TO: Arkansas Democrat Gazette FROM: Arkansas Building Authority
Legal Advertising 501 Woodlane Drive, Suite G 05
P.O. Box 1821 Little Rock, AR 72201
Little Rock, AR 72203 (501) 682-5574; fax (501) 682-5560
Please insert the following Notice to Bidders in the appropriate column of your paper with your issued dated November 25, 2012, November 30, 2012 and December 2, 2012
Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism
One Capitol Mall, Suite 4B.215
Little Rock, AR 72201
Randy Roberson, 501-682-6930
Please Fax A Copy Of The Advertisement Proof To: 501-682-5560
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM, December 18, 2012 in the Conference Room, Arkansas Building Authority, Construction Section, 501 Woodlane Drive, Suite G 05, Little Rock, Arkansas for the following:
Construction of Trail Development & Barton Visitor Center Parking and Access Improvements for the Delta Heritage Trail State Park located in West Helena, Arkansas for the Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism PR #9001303R
BID DOCUMENTS: The official version of the complete set of the Contract documents should be examined and are obtainable from ETI Corporation, 6799 Great Oaks Road, Suite 100, Memphis, TN 38138, (901) 758-0400. Bidders must deposit a check in the amount of $100.00 per set, payable to ETI Corporation. Deposits will be refunded to all prime bidders who return bidding documents in good condition within ten (10) days after the opening of bids. A bidder receiving a contract award may retain the bidding documents and the Bidder's deposit will be refunded.
DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ETI Corporation, 6799 Great Oaks Road, Suite 100, Memphis, Tennessee 38138, (901) 758-0400.
The Arkansas Department of Labor's Prevailing Wage Rates shall apply to this project. A bid security in the amount of 5% shall accompany each bid, if the bid is in excess of $20,000.00.
The Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism, State Parks Division, hereby notifies all bidders that this contract is subject to applicable labor laws, non-discrimination provisions, wage rate laws, other federal laws, including Fair Labor Standards Acts 1938. The Work Hours Act 1962 and Title VI of Civil Rights Act 1964 also apply.
Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 22-9-203, the State encourages all small, minority, and women business enterprises to submit bids for capital improvements. Encouragement is also made to all general contractors that in the event they subcontract portions of their work, consideration is given to the identified groups.
The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formalities.