“With Love, from Vatsalya”

Volume 2: March 2008

The months of January and February have been busy ‘Wedding Months’ for the Vatsalya family. Two young daughters of our family found their life partners and gave us an opportunity to take a break from work and enjoy a long spell of festivities. Everyone had great fun and most of all, the children of Udayan- As they danced during the reception dinner; in their new dresses Manju carefully selected for each of them, about 500 guests watched them in awe and admiration. Many approached us there and then, asking if they could adopt this boy or that girl? You can imagine our joy and sense of pride!

In the middle of the celebrations, feasting and dancing, we also did some work. The following were the main activities that Vatsalya carried out:

Rural women demand their health rights:

About half a dozen consultations were organized between rural women and policy makers regarding improving the health status of women in Rajasthan. Vatsalya played the mediator as these women confronted the political leaders and representatives from health department regarding the status of antenatal, natal and postnatal care services in the rural areas. One other major issue addressed was the son preference and female feticide in Rajasthan. A research study conducted by Vatsalya has brought out some disturbing facts and is being published soon.

Economic Empowerment of rural women

Self Help Groups of rural women made beautiful jewellery in several workshops we conducted for them. These jewellery products are to be put up on exhibition cum sale in Denver by Delta sometime this summer and some of them will also be exhibited in Australia by Belinda and Caroline. While these women are paid well for their labour, they are also given a fair share of the profit earned. A good percentage of the profit is aimed to be invested in Udayan and in establishing a health care unit for these women.

Vatsalya’s latest publication

A book titled “Eighteen Million Question Marks: The Street Children of India” is published by Vatsalya. It is based on our work with underprivileged children whom we met on the streets, in the Juvenile Justice Homes run by government and some others who we had a good fortune to meet well in time and brought to Udayan. It covers the issues of these children from different perspectives, touching upon their lives as well as the policies and interventions meant for their care, protection and growth. The major part of the book is based on findings of a research study undertaken in Rajsathan’s Juvenile Justice Homes including several in-depth case studies. We have also included a chapter about Udayan in it as it is being seen as a possible model to be replicated but more importantly the book talks about how to prevent the situations that contribute in increasing the number of children on the streets.

The book is priced at Rs. 450 (US$18) and all the profit generated from the sale would go to Udayan. If you wish to get a copy, please write to us. We are planning to create a temporary ‘depot’ in the US and UK for its distribution so as to minimize the cost of transportation. Will update you on it soon.

Some Pleasant Surprises of these months

a. The Calendar

Laura J Seligman; our dear friend and sponsor of two girls at Udayan sent us yet another wonderful gift. She has designed a calendar for the year 2008 with children of Udayan featuring on the date boxes of each month when it is their birthday! It is delight for all the children to see their own smiling faces on the calendar. These are not only being admired by all, staff and children of Udayan have decided to have a local production of the same for the coming year. These calendars would make such a wonderful gift for visitors, volunteers and donors. Thank you Laura, your thoughtfulness and creativity is refreshing!

b. Diana and Alan’s Gift

About a month ago, I received a mail from Diana Turner from England who wanted to know more about Vatsalya. Then she and her husband Alan traveled to India and visited Udayan. They have shared with us that they will begin with a gift of 5000 Pound for Udayan and then in future they intend to keep involved with the work Vatsalya is doing. Diana also read the book we published and decided to support the cost of printing of the book. It has been wonderful to meet both Alan and Diana. Their humility is so inspiring!

c. ‘Conemund’ announced a Special Package

Udayan began the construction of its fifth residential unit for children with the support of Conemund, Spain. Members of Board of Conemund visited us recently and announced that they will not only support the construction of the residential unit, they will also support the cost of 12-14 children living in that unit. That makes it so much more valuable as we do struggle with meeting the operational cost. With the number of children increasing and with the children themselves growing in age, the expenses on their education and vocational training etc. are a constant challenge. Conemund’s gift of the operational support is indeed a much too desired and needed support. We are so very grateful to them.


Conny M Van Staalen decided to sponsor one child from Udayan. She permitted us to select the child and so it is our dear little Robin; who turned 11 last Christmas. Below is the update on sponsorships:

S.No. Name of the Child Name of Sponsor Country Type of Sponsorship

1. Shahina Delta Donohue USA Full

2. Nausheen Christine and Dave USA Full

3. Yasmin Caroline Poiner Australia Full

4. Devyani Belinda Clayton Australia Full

5. Sanjay Brooke Laforest Australia Full

6. Mukesh Lenka and Zac USA Full

7. Arjun Dr BBL Mathur USA Full

8. Robin Conny M Van Staal Holland Full

9. Parveen Laura J Seligman USA Full

10. Chanda Laura J Seligman USA Full

11. Nirjhara Meredith Crume USA Full

12. Manju Atal Khandelwal India Partial

13. Chandani Pratibha R Dixit India Partial

14. Mohit Apeksha Dixit India Partial

Some concerns were shared by our friends about the possible negative effects of sponsorship on those who were not chosen as yet. While we have not observed any thing really disturbing, there were feelings among some children that only the ‘bright’ ones will get sponsored. We then had several dialogues and open discussions about it with all of them and they seem to have understood the concept now. We often share with the children the huge cost that Udayan has and that how it is not possible for someone to support it entirely. Therefore, individual sponsorship is to be seen as a very suitable method of finding support for this big family. While it has nothing to do with preferring one child over another, it should be seen as an opportunity to develop a special relationship with the sponsor. It made sense to them all and they have begun to take joy in the fact that they can ‘contribute’ towards Udayan’s sustenance. When I asked Robin how he felt about being sponsored, he gave me a quick look, a sweeping smile and, as if had thought about it already, replied “Use the money for buying a new buffalo and then let us sell more milk and make more money!” Rabin’s journey to this smiling-generous- happy being is a very touching one and we all feel so proud of him. Thank you Conny, for your kind gesture!

Donations Received

The following donations were received during last two months. While some of them were sent to us directly, most were sent to NICF, which is a tax exempt non-profit organization started by Dan Eigsti in the US with Delta Donohue working as its Vice President (

Name Amount in US$ Purpose

Amanda Koster 104.00 Towards Teachers Salaries

William S Hanna 150.00 General

Nicolle Hamilton 200.00 For Children’s Books

Dan Eigsti 250.00 For Jeep Tires

Dan Eigsti 1000.00 General

Delta Donohue 1900.00 General

Randy Pankartz 100.00 General

Earl Hutt 500.00 General

Tom Schnittker 500.00 General

Paul Sadowitz 700.00 General

Belle McIntyre 500.00 General

Mike and Ann Fetters 100.00 General

Mihir Rao(Microsoft) 300.00 For bicycles

Patricia Little 225.00 General

Perri Burritt 75.00 General

Sponsorship money has also been received from Belinda, Caroline, Meredith Crume and Christine Dave Vazquez.

It feels wonderful to be joined by caring and thoughtful people from all over the world. Initially, when we started Vatsalya, it was only the ‘children’s front’ that was growing and we at times wondered as to how would we be able to keep going like that? How we will meet their needs, provide them with education and other facilities? But now, we have not only so many children but almost a compatible numbers of adults in the family. Makes is much more enjoyable to grow now. Thank you all for being there for us!

Wishing you well….

Warm regards