May 25, 2016

TO:Elementary Principals and Secretaries

FROM:Mike Hertting, Chief of School Operations

RE:Ready-Set-Go Conferences – 2016

Following is information regarding Ready-Set-Go (RSG) conferences. Please notify your teachers and make sure they have the information they need to schedule RSG conferences in the fall. The Guidance on Madison Parent Teacher Team (MPTT) can be found here.

Guidelines we all want to adhere to for RSG:

  1. Tentative class lists, as they exist as of the last day of school, will be provided to teachers. Parents should not be contacted until after Elementary Enrollment Days that are scheduled August 18 & 19, 2016. RSG conferences can be scheduled after August 19at a time and location convenient for both the teacher and the family.
  2. The expectation is that each instructional grade level teacher will schedule conferences for each of the students assigned to his/her classroom. Teachers should make every reasonable effort to accommodate parents’ schedules so every family has an RSG conference.
  3. Teachers should work with principals and ELL staff to schedule conferences when translators are needed.
  4. RSG conferences should be completed by October 3. Teachers should schedule conferences at times that do not conflict with staff meetings or team meetings.
  5. Up to 15 minutes per conference can be designated as preparation time. It may be that preparation takes less than 15 minutes, but the maximum that can be claimed for compensation purposes is 15 minutes. These 15 minutes are given only once. For example, if a conference has to be rescheduled, only 15 minutes is given for prep.
  6. Conferences are limited to 15 minutes in length. Teachers will not be reimbursed for more than 30 minutes per conference (15 minutes prep + 15 minutes conference).
  7. Teachers shall be compensated for up to two parent “no shows” per student at 15 minutes per conference.
  8. If teachers team, they both cannot get paid for RSG conferences for the same students. They can either divide the class or if they choose to jointly hold the conferences they must then divide the compensation.
  9. Example: Joe Smith is an ELL student and both the classroom teacher and the ESL/BRT teacher are participating in the conference with the parent. The conference lasted 15 minutes. Whichever teacher did the prep for the conference (only one) will be compensated up to 15 minutes.
  10. Cross categorical teachers will only be compensated for conferences for students on their caseload.
  11. A BRS should only be a part of the meeting if the parent needs translation.
  12. Teachers are required to fill in and return to you the RSG Conference – Teacher Summary Sheet. These Teacher Summary Sheets are due to the principals or secretary no later than October 7.
  13. Please read the compensation guidelines on the back of the Teacher Summary Sheet carefully and adhere to the exact number of hours noted there for compensation.

Please note the following process.

  1. All teachers must fill out and return the RSG Conference – Teacher Summary Sheet to their principal at the completion of conferences, or no later than October 7.
  2. Principal or secretary will check the forms for accuracy and sign approval of the level and type of compensation.
  3. After principal approval, school secretaries should enter extended employment and keep track of release time.Additions to PSLA will be sent to Human Resources from the Chief of School Operations office.
  4. To enter release time in Munis – use code 326
  5. For teacher extended employment: use account number


(Sub code 292)

  1. Following the completion of all conferences, principal or secretary will complete the RSG and MPTT - School Summary Form.
  2. The original approved and signed Teacher Summary Sheets and the School Summary Formare to be turned in to the Chief of School Operations office no later than October 28,2016.Please make copies to retain in the school.