CIS350 Web Programming II

Spring 2017

Instructor: Professor John Peterson

Office and contact info: Hurst 114 943-2392

Meetings: 2:00pm – 3:15pm, TTh, Hurst 101

Class webpage: All assignments can be found in the wiki.

Office hours: Wednesday 7:30pm – 9:30pm (library basement), Tuesday / Thursday 9am – 10am (office), Monday 2pm-3pm (office) I am around many more hours than this; email or knock anytime.

Topics: A study of client-server applications designed around the World Wide Web. We will study server-based web frameworks such as Rails or Django.HTML5, Restful Programming, and Javascript libraries such as JQuery and Node.

Text: None

Tests: There will be occasional small quizzes, usually on Friday. There will be no final other than a project presentation. Quizzes are 10% of the final grade.

Workshops: Students teams will be assigned two workshops – a combination of presentation, examples, and homework assignment. The will last the entire class period. This is 60% of the final grade.

Final Project: Student teams will be responsible for a final project and presentation. This counts for 30% of your grade.

Late Work: late work will NOT be acceptable. Programs can be submitted at most one class late, which will lower the grade by one letter.

Submitting Assignments: Submit all assignments through my drop off folder. Submit a copy of the entire workspace and name the top folder using your name, project #, and the word “late” if it is submitted past the deadline.

Students with Disabilities

Western State College of Colorado seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for all qualified persons with disabilities. The College will adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws; regulations; and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required, affording equal educational opportunity. It is the student's responsibility to register with the Academic Resource Center (x7056) and to contact faculty members in a timely fashion to arrange for suitable accommodations.

Academic Honesty: The academic community is operated on the basis of honesty, integrity, and fair play. Occasionally, this trust is violated when cheating occurs, either inadvertently or deliberately. You should review the portion of the College Catalog and/or the Student Handbook on academic integrity. The policy states: "Violations of academic integrity may result in the following: an ‘F’ grade or a zero for the assignment, an ‘F’ for the course, withdrawal from the course, or suspension or expulsion from the College. Serious violations of academic integrity will be reported to the Office of Academic Affairs."

Don’t copy answers on the tests!

Changes to the Syllabus: This syllabus may be altered at any time – I will announce any alterations in class and update the syllabus in the wiki.


93% - A 80% - B- 67% - D+

90% - A- 77% - C+ 63% - D

87% - B+ 73% - C 60% - D-

83% - B 70% - C- less than 60% - F