May 21, 2010, EMMP Conference Information 1

To: All Los Rios Students, Faculty and Staff

Fr: English Major Mentorship Program (EMMP), Sacramento City College


Conference Title:

Reel Good Reads—

The Intersection of Screen and Text

Conference Date: May 21, 2010

General Information

The English Major Mentorship Program (EMMP) invites current Los Rios Community College students from any discipline to submit papers for Sacramento City College’s first annual undergraduate EMMP conference. This year’s conference focus/title is: Reel Good Reads—The Intersection of Screen and Text. It will be held on SCC Campus, in Rhodda Hall South, on May 21, 2010. At the conference, we will examine the ways contemporary film interacts, manifests or alters literary elements and conventions—including: narrative structure; the relationship between reader and viewer; the use of tropes; the influence of literary history on contemporary film interpretation; literary theories on page and screen; genre expectations; cultural interpretations of film and text; and how film has interpreted the abstract word and device into image. Participating in this conference is a great way to get acquainted with an important and engaging aspect of academia, to hear from and support other SCC/Los Rios students, and to share your interest of film and text with others of like mind.

Call for Papers

For Consideration, Submit Papers by April 16, 2010

Papers should fit primarily into one of the following seven Panel Topics, and reference specific, detailed aspects of contemporary film, literature, and topic. Note that one of the panel topics below is connected to the conference’s “Main Event,” a screening of Memento.

1) Contemporary film that markets literature for profit

2) Contemporary film that adopts and adapts mythical or archetypal elements from literature

3) Sound effects and musical scores that shape the interpretation of film text as literature

4) Has dependency on image led to a loss of the reader’s imagination?

5) Censorship on page and screen.

6) The relationship between author and reader, or viewer and reader.

7) The “Main Event”, a screening of Memento, will be followed by a panel about the film with this emphasis: How does film in general (and Memento in particular) address the narrative conventions of literature? Do these conventions influence the way one reads the text/views the movie?

Submission Guidelines

Each speaker chosen to deliver at the conference will be given 15 minutes to present during one of five panels; this translates into about 5-7 pages of typed, double-spaced, twelve point font text. Make sure to use MLA citation in your paper, since we will not accept plagiarized material. You may refer to any cogent film(s) in your paper. By “cogent” is meant films that have either a literary antecedent or successor, or that are indicative of the relationship between film and print, as indicated by the panel topics listed above. Panels will be delivered in smart rooms on campus, so keep in mind when preparing your paper that you have the option of using additional media (power point, film clips, etc.), but a multi-media component is by no means required. (Note: Media of a pornographic, defamatory, or irrelevant nature will be automatically rejected.) We will gladly consider papers that approach the relationship between film and text through an academic lens, a cultural lens--or both. Note: Following each presenter/speaker’s 15 minutes, 5-10 minutes will be devoted to Q and A.

In order to receive consideration, final essays and other materials must be received by the EMMP no later than 12 noon, April 16, 2010.

Hard copy submissions—Los Rios students may drop off a hard copy of your paper along with a copy of your CD/DVD (if you are using one) in the SCC Language and Literature Division Office, RS226, care of Dr. Steve Cirrone by 12 noon, April 16, 2010.

Email copy submissions— Los Rios Students may email your paper as a word attachment, with any images that you plan to use, directly to: by 12 noon, April 16, 2010.

Special Submission Notes:

1) If you are planning to use movie clips, power-point or images, you must provide a CD/DVD copy of these materials with your paper.

2) All submissions should include a one paragraph synopsis of your paper’s focus and its relationship to the panel topic you have chosen to explore.

3) 5 panels of 3 student speakers each (15 total) will be chosen by conference coordinators; be aware that THIS IS A COMPETITIVE PROCESS, so make sure you submit exciting, relevant, well-documented work! Being chosen to be a speaker at this conference will look VERY IMPRESSIVE on your transfer application--and attending the conference will give your application a boost, too!

4) All submissions must include your email address, phone number and student ID number; we need this to notify you if your paper is accepted. Acceptance emails will be sent out on May 3, 2010.

If you need more information about how to submit a paper for consideration, please email Dr. Cirrone directly:

Conference Logistics

The sign-in table will open at 8:30 am, and the conference will last from 9 am until 6:30 pm on SCC Campus, May 21, 2009. Two panels (A1 and A2) will simultaneously deliver 9am-10:20am; two panels (B1 and B2) will simultaneously deliver 10:30-11:20am; conference attendees will be instructed to go “off-campus” for lunch, 12-1pm; Memento will be screened from 1-3pm; the “Main Event” panel (C) will deliver 3:20-4:50pm; Pizza dinner will be served at 5pm; roundtable discussions on multiple topics concerning undergraduate, community college English majors will be held from 5:15-6:30pm. A detailed schedule of events will be available at the sign-in table.

Registration Information

This year’s conference is only open to students, faculty and staff of Los Rios. This year’s conference can only accommodate 100 attendees—so please sign up early!

Be a part of this unique experience and join your peers for a day of interesting academic and cultural conversations!

The cost to attend the conference is $12 each ($15 each at the door); this price includes: an all day pass to attend the conference and movie, campus parking permit for the day if needed, lunch discount vouchers from local food merchants that will be given to you when you sign-in during the registration hour (8:30am-9:30am, RS222) on the day of the conference, 2-slice pizza/soda dinner served at conference. A registration form to attend the conference has been attached. You must officially register for the conference in order to attend. Please fill out and use the attached registration form; bring filled out form and $12, each, fee (cash or personal check made out to cash) to SCC’s Business Office, Rhodda North—First Floor, by 12 noon, May 7, 2010. (Note: You may register up to 4 attendees on the same form, and pay for up to 4 attendees at the same time at the Business Office.)

Special Note to Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff are welcome to register and attend the conference; however, only Los Rios students may submit a paper for consideration. The EMMP encourages Los Rios faculty to consider using the conference foci to inform a class written assignment this term, if applicable—and please encourage your students to submit papers for the conference! Also, if you are interested in being a faculty chaperone for the conference, please contact Steve Cirrone via Los Rios internal work-email. Thank you!