EFFECTIVE DATE: 5 days from posted date or as per Supplier’s Contract

Submitter’s Name: Charles Matlack

TP: TP76300 Subject: BDFB Numbering & Stenciling Action: Add: Modification: Delete:

Section: L Section Title: Designation Requirements

Subsection: 2 Section Title: Equipment Types

Subsection: 2.4 Subsection Title: BDFB and Secondary Power Distribution Requirements

Prior to Change:

2.4.4 g) BDFBs/SPDUs shall be numbered from bottom to top, starting with “1.” On horizontal panels the count will start at the bottom left and go to right. Each fuse position shall be designated with its panel and fuse position number, e.g., 2.15 (fuse panel 2, fuse position 15). See AT&T Power Drawing – ATT-P-05400-E for specific BDFB/SPDU designation requirements.

Post Change:

2.4.4 g) BDFBs/SPDUs shall be numbered from bottom to top, starting with “1.” On horizontal panels the count will start at the bottom left and go to right. Each fuse position shall be designated with its panel and fuse position number, e.g., 2.15 (fuse panel 2, fuse position 