In Sport, Recreation and Allied Occupations

Level 2 - Coaching,

Adults and Children

Candidate Portfolio

Unit D 13

Establish and maintain relationships

that support the coaching process

Produced with the assistance of the National Coaching Foundation

Unit D13 Establish and maintain relationships which support the coaching process

Unit summary

This page sums up the main points that the unit covers. Candidates and assessors should read it as an introduction only. It should not be used to carry out assessments. Assessment should be done using pages xx.

About this unit

This unit is about a coach developing and maintaining effective relationships with participants and other people and organisations. The unit also requires the coach to be able to identify and report signs of possible abuse of participants to an appropriate person. The sport's technical definition will define the target group for the unit i.e.: adults and/or children.

This unit is probably best assessed in conjunction with D44 - Conduct coaching sessions and aspects of D43 Prepare for coaching sessions. If Unit D36 - Support the protection of children from abuse, has been chosen as an option by the candidate or context, evidence for element D13.3 may contribute significantly to it.

Who is this unit for?

The unit is aimed at people who have some basic training and experience of coaching and are capable of safely running sessions on their own. Candidates should be familiar with the particular procedures for dealing with suspected cases of abuse.

What does the candidate have to do?

The unit has three elements. These are:

D 13.1 Establish and maintain effective working relationships with participants

In all dealings with participants the candidate is expected to relate to and communicate with participants in an ethical and positive manner. This behaviour is also to be encouraged between participants. The candidate must also show that they can positively affect situations where conflict arises. The element will most likely be evidenced through coaching sessions with participants.

D13.2 Establish and maintain links with others involved in hockey and coaching

The candidate is expected to liase with and relate to a variety of other people and organisations that may impact on their activities. Relationships with others are expected to be constructive and have the potential to be ongoing. The hockey technical definition has defined the range of 'others' with whom the candidate may have contact.

D13.3 Identify and respond to possible abuse

The element aims to raise awareness that any participant may be subject to abuse from a wide variety of sources. The candidate should be aware of the common forms of abuse, be able to identify them and report concerns to an appropriate person in authority. The technical definition and assessment specification for the sport has defined particular reporting procedures and initiatives that aim to protect participants from abuse.

Explanations and examples of some of these terms and others are provided for this unit on page xx.

Requirements for NVQ/SVQ assessment for the whole unit

What does the candidate have to prove for NVQ/SVQ assessment?

The candidate has to prove that they can carry out all the elements, meeting all of the performance criteria, on more than one occasion. This evidence must come form working in a real coaching environment.

Assessment of each element

The candidate must show they can meet the Coverage of Range for NVQ/SVQ Assessment below each element. Assessment can only take place in the context of hockey for which the technical definition has been developed and approved by the National Training Organisation.

Assessment must cover the relevant parts of the technical definition.

Knowledge, understanding, values and skills

The candidate must show that they possess all of the knowledge, understanding, values and skills shown on page xx. In some cases the assessor may decide that the candidate has some of this by looking at their performance evidence.

Where this is not obvious, the assessor should ask appropriate questions.

Guidance for candidates and assessors

Candidates should study the unit carefully and make sure that their day-to-day work meets the standards described.

Candidates should also check the Know/edge, Understanding, Values and Skills on page xx and make sure they can answer any questions on the areas listed.

The candidate and assessor should discuss the best way of assessing each element in this unit and plan how it will be done. All aspects of each element should be observed once. When a real coaching environment does not produce evidence for aspects of an element, the assessor may create realistic simulations to enable the candidate to demonstrate competence.

To make sure that assessment covers more than one occasion, the candidate can use the testimony of colleagues if another observation is not appropriate or possible. However the assessor must make sure that this witness testimony shows that the candidate consistently meets the performance criteria and range.

The candidate can provide knowledge evidence for those types of range shown in the box headed Coverage of Range for NVQ/SVQ Assessment on each element page.

