Hawkhurst House
Business Continuity Plan
Document Information
Author / Lead / Ernie Graham
Date of Last Review Date
Date of Next Formal Review / 08/12/18
Contact /
Number Version / Date Version / Nature of Change / Date Approved
Scope of the plan
This Plan applies to all services (including contracted services) within the remit of Hawkhurst House.
Aim of Plan
The aim of this plan is to set out the procedures and strategies to be followed in the event of a business disruption affecting the ability of the Home to deliver services as usual.
The plan will be made available to all staff, including subcontractors and main suppliers where necessary. A restricted version (not including confidential information such as staff personal contact details) can be made available to local responding organisations on request. A copy of the plan will also be kept off-site by the Hawkhurst House manager and located at the owner’s and manager’s homes.
A hard copy of this plan together with Hawkhurst House’s other emergency documentation will be kept in a folder located in the RN office.
PART 1: Business Impact Analysis: Identifies your requirements for continuing your key functions
LIST all of the activities which you provide and then prioritise your critical activities (including staff). Once this is done, imagine that the normal provision of the activity has been disrupted – the cause is not important.
PEOPLE / Key staffkey skills
Expertise /competence required
Minimum staffing levels required to continue /recover key functions
PREMISES / Key facilities
Key equipment
Key resources
Specialist Equipment
Security / restrictions
Alternative sites
Alternative facilities
PROCESSES / Key processes
Critical periods
Key IT systems / applications
Key documentation / data
Record keeping requirements
Key communication requirements
PROVIDERS / Key dependencies (supply and receipt)
Key suppliers
Key contractors / service providers / suppliers
Reciprocal arrangements in place with other organisations
PROFILE / Key stakeholders
Legal / statutory / regulatory requirements
Vulnerable groups
ASSESS whether the activity needs to be resumed in the timescales according to the priority classification table contained below:
1 / Activity needing to be restored within 0-3 hours of disruption2 / Activity needing to be restored within 24 hours
3 / Activity needing to be restored within 3 working days
4 / Activity needing to be restored within 7 working days
5 / Activity which can be restored progressively after 7 working days
LIST each Priority 1,2,3,4, and 5 activity. These priorities are not set in stone – they are an estimate and will need to be reviewed at the time of a disruption in respect of the nature of the disruption.
Our Priority 1 Activities Are:
Minimum levels of staff to care for residents
(Activity to be restored within 0-3 hours)
Numbers will alter dependent on occupancy levels and needs of residents and to ensure sufficient staff are available:
· Call upon own staff to increase availability
· Reallocate staff providing non-essential roles to areas of high need
· Call upon assistance of staff from sister homes
· Call upon relative support and attendance
Provision of food and drink for service users and Cooking facilities
· Adapt menu choices to fit with equipment /power available
· Prepare food at Cornford House and transport to Hawkhurst House.
· Allocate staff accordingly to provide sufficient manpower
· Provision of insulated secure travelling containers and maintain temperature monitoring records
· Adapt menu to produce low risk foods that will not deteriorate during travel
· Provision of fresh water as in Priority 2
· Provision of extra drinks and foods that can supplement fresh water and fresh meals
Our Priority 2 Activities Are: Suitable environment to house residents
including utilities (water, electricity, gas for light, heating, hot and cold water)
(Activity to be restored within 12 hours)
If service can continue in house consider:
· Provision of generator to provide energy
· Limit use of electrical items/lighting to essentials to maximise output of generator
· Provision of fresh bottled water via food suppliers, South East Water and local purchasing and separate non- drinking water supply for use in toilets and sluices
· Establish whether fresh water can be sourced from neighbouring buildings
If service has to relocate consider:
· Whether residents could stay with relatives on a temporary basis
· Transfer residents to sister home Cornford House 01892 823018
· Contact Social Services for assistance if vacancies limited
· Admit to hospital at last resort
· Arrange transport via hospital services, taxi firms, wheelchair friendly vehicles.
