

Report to: / EXECUTIVE / Decision number:
Earliest date for decision: / 21stJULY 2010


1.0 / Matter for consideration:
1.1 / The North West England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan review (SMP2), which sets the management policy for the Blackpool Coastline for the next 100 years.
2.0 / Recommendation(s):
2.1 / To adopt the policies set out in the North West England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan for the Blackpool Coastline.
3.0 / Category grouping: / Corporate/Strategic
4.0 / Corporate Performance Plan Objective :
Goal 2: Develop a Safe, Clean and Pleasant Place to Live, Work and Visit
5.0 / Information
5.10 / Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs) are part of the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management planning framework. The SMP sets the long term policy for the management of the coast and is taken forward through shoreline strategies and schemes.
This is the first review of the Shoreline Management Plan that was undertaken over 10 years ago and the review was started in 2008. Blackpool is part of Coastal Cell 11, which runs from Great Ormes Head in Llandudno to the Scottish Border in the Solway Firth, and in this review there is one SMP2 for the whole length, including the many large estuaries.
As part of the North West England and North Wales Coastal Group, Blackpool Council has taken the lead on procuring a consultant to undertake the SMP2 and managing the SMP2 process on behalf of all the Coastal Authorities and the Environment Agency. Blackpool Council gained funding from Defra (now administered through the Environment Agency) to undertake the SMP for the English coastline and Conwy County Borough Council gained funding from the Welsh Assembly Government for the Welsh coastline. Following the relevant procedure Blackpool Council contracted with Halcrow Group consultants to assist with production of the SMP2.
The SMP2 has been undertaken in stages in accordance with the Defra 2006 guidance, which is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government. The guidance gives four possible policy options:
Hold the Line- maintain the existing coastline position
Advance the Line- move the coastline seaward
Managed Realignment- manage the movement of the coastline either landward or seaward
No Active Intervention- No significant public money put into management of the coastline.
The guidance states that a policy needs to be assigned to lengths of coastline over 100 years in each of three time epochs:
Short term- 0-20years
Medium term- 20-50years
Long term- 50-100years
The draft SMP2 was published for public consultation from October 2009 to February 2010 with comments in some areas being allowed until the end of March 2010. The draft SMP2 was available at various council buildings along the coastline and press releases were issued from each council to advertise the public consultation. In addition all of the documents were available on the Coastal Group website at . There were also public meetings and more local meetings to discuss the draft plan with stakeholders and the public.
All the comments that were received were reviewed by the project team to assess whether changes needed to be made to the draft plan. The consultant has amended the documentation as the result of changes and has written a consultation report. The consultation report which gives responses to the comments received, has been published on the Coastal Group website for Stakeholders to see. A copy of the relevant parts of this report is included in Annex 2.
The SMP2 has had to undergo a Habitats Regulations assessment to assess the impacts on European designate habitats. If there is likely to be an adverse impact on a European site then the SMP will need to go to the Secretary of State to be approved. This will have no impact on the policies for the Blackpool Coastline.
Implications for Blackpool
The draft policies for the Blackpool frontage were Hold the Line for all three time epochs and there were no objections to this during consultation. As a result there are no changes to the policies for this frontage and this will mean a continuation of the management that has been ongoing in Blackpool. The main SMP2 document along with the Policy Statements and Action Plan which cover the Blackpool Frontage, have been circulated to members under separate cover. There are also a number of appendices to the SMP2 containing supporting information which have not been included with this report.
Part of the SMP documentation is the Action Plan which sets out actions that need to be undertaken to achieve the policy. Delivery of the SMP Action Plan forms part of the NI189 score for Blackpool Council.
5.11 / Does the information submitted include any exempt information? / NO
6.0 / Legal considerations:
6.1 / None
7.0 / Personnel considerations:
7.1 / None
8.0 / Financial considerations:
8.1 / Without adoption of the Shoreline Management Plan2, the Council will jeopardise its ability to apply for grant funding from the Environment Agency for Coast Protection Works
9.0 / Performance management considerations:
9.1 / None
10.0 / Risk management considerations:
10.1 / The proposal will provide the Council with a tool to deliver sustainable development, flood and coastal erosion risk management over the long term. It should be used as evidence in the Local Development Frameworks.
11.0 / Relevant Officer:
11.1 / Clare Nolan-Barnes, Head of Capital Projects
12.0 / Relevant Cabinet Member
12.1 / Councillor Mrs M. Callow JP, Tourism and Regeneration
13.0 / Consultation undertaken:
13.1 / The SMP2 for North West England and North Wales underwent full public consultation between October 2009 and February 2010. The public were invited to make comments either in writing, via email, or in person at one many consultation events that were held along the coast. A report detailing the consultation in the Blackpool area is included in Annex 2.
14.0 / Background papers:
14.1 / North West England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan 2 Main Document and Policy Statements covering the Blackpool Coastline (Annex 1)Relevant parts of the SMP2 Consultation Report (Annex 2)
15.0 / Key decision information:
15.1 / Is this a key decision? / YES
15.2 / If so, Forward Plan reference number: / 8/2010
15.3 / If a key decision, is the decision required in less than five days? / NO
15.4 / If yes, please describe the reason for urgency:
16.0 / Reasons for Recommendations
16.1 / Adoption of the SMP2 will allow Blackpool Council to continue to apply for Grant in Aid from the Environment Agency for Flood and Coast Protection Schemes.Adoption of the SMP2 will give Blackpool Council a tool to deliver sustainable development, flood and coastal erosion risk management over the long term.Adoption of the SMP2 will meet Defra's Outcome Measure 9 target.
16.2a / Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy adopted or approved by the Council? / NO
16.2b / Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved budget? / YES
16.3 / Other alternative options to be considered:
17.0 / Call-in information:
17.1 / Are there any grounds for urgency, which would cause this decision to be exempt from the call-in process? / NO
17.2 / If yes, please give reason:


18.0 / Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman (where appropriate):
Date informed: / 13th July 2010 / Date approved: / N/A
19.0 / Declarations of interest (if applicable):
20.0 / Executive decision:
20.2 / Date:
20.3 / Reason(s) for decision:
21.0 / Date of publication:
22.0 / Call-in:
23.0 / Notes: