demonstrate improved self-regulation, transitional skills, and attention during __ structured therapeutic activities, ____% of the time with minimal redirection.
- demonstrate improved transition between tasks with minimal upset, ____% of the time.
- engage in table-top tasks for ____ minutes with minimal reinforcement, ___% of the time.
- Caregiver will incorporate calming and behavior regulating sensory acitivites on 5/7 days of the week with adjustments from therapist as needed, ____% of the time.
- engage in table top task for ______minutes with minimal redirection, ____% of the time.
- tolerate headphones for Therapeutic Listening program for ____ minutes of a therapy task with ____% accuracy, ______% of the time.