· Arrange portable kitchen if necessary
Our Priority 3 Activities Are: Provision of telephonic communications
(Activity to be restored within 3 working days)
· Permit the use of staff mobile ‘phones with agreement to reimburse cost of company usage
· Provide emergency contacts to, staff, relatives, GP, utility suppliers, clinical and medical suppliers
· Arrange off site management of incoming landline telephone calls by diverting lines via Cleanline support.
· Arrange off site accounting and invoicing to maintain this part of the business
Provision of suitable beds, bedding and clothing for residents and Provision of medication, clinical and sanitary products
· Provision of dignity screens if room sharing has to be in place
· Arrange delivery of supplies (medication, medical, clinical) to location of residents if re-housed. Order extra sanitising gels, wipes and sprays to maintain infection control.
· Cornford House will store medication at correct temperature if not possible in-house.
· Transport hire and manpower to move beds and equipment to any relocation address
· Enlist collection and delivery laundry service to maintain supplies during power/water shortage via Drop”n” Go on 01233 611119.
Accountability, roles of key staff, responsibility and authority
The Role of the Crisis Management Team
The role of the crisis management team is to take strategic decisions involved in restoring nursing care to service users and to ensure that communication is maintained with key partners and the media to minimise any potential negative impact for the home. All activity is to be recorded in a Decision Log.
The structure of the Crisis Management Team
Role / Designated Person / DeputyStrategic Managers / Ernie Graham / Karen Graham
Director of Operations / Dionne Lowe / Senior Nurse on shift
If an incident occurs during office hours the initial notification of an incident would be through the Duty Manager to the Registered Manager
If an incident occurs outside office hours the initial notification of an incident would be through the Duty Manager/ Registered Nurse to the Registered Manager.
Notification of staff can be undertaken using contact details held in this Plan according to the agreed cascade.
Senior nurse on shift contacts Registered Manager
(Decision is made to activate plan on standby or implement)
Checklist for Incident Manager
Actions for consideration
v Locate copy of Business Continuity Plan – in Ground floor care office
v Activate Business Continuity Plan
v Start Business Incident Log
v Obtain fullest details from callers and request further information as required
v Nominate a Business Interruption Support Officer(s)
v Brief owner/proprietor on situation
v Alert other relevant staff that Plan has been activated
v Assemble all relevant staff and assign tasks
v Ensure Service Impact Analysis is carried out
v Review Service Area Priorities in light of interruption and timing
v Activate relevant Response Strategies contained within this plan as appropriate
v Authorise all contingency expenditure as appropriate
v Continue regular briefings to staff (and media if appropriate)
v Establish recovery timetable
v Consider own domestic arrangements if situation escalates
v Consider shift working, rest periods and refreshments for all staff
v Collect and collate log sheets to prepare final report
v Provide Business Continuity Coordinator with copies of all reports
v Review arrangements in consultation with staff
v Thank all staff involved in response to business interruption
v Stand down
v Debrief
Checklist for Support Officers
Actions for consideration
v Locate copy of Business Continuity Plan – located in Ground floor care office
v Start Incident Log
v Obtain fullest details from callers and request further information as required
v Consider own domestic arrangements if situation escalates
v Prepare for and attend meetings as requested by Duty Manager
v Provide administrative support to Duty Manager
v Arrange procurement of agreed resources/services
v Maintain records of response expenditure
v Arrange coverage of personal work commitments
v Attend debrief with Service Area representatives to review
v Service Area’s response and identify areas for improvement
v Supply copies of all business interruption log sheets to Duty Manager
v Review/revise arrangements in consultation with Duty Manager and other staff
v Contribute to final debrief
Key Contact List - EXTERNAL
Ernie Graham / Proprietor / 07710504116
Amlin Insurance / Public Liability Insurance / Policy Number CC0000175047
Powercell / Generator Supplier / 0844 888 20201C
Name: / Website/Contact
Your Local Authority / Kent County Council
Local hospital – Conquest Hospital / 01424 755255
GP- North Ridge G.P. Surgery / 01580 753935
Boiler maintenance – Cube Heating / 0800 8766 579
Water Supply - Affinity
Waste Water - Southern Water / 0845 7697985
0845 2720845
Heating loss – Kent Heating Company / 01622 729825
Gas supplier– Dong Energy / 0800 0565515
Telephone provider - Cleanline / 0845 6744000
Electricity supplier – N Power / 0845 0709474
Mobile kitchen supplier /
Key Suppliers
Supplier / Provides / Telephone / E-mailClinicare / Medical/janitorial supplies / 01634 812288
Brakes Bros. / Food Supplies / 0345 606 9090
Lockhart Catering / Kitchen Equipment / 03701 678678
Veiola / General Refuge &
Re-cycle / 01634 736000
SRCL / Clinical Waste / 0333 240 4400
Waterfield Practice / Medical support / 01892 825488
Well Pharmacy / Medication & Medical supplies / 03302 23 24 25
Occupancy details:
At normal full occupancy the Home has 93 no of residents.
