Connecticut Humane Society – Canine Foster Report Card
Dog’s Name: ______ID #:______Employee Conducting the Intake:
The following questionnaire is used to help us find the best possible home and prepare your pet’s new family with information about his/her history. Please complete this questionnaire as completely and accurately as possible.
1. When you first brought your foster dog home, how did it react? o Friendly/Affectionate o Aloof o Scared
2. After adjusting to your home, how was your foster dog? o Friendly/Affectionate o Aloof o Scared
3. Including yourself, please record all individuals who lived with this dog and their age range:
Name/Relationship(first name only please) / Age Range
(0—7) (8-15)
(16-21) (21-65) (65+) / Gender / Notes
4. Did your foster dog interact with other pets in the home? o Dogs (note breed/sex/age):
o Cats o Birds o Small Animal o Reptile o Other:
- 5. How did your foster dog typically behave toward the following? Please check the boxes.
Unknown / Friendly / Fearful / Shows teeth/growls / Snaps / Bites / Other
People your dog knows
Unfamiliar people
Animals your dog knows
Unfamiliar animals
If other is checked for any category, please specify and explain:
- 6. How would you describe your foster dog’s personality? Check all that apply. o Playful o Couch Potato o Vocal
o Friendly o Shy o Independent o Fearless o Fearful o Quiet o Affectionate o Hyper o Aloof
o Other:
- 7. How does your foster dog typically respond when an unfamiliar person approaches or enters the yard or house?
o Friendly o Afraid o Barks o Shows teeth/Growls o Snaps/bites o Other:
8. How active is this dog? o Very active o Somewhat active o Inactive
9. How vocal is this dog? o Very vocal o Somewhat vocal o Non-vocal
- 10. Does your foster dog like to chase any of the following? o Joggers o Bicycles o Cars/Motorcycles
o Skateboarders/Roller bladers o Outdoor cats o Indoor cats o Birds o Wildlife o Other:
- 11. Does your foster dog have any bad habits (i.e. stealing food, raiding the trash, etc.)?
- 12. Is your foster dog frightened of anything (i.e. fireworks, etc.)?
13. How does this dog behave in the car? o Loves it! o Puts head out window o Gets car sick o Scared
o Calm/Quiet o Jumping/Hyper o Other:
1. Is this dog housebroken? o Yes o No 2. Did your foster dog have accidents in the house? o Yes o No
Crate trained? o Yes o No How often? o Daily o Weekly o Once in a while
Paper trained o Yes o No
3. How did your foster dog let you know he/she has to go out?
4. How many hours was this dog left alone per day? o Never o 1-3 hours o 4-8 hours o 9-12 hours o Over 12+
5. Where did this dog stay when alone and why?
- 6. When left alone, did your foster dog display any of the following behaviors? o Destroys household items
o Urinates/defecates o Barks for long periods of time o Breaks out of crates o Destroys furniture/home
o None of these o Other:
7. Where did your foster dog typically stay at night and why? ______
8. What are your foster dog’s favorite games and toys?
- 9. When playing, did your foster dog do any of the following? Check all that apply. o Jump o Growl/Vocalize
o Bark o Mouths/Bites lightly o Bites hard o None of these o Other:
10. Was your foster dog allowed on furniture? o Yes o No
11. Please include any other pertinent routine information:
1. What commands does your foster dog know? o Sit o Stay o Down o Come o Heel o Give paw
o Other:
Does your foster dog perform these reliably? o Yes, all the time o No, he is unreliable o Yes, if I have a treat
o Yes, if I have a toy o No, not when he’s distracted o No, not when he’s outside
2. When off leash, does your foster dog return when called? o Yes o No o Sometimes o Never allowed off leash
3. Has your foster dog ever escaped your property? Explain.
1. Has your foster dog ever bitten anyone? o Yes o No Date of bite:
2. Did this bite break skin? o Yes o No Details:
3. Has your foster dog ever snapped at anyone? o Yes o No Details:
If yes, did this behavior occur when the dog was in pain? o Yes o No
If yes, did this behavior occur when someone was breaking up a dog fight? o Yes o No
4. Has your foster dog ever attacked another animal? o Yes o No Details:
5. Does your foster dog bark, growl or snap when strangers approach him/her? o Yes o No
6. Please check the appropriate boxes if your dog has ever been aggressive in the following situations with the following types of people:
Men / Women / Children / No history of this behaviorAggressive over food
Aggressive over bones/rawhides/chews
Aggressive over toys
Aggressive over stolen objects/food items
Aggressive when sitting next to or on a family member
Aggressive when moved off furniture
If any of the boxes were checked, please explain the situation(s) in detail:
Please write a few sentences about your dog for use in their Adoption write-up.
O/G Surrender / Witness / No Admit/Request / Evaluator:Category / Range / A / B / C / D / F / Range
Social Int. / Friendly / Aggressive
Body Lang. / Soft eyes/body / Lunging/Growling/Snapping
Stress Level / Calm / Shedding/Displacing/Avoidance
Food Bowl / Leaves Food to Greet / Leaves Bowl to Bite
Toy / No interest in toy / Leaves Toy to Bite
Resources / No Interest in bone / Leaves Bone to Bite
A = Soft, gentle, friendly, people motivated, solicitous, placid, inviting
B = Relaxed, friendly, raised paw, lip licking, solicitous, slightly more exuberant than an A dog, may appear apologetic if startled
C = Independent, maybe a bit rough, reactive, aroused, mouthy, exhibits some displacement such as sniffing, climbing
D = Stiffens, freezes, cautious, tentative, highly aroused, kinetic, serious, very rough (brutal), height seeking body checking
F = Lunging, snapping, combative, sustained eye contact, hard eye, tight mouth, bite attempt
For Intake History, record owner responses below.
Loves Children / Has / Will Lunge Or Show Aggression
Intake Hist. / Loves Dogs / Has / Will Attack Dogs
Loves Cats / Has / Will Attack Cats
No Medical Issues / Medical Approval Required