To become an academic advising program that enhances the experience of all undergraduate engineering students at the University of California, Davis, and that sets the standard for excellence in advising.


The College of Engineering’s Academic Advising mission is to provide timely and accurate advising to cultivate connections, success, and advancement in engineering excellence. We empower and support students with achieving their educational, professional, and personal goals; and we advocate for our students and programs through campus partnerships.


Our overarching programmatic goals for Engineering Academic Advising are the same as the campus-wide aspirational goals established by the University Academic Advising Council’s Assessment Task Force. They are as follows:

Informational Guidance – Students will know, access, and use appropriate resources, tools, and strategies to navigate the complexity of the University.

Growth and Development – Students will use self-reflective practices to inform decisions about educational, career, and life goals as these connect to personal skills, interests, and abilities.

Intellectual Mentorship – Students will develop academic and professional relationships appropriate for active and intentional participation in a vibrant community of learning and scholarship.


With the belief that advising is an integral piece of the institutional teaching mission, the following are the learning outcomes we hope students achieve through engaging with the College of Engineering Academic Advising team.

As a result of engaging in the academic advising process, students will be able to:

  • Identify resources and programs to help to be successful;
  • Access and use resources and programs to help to be successful;
  • Understand degree requirements;
  • Understand campus and college policies and procedures;
  • Connect and engage with the college and campus community, including other students, faculty, staff, and administrators;
  • Develop and enact their educational, career, and life goals;
  • Increase self-awareness and self-knowledge (skills, interests, abilities, etc.) and how those interact with their educational, career, and life goals;
  • Increase competency with academic and personal skills to aid in their success as a student, as a professional, and as a person;
  • Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (ABET, 2016).


As a result of training and professional development, advisors will be able to:

  • Communicate with students, faculty, administrators, staff, and other professionals. (r)
  • Respond to others with respect (r)
  • Respond to others with empathy (r)
  • Respond in a timely manner to students. (r)
  • Be responsive to change. (r)
  • Actively and respectfully advocate for students. (c)
  • Actively and respectfully advocate for themselves professionally. (c)
  • Understand the academic & institutional requirements, policies, and procedures (i)
  • Actively assist students with problem solving. (c, i)
  • Connect students to appropriate referrals on campus and in the community (c,i)
  • Understand the theories, approaches, and scholarship/literature on advising that can be useful when advising students. (c)
  • Apply the theories, approaches, and scholarship/literature on advising when advising students. (c)

(c) Conceptual

(r) Relational

(i) Informational