At normal full occupancy the Home has 93 no of beds
If room-sharing arrangements were needed at the time of disruption:
The Home could have a maximum 93 no of residents
The Home could have a maximum 93 no of beds
Ø Room-sharing arrangements
Ø Adaptation of communal or office area as temporary bedrooms
Ø Provision of emergency beds (from store, voluntary agencies, Council, or commercial sources)
Ø Relocation of residents to ‘sister’ Care Home
Ø Relocation of residents to other Care Home for which mutual aid arrangements exist
Ø Relocation of residents to family or friends in the short term
Ø Relocation of residents to bed-and-breakfast/hotel facilities in short term
Ø Relocation of residents to hospital
Ø Relocation of residents to a Council Rest Centre in the first instance
Ø Contact Council for help
Ø Contact Clinical Commissioning Group for help
Ø Ensure decision and event log is kept current
Ø Ensure families are kept current of situation
In case of relocation ensure following is recorded:
1. Names of facilities to receive the residents
2. Contacts at each facility who can ensure reception of residents
3. Means of transport of residents to designated receiving facilities
4. Names of residents transferred
5. Details of information transferred
6. Details of medication transferred
The Home has the following non-residential areas:
Ø Reception Area
Ø Sales Coordinator’s Office
Ø Function Room
Ø Staff rest room
Ø Hair Salon
Ø Training room
Ø Lower ground floor lounge and dining room
Ø Ground floor lounge and dining room
Ø First floor lounge and dining room
Ø Second floor lounge and dining room
For each of the above areas consider what feasible alternative accommodation arrangements could be made if the normal work base was no longer available.
Use the grid below to assist you.
ALTERNATIVE OPTION / Short termUp to 4
weeks / Medium term
Up to 6
months / Long term
Over 6
A: Are staff able to work from their home? / NO only Finance administrator / NO only Finance administrator / NO only Finance administrator
B: Are staff able to work from another part of the Home?
(please state options): / YES in part by delivering care on alternative unit. / YES in part by delivering care on alternative unit. / YES in part by delivering care on alternative unit.
C: Are staff able to work from the Premises of any Partner Organisations
(please state options) / YES - care staff looking after transferred residents. Catering staff producing meals and transporting. Finance admin maintaining accounts / YES - care staff looking after transferred residents. Catering staff producing meals and transporting. Finance admin maintaining accounts / YES - care staff looking after transferred residents. Catering staff producing meals and transporting. Finance admin maintaining accounts
The Home provides food to residents by the following means:
v In-house kitchen
The Home has the following in-house kitchen equipment:
v Cooker(s) / steamer
v Microwave
v Fridge(s)
v Freezer(s)
v Fryers
v Hobs
v Heated trolleys
v Dishwasher
Details of any kitchen equipment servicing arrangements:
All electrical and gas appliances are serviced yearly by external contractors.
In the event of disruption to normal catering supplies:
Ø Establish length of time the kitchen will be out of action
Ø Consider serving cold food only
Ø Consider alternative suppliers
Ø Consider using Council Meals on Wheels Service
Ø Consider hiring a mobile kitchen 008080546429
Ø Consider reciprocal agreements with nearby Care Homes
Ø Consider contacting Council and asking for activation of Crisis Purchasing
Ø Consider establishing a team of procurers who contact local
suppliers/supermarkets and ask for assistance