Winnipeg’s Aboriginal population is one of the fastest-growing segments of our society. Nearly one in ten Winnipeggers identifies as First Nation, Inuit, or Metis. As part of its community investment strategy,United Way currently funds ten aboriginal-led agencies. This investment totals approximately $1.5M, which represents nine percent of United Way’s total investments.
To further this investment, United Way of Winnipeg invites Winnipeg’s Aboriginal-led agencies to consider this 2014 time-limited funding opportunity to contribute to strong communities and to enhance the agency’s own capacity and effectiveness.
United Way is seeking to fund organizations that have a clear plan to achieve one or more of the following outcomes related to strong communities:
Community members have increased feelings of safety and belonging, both physically and culturally;
Community members have the opportunity to be the voice of their community and participate in the life of their community;
Community members have increased access to opportunities that foster health and enable people to be well.
Organizations must be Aboriginal-led. For the purpose of this opportunity, this is defined as:
- An organization’s original mandate is to provide services delivered by and for the Aboriginal community;
- Greater than 50% of an organization’s board members and staff/leadership identify as Aboriginal individuals;
- An organization’s leadership has an understanding of and commitment to honouring Aboriginal traditions, values, and cultures;
- An organization empowers Aboriginal people to build a sense of esteem, pride, and belonging;
- An organization builds a sense of community among Aboriginal peoples, going beyond economic needs and generating mechanisms for democratic participation.
Organizations/projects must have a mandate to foster healthy communities and must track indicators related to the outcomes listed above;
Requests could include: core (unrestricted) dollars, orfunding for specific projects/programs, evaluation, collaborations, or other ways to enhance an agency’s overall capacity and effectiveness;
Organizations must be located in Winnipeg with a primary impact in Winnipeg;
Organizations currently receiving funding from United Way of Winnipeg will not be considered;
Capital projects and funding for special events will not be considered.
Available Funding
The total amount of investment available is between $100,000 and $150,000. United Way will consider funding projects up to 24 months in length, inclusive of evaluation. Submissions at this time may also be considered if additional funds become available in 2015.
Submission Process
- Interested parties should complete the attached Letter of Intent and submitit electronicallyas a Word Document by Friday, October 3rd;
- United Way will promptly acknowledge receipt of all Letters of Intent;
- The Letters of Intent will be reviewed by a selection committee made up of staff and United Way volunteers,and a response will be sent out by the end of October 2014;
- On the basis of the information received, some organizations will be asked to submit a detailed proposal for further consideration.
Charitableand Non-Profit Status
Organizations seeking to apply must bea non-profit agency,andpreference will be given to those agencies that are registered as a charity with Canada Revenue Agency. Additional consideration will be given to organizations that are:
- eligible for registration (and intending to do so)
- or affiliated with a registered charity
Submitting Letter of Intent
Submissions to be addressed to the attention of:
Cathy Rushton, Chair, Community Investment
- Email your Letter of Intent and any attachments to October 3rd, 2014
- While electronic documents are preferred, a hard copy of your application may be sent to 580 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1C7 if necessary. Your Letter of Intent and any attachments must be received by October 3rd, 2014
For more information, please call Erin Edwardsat204-924-4294
Aboriginal-Led Agencies
Letter of Intent Instructions
- Save this document to your own computer; otherwise any changes you make to the attached form will be lost.
- Fill out the Letter of Intent electronically (after saving it to your computer and deleting the first three instruction pages) and email a Word version of the form to the attention of Cathy Rushton, Chair, Community Investment at
- Incomplete letters of inquiry will not be reviewed
- Letters of inquiry should be no longer than four pages total or they will not be reviewed
- All applicants will receive email confirmation of receipt
- If you have any questions concerning the Letter of Intent or this funding opportunity, call or emailErin Edwards at 204-924-4294 or
Agencies submitting a letter of intent will be notified of the status of their request at the end of October 2014.
(See following page for Letter of Intent form)
Letter of Intent
1.Contact information
Organization name:
Address:Postal Code:
Contact Person:
type of funding requested (General Operating, project, other):
Amount of funding requested: $______over a period of _____ months (max. 24)
Total Organization budget: $______
Total project budget (If requesting project support): $______
2. Charitable and Non-Profit Status
Please select one of the following:
The organization has a registered charity number; or,
Is eligible for registration (and planning to register); or,
Is affiliated with a registered charity (name of charity)______
3. Mission, Vision, and Value Statement(s) ofAgency
4. Agency Description (1 paragraph maximum)
5. Description of Activities for which you are seeking funding
Elaborate upon eachof the following: (maximum 1 page total)
NOTE: If you are applying for general operating support, tell us about your agency.
If you are applying for support for a specific project, tell us about your agency and
thespecific project for which you are applying.
Describe the community/neighbourhoodin which the agency/project works
What is the demonstrated need that the agency/project addresses?
How is your projectinnovative and creative?
What methods or activities are or willbe used to address this need
- The agency/project is aimed at achieving the following outcome(s)
Please check the box(es) below and briefly describe how the outcomes(s) are evaluated at your agency: (1 paragraph maximum)
NOTE: If you are applying for general operating support, tell us about your agency’s outcomes. If you are applying for support for a specific project, tell us about the outcomes of both your agency and the specific project for which you are applying.
Community members have increased feelings of safety and belonging, both physically and culturally;
Community members have the opportunity to be the voice of their community and participate in the life of their community;
Community members have increased access to opportunities that foster health and enable people to be well
7. Why should United Way of Winnipeg consider an investment in your agency/project? (1 paragraph maximum)