The Knowledge, understanding, values and skills listed on page |oc of the unit is best assessed by oral questions and discussion between the candidate and assessor, although written evidence in the form of projects or assignments may also be appropriate.

Please note:

When observation is suggested it is anticipated that the observation is by an assessor who holds EOSC Units D32 and D33 and meets the technical requirements of the sport which states they should also hold a hockey coaching qualification.

In this context the technical definition also defines the minimum technical competence of an effective witness.

Explanations and Examples for Some of the Terms Used

The following are provided as guidance to candidates and assessors:

Coach's action plan / produced by the coach and/or by an assessor or mentor based on the evaluation or assessment of recent or previous sessions
Coach's evaluation / produced by the coach on past sessions
Code of Conduct / in addition to the Sport and Recreation Code of Conduct and Ethics hockey has specific guidelines on the conduct of coaches
Confidentiality / infers the safe storage of documentation and the coach not sharing participants' particulars with those who do not have a right to them
Further sessions / run by the coach or other coaches
Health and Safety / requirements are defined on pages xx
Particular needs / such as players with hearing difficulties
Protection procedures / sport/activity/specific procedures may be defined in the technical definition of the sport/activity
Recorded information / might include paper records of participants' personal details and paper, audio or video tape records of participants past performances
Rules of the sport/activity / as defined in the Rules of Hockey or the rules of mini hockey
Short-term action plan / for the next session
Spoken information / could be sourced from participants, other coaches or parents
Structure of the sport/activity / the level 2 hockey manual and course will provide reference to where information on the structure of hockey may be found

Element D 13.1

Candidate's name: ______

The candidate must be able to:

Establish and maintain effective working relationships with participants

Performance Criteria when doing so the candidate must: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
1 Make sure relationships are in line with recognised good practice and relevant ethical codes / Observed and noted on P-4, P-5, C-4, WT, EMR-3
2 Communicate with participants clearly, accurately, providing them with relevant information / Observed and noted on P-4, P-S, C-4, WT, EMR-3
3 Relate to participants and others in a positive and encouraging way / Observed and reflected on P-5, C-4, WT, EMR-3
4 Encourage communications between participants, and between participants, and between participants and themselves, in ways that support safety, effectiveness and enjoyment of the session / Observed and shown on P-4, P-5, C-4, WT, EMR-3
5 Handle and resolve arguments and disagreements promptly so that the session can continue. / Observed and reflected on P-5, C-4, WT, EMR-3
Range Statements
Both types of communication:
a) Spoken
b) Written / Observed and shown on P-5, C-4.WT. EMR-3
One type of participant:
a) Individuals
b) Groups / Shown on P-5, C-4, WT, EMR-3

Assessor Statement: The evidence cross referenced above, included within this portfolio, has been assessed by me and confirmed to be authentic and sufficient to meet the requirements of the standards on date: / /

Assessor's name: ______Signature: ______

Element D 13.2

Candidate's name: ______

The candidate must be able to:

Establish and maintain links with others involved in sport and coaching

Performance Criteria when doing so the candidate must: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
1 Identify others that have the potential to contribute to or benefit from the work of the coach and links established / Shown on EMR-1, WT, correspondence or in discussion with assessor, EMR-3
2 Ensure approaches and responses to approaches from others are constructive / Shown on EMR-1, WT, correspondence or in discussion with assessor, EMR-3
3 Handle contacts with others in a way which is likely to sustain a lasting relationship / Shown on EMR-1, WT, correspondence or in discussion with assessor, EMR-3
4 Display positive attitudes towards others involved in sport / Shown on EMR-1, WT, correspondence or in discussion with assessor, EMR-3
Range Statements
Two types of others:
a) National governing bodies
c) Local authorities
d) Sport/activity clubs
e) Coaches Association / Shown on EMR-1, WT, correspondence or in discussion with assessor, EMR-3

Assessor Statement: The evidence cross referenced above, included within this portfolio, has been assessed by me and confirmed to be authentic and sufficient to meet the requirements of the standards on date: / /

