FROM: Sharon Ziemba, President
DATE: July 16, 2018
SUBJECT: Instructions During Fox Hollow Village Road Work /
Dear Fox Hollow Residents,
Asphalt Sealing & Striping Co. will be at FoxHollowVillage during the week of July 30th to start crack sealing on all the FoxHollowVillage roads. This work is required to prevent further degradation to our roads as we build up our reserve funds for a complete mill & repaving of the roads scheduled for 2021. The plan is as described below. Please refer to color coded map on the backside of this letter.
- Mon 7/30 & Tues 7/31 – Day 1 – BLUE section
- Wed 8/1 & Thurs 8/2 – Day 2 – PINK Section
- Friday 8/3 for RAIN DATE
- Mon 8/6 & Tues 8/7 – Day 3 – ORANGE Section
- Wed 8/8 & Thurs 8/9 – Day 4 – YELLOW Section
- Fri 8/10 for RAIN DATE
Fox Hollow has been split into sections so that residents may have access to roads while work is in progress. The contractor has planned two days for each section to allow for the sealant to dry properly.The rain datesindicated on the schedule are set aside for any section notcompleted because of excessive rainy weather. The schedule for a particular section may move up earlier or move back later depending on weather conditions but the work will proceed in the order indicated on the plan and the targeted end date should be achieved.
Using the color coded map, figure out in which section your home is located. If you plan to use your vehicle(s) at any time when your section is to be barricaded, it is strongly suggested that you find a friendly neighbor close by that will be willing to allow you to park in their driveway for few days. Please return the courtesy to others when their need arises.
Your cooperation and communications are vital for the contractor to have the work completed on a timely basis. Please contact Robbie Anderson at (352) 628-5600 if you have any questions.
The sealant is a tar-like substance and, if not fully cured, it will adhere to anything that touches it.
- DON'T walk, drive, or allow your pets on the sealant until it is cured. It will track into your home, vehicle(s), or on any surface that comes into contact with it.
- ALLOWthe sealant ample time to dry and cure.
- PLAN for the dayswhen the contractor is working in our village. If you have persons coming to your home from elsewhere, please make them aware of this situation and strongly urge them to comply.
- CHECK the Community Channel frequently for updates on road work schedule changes
Sealant Curing Time: Under ideal conditions, (i.e., sunny skies, warm temperatures, mild wind) the sealer takes 24 hours to cure enough to support foot or car traffic. Even after 24 hours, residents still need to be careful. Check your shoes before going into your home. Using common sense will save the aggravation of cleaning up problems. Remember that this is a tar-like product that belongs on your asphalt, not in your homes, vehicles, on driveways, or on sidewalks.
PLEASE NOTE: The appearance of the sealed areas on the asphalt will appear to be streaky, uneven, and wet looking for approximately 30-60 days depending on weather conditions. At that time, the pavement finish will turn to a uniform flat black. Your patience is greatly appreciated during this time of property improvement and protection.
FHVPOA and ASPHALT SEALING AND STRIPING CO, INC. will not be responsible for any damage to any vehicle or property that was willfully subjected to abuse or neglect at the time of treatment (i.e. ignoring barricades, cones or traffic tape.) Any concerns must be reported within 24 hours of occurrence. Any communication does not imply acceptance or responsibility by FHVPOA or Asphalt Sealing and Striping Co., Inc or any person employed by said company.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sharon Ziemba - President, Fox Hollow Village Property Owners Association, Inc.