To: Cllrs Atherton, Bailey, Bell, Crawford, Hardisty, Kennedy, Mackrell, Makin, Reade, Sutherland, Taylor Warrilow and Dereli,

You are summoned to attend an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 13th December 2017 at 7pm, at the Grove Community Centre.


  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this Agenda, or brought up at any point in this Meeting.
  3. To receive any issues raised or comments from members of the public present.
  4. To approve and sign the Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on the 8th November 2017
  5. To consider the co-option of a parish councillor for Stanley ward.
  6. To receive report from Police.
  7. To receive reports from Borough/County Councillor(s)
  8. Finance
  9. To note the minutes of the finance working group meeting held on 27th November 2017.
  10. To consider the recommendations of the Finance Working Group as follows
  11. To receive the bank reconciliation to 31st October 2017
  12. To provide a petty cash float for general sundry items of £100.
  13. To receive and approve CIL Report
  14. To approve banking authority for new clerk
  15. To award grants as follows
  16. Nifty Fifties £1000
  17. Sporting Challenge £125
  18. Time Savers £150
  19. To approve payments associated with Armistice Day:
  20. £500 for RBL, costs associated with Remembrance Sunday
  21. £250 for refreshments at Booths on 11th November 2017
  22. Costs of sound engineers at both events
  23. To consider budget
  24. To approve items for payment as follows:
  1. To consider attendance and to formulate an agenda for the meeting with Rachael Crompton
  2. YOBs (Youth of Burscough)
  3. To receive report on progress and against A4A grant
  4. To consider development of proposed youth job club and links with Business Network
  5. To consider the results of YOBs survey regarding need for skate/bmx/activity park
  6. Proposed Bridge over canal and associated land purchase for Bridge Access and Recreation
  7. To consider purchase of land at School Lane
  8. To consider final report from consultant design engineers and recommendations from NRE
  9. To consider next actions required
  10. To consider taking part in the RBL Centenary Fields Project
  11. Neighbourhood Planning
  12. To note the minutes of the Neighbourhood Planning Working Group held on 5th December 2017.
  13. To consider the recommendation of the Neighbourhood Planning Working Group, that following consideration of all comments received during the Reg14 Consultation the revised draft Neighbourhood Plan as circulated be approved.
  14. To note the timetable for the final stages of the neighbourhood plan
  15. To consider funding for final stages of Neighbourhood Plan
  16. To consider next actions
  17. Street Scene
  18. To note the minutes of the Street Scene Working Group held on 28th November 2017.
  19. To consider the recommendations of the Street Scene Working Group as follows:
  20. To consider the provision of a bench and flower beds at Briars Lane, to commemorate the service of Cllr Bullen.
  21. To consider the provision of a bus shelter at Ringtail Retail Park
  22. To review arrangements for Christmas Decorations and to consider contract for 2018 and thereafter
  23. To consider provision of replacement litter bin at Mere Avenue Play Area
  24. To consider jet-washing benches at Mere Avenue Play Area
  25. To consider the provision of winter bedding
  26. To consider working with Community Farm to trial filled hanging baskets and barrier baskets
  27. Outside committees:
  28. Burscough Business Network
  29. Burscough Flood Group
  30. To receive reports re other outside committees and events attended by members
  31. To consider appointments to outside Committees
  32. Grove Youth and Community Centre
  33. Youth of Burscough
  34. Flooding: to consider support for Burscough Flood Group proposal to the leader of WLBC regarding minimising impact of development at Yew Tree Farm
  35. Youth Group:
  36. To receive progress report
  37. To consider how we ensure continuity and success
  38. To consider any further actions required
  39. To consider Planning App 2017/0158/ARM Abbey Lane 110 residential properties and provision of crossing on A59
  40. To consider the response to Burscough PC’s complaint regarding the recommendations for Meadowbrook planning application
  41. Victoria Park: to consider triggering moratorium on Victoria Park
  42. Issues of Youth nuisance, abuse and vandalism at the Wharf
  43. Personnel:
  44. To consider recommendations of the personnel working group as follows:
  45. To agree clerks contract
  46. To agree finance officer’s contract
  47. To consider staff signatories to bank account
  48. To consider Appointments to Committees and Working Groups
  49. Review of members allowances/expenses
  50. Christmas Decorations: to consider review of contract and report from clerk (verbal)
  51. To consider Fair Trade Refreshments at meetings.
  52. Personnel:
  53. To note the minutes of the Personnel Working Group
  54. To review contracts for new Clerk and Finance Officer in line with Personnel Working Group’s recommendations and to sign same.
  55. To consider Clerk’s membership of SLCC.
  56. Time and date of next meeting


Tess Reddington, Clerk to Burscough Parish Council,

7th December 2017

Note: Members of the Public are very welcome to attend Parish Council meetings, listen to proceedings, and address the meeting about items relating to Parish Council business. Time allowed for residents to speak may be limited and is at the Chairman’s discretion. Recording of meetings is permitted but please advise the Chairman if you intend to record any part of the meeting so that members of the public present can be made aware. If you would like to receive electronic copies of agendas for future meetings please contact the Parish Council Clerk, Burscough Parish Council, Martland Mill, Mart Lane, Burscough, L40 0SD or email