TO: Churches hosting the BIG Big Band From Sweden

FROM: Dave Anderson

RE: Rooming list

DATE: March 23, 2016

Hi friends.

Final details of the BIG Big Band From Sweden’s tour are finally coming together. Posters will go in the mail this week.

Here is the group’s personnel list with roommate preferences. We have identified MC=married couple, F=female and F=male and Families.

If someone can house two sets of females or males, just put to sets together. Women are ok to sleep together, but not the men. Sleeping can be in beds, hide-a-beds, futons, sleeping bags on a sofa, motor homes/travel trailers…just about anything except tents.

I have often made the suggestion that 2-3-4 other churches be requested to help with housing. Perhaps someone in your church would be willing to make such calls. If someone on our staff needs to help with that, please give us church names and whatever contact information you have.

All band members speak English.

If you have some professional musicians/teachers in your congregation, I would suggest you house the band’s director, Ingemar Karp and his wife with them. Also, Vincent Nilsson, one of the most famous jazz trombonists in Northern Europe would, I’m sure, love to stay with someone who loves jazz music.

There is another group of 15 people (identified as “staying in motel”) coming on the tour. I have told the Swedes that they cannot expect home housing for that group so they will be staying in a motel in your area (unless, of course, you have a bumper crop of host homes). I am asking if you would be willing to add some water to the soup for the meal before the concert so those extra folks can have a meal with the band. I have told the Swedes that that may not always be possible so they are prepared to find a restaurant.

Roger Walck and I will be driving two vans. We are happy for home housing. If you go to and click on concert handbook, you will find out “stuff” about Dave Anderson and Roger Walck. Roger and I are normally in nine or ten congregations each month for weekend services and/or evening worship concerts.

Thank you for taking on this project. One more word: you will NOT be disappointed in the music and the witness which will come from the BIG Big Band From Sweden.