Assessor's name: ______Signature: ______

Element D 13.2

Candidate's name: ______

The candidate must be able to:

Identify and respond to possible abuse

Performance criteria when doing so the candidate must: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
1 Ensure that their observation of the participant's physical condition and behaviour takes place only as a part of normal activities / Shown on EMR-2, in discussion with assessor and noted on EMR-3, WT
2 Accurately note any signs and indicators of possible abuse / Discussion with assessor and noted on EMR-3, sample report
3 Respond calmly to any disclosures of abuse / -Shown on EMR-2. discussion with assessor, noted on EMR-3
4 Immediately tell a participant disclosing abuse that an appropriate person must be informed / Shown on EMR-2, discussion with assessor/noted on EMR-3
5 Promptly pass on to an appropriate person all information concerning possible abuse / Shown on EMR-2, in a sample report form or in discussion with assessor EMR-3, WT
6 Provide information on possible abuse only to an appropriate person / Shown on EMR-2, on a sample correspondence, in discussion with assessor EMR-3, WT
Range Statements
One type of sign and indicator:
a) Physical
b) Behavioural / Shown on EMR-2, on a sample correspondence or in discussion with assessor and noted on EMR-3, WT
Two types of abuse:
a) Physical
b) Neglect
c) Emotional
d) Sexual / Shown on EMR-2, on a sample correspondence or in discussion with assessor and noted on EMR-3, WT
One appropriate person:
a) Senior colleague
b) External agency / Shown on EMR-2, on a sample correspondence or in discussion with assessor and noted on EMR-3, WT

Assessor Statement: The evidence cross referenced above, included within this portfolio, has been assessed by meand confirmed to be authentic and sufficient to meet the requirements of the standards on date: / /

Assessor's name: ______Signature: ______

What knowledge, understanding, values & skills does the candidate need?

Candidate's name: ______

The candidate must show that they know and understand: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
Relating to participants:
Recognised good practice and relevant codes of ethics / Included in portfolio
The code of conduct of the sport / Included in portfolio
Current accepted good practice in the sport regarding coaching styles and methods:
What are the coaching styles and methods recommended?
How to handle arguments and disputes?
Should be examples in the session reviews P-5
How to relate to people in a positive manner. What does positive manner mean to you?
How to establish and maintain communication between participants. How do you do this?
How to encourage and maintain effective communication between participants and the coach.
What do the words "effective communication" mean to you?
Relating to others:
The candidate must show that they know and understand: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
The structure and organisation of the sport from local to national level.
Roughly sketch out the organisation, as you understand it.
Sources of additional information on the sport/activity. What are these sources?
Others with whom the sport normally deals. Which others do you or might you deal with?
The means of contacting and maintaining contact with others?
The manner in which others should be contacted?
The candidate must show that they know and understand: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
Local sports development services. What are the contact details for these services?
Identifying arid responding to abuse:
The legal and organisational requirements and procedures regarding the protection of participants from abuse / Should be included in the portfolio
The signs and indicators of the types of abuse specified / Shown on EMR-2
The range of appropriate persons to contact in the event of possible abuse / Shown on EMR-2
Why it is important to be aware of possible abuse and the importance of helping to protect participants from it?
How to be aware of signs and indicators of possible abuse during normal activities?
Why it is important not to be obtrusive?
The candidate must show that they know and understand: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
When may it be appropriate to contact an external agency rather than a senior colleague?
How to respond to a disclosure of abuse?
Why it is important to remain calm but act promptly?
How do you communicate at the participant's pace and not exert pressure
How could the candidate's response influence any subsequent proceedings
The candidate must show that they know and understand: / Evidence Guidance / Portfolio Refs.
Why it is important that the participant knows others will be told about the situation?
How will you record the necessary information?
Why it is important to maintain confidentiality?

Assessor Statement: The evidence cross referenced above, included within this portfolio, has been assessed by me and confirmed to be authentic and sufficient to meet the requirements of the standards on date: / /