
Training in Painting Therapy

First Year

Module I

A preparationin light, colour and darkness

09.04 – 04.05.2018

This year consists of 2 fulltime modules each one lasting 4 weeks.This year is a preparation for the coming 8 therapeutic

modules for the following 4years.The foundation of this course is the book ‘Colour’ by Liane Collot d’ Herbois.

Week 1Introduction to how the creative activities of warmth/darkness and light bringsmovement, atmosphere,

09.04 – 13.04colour, form and substanceinto being. We shall practice this as we experience these phenomena

in ourdirect surroundings.

How are our senses connected with this process?The 12 – fold human being.

-Introductions by a teacher in painting therapy

-Observation and drawing, light and darkness work with charcoal and veil painting.

Practical lessons by a teacher in painting therapy

-Medicalwork with a doctor

Week 2We shall explorehow the forces of light and darkness create movement, space and atmosphere: the medium

16.04 – 20.04forthe world ofcolour.

How these phenomena influence the elements in the world around us andhow the forces of light and darkness

create and influence continuously the working of the 4 sheathes inthe human being.

-Introductions by a teacher in painting therapy

-Observation and drawing, light and darkness work with charcoal and veil painting.

Practical lessons by a teacher in painting therapy

-Medical work with a doctor

Week 3We shall explore how colour is an expression of visible movement, which is the creation of light and darkness

23.04 – 27.04andhow the seven organs in the human being are an expression of this creating of movement by lightand

darkness.The 7 – fold human being.

-Introductions by a teacher in painting therapy

-Light and darkness work with charcoal and veil painting.

Practical lessons by a teacher in painting therapy

-Medical work with a doctor

Week 4The impulses of light and darkness create both the forces of destruction and the forces of creative life giving.

30.04 – 04.05Out of this polarity rhythm arises.We shall observe these polarities in the world around us and bring them into relation with The 3 – fold human being.

-Introductions by a teacher in painting therapy

-Observation and drawing.

Practical lessons by a teacher in painting therapy

-Light and darkness work with charcoal and veil painting.

Practical lessons by a teacher in painting therapy

-Medicalwork with a doctor

N.B. All course weeks can also be followed separately.

Best wishes, Paul and Josine Hutchison

January 2018

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