MEETING SUMMARY FOR August 16th, 2017

The Grayson County Middle School Site-Based Council met in regular session on August 16th, 2017. Members in attendance were: Gary Parker; Ellen Thomas; Tracie Johnston; Shannon Loughran;

Kari Ray; Jacqueline Stanton; and Sheila Meredith, Director of Federal Programs- central office liaison Guests: Jim Blain, Director of Federal Programs

The agenda and the July 19th and July 24th, 2017 council minutes were approved as printed. There was no public comment.

In Cougar Pride Reports/Student Achievement-

-GCMS 7th grade football team won their first game of the season on August 10th.

-Staff members are looking at student KPREP Scores and Star Data information.

-August 1st vision meetings with community members went well.

-Mr. Morgan is working with committees to get more community involvement.

Jim Blain explained the regulations and categories in which the district set asides federal money from the Title 1 funds.

School Improvement Plan will be reviewed by faculty on September 1st and presented to the council at their next meeting.

The financial report was accepted as printed.

In personnel-

-Jessica Bandy and Lauren Cooper have been recommended for the one-on-one aide positions.

-Century 21 Grant positions were recommended for hire as needed.

-Lists of names for the extra service positions and the booster officers were presented to the council.

It was consensus of the council to allow staff donated funds to be deposited into the internal accounts to be used for a staff “Sunshine Club” account.

Fundraiser requests were approved as presented from the boys basketball boosters, band boosters, girls basketball boosters, BETA Club, football boosters and volleyball boosters, A school-wide walkathon was also approved for September 29th, 2017. School pictures will be taken on August 18th, 2017 and make-up pictures September 15th, 2017. Yearbooks will be sold on-line thru Herff Jones .

Overnight requests were also approved for selected students to attend KYA November 30th-December 2nd, 2017.

The council reviewed the bylaws and polices-Committee, Curriculum/Instructional, Sports and Extra-Curricular and Wellness. Technology policy review was tabled and will be addedon next month’s council agenda.

The council approved the School Values/Vision/Mission statements.

There were no faculty or parent concerns. The next council meeting is September 20th, 2017, 3:15 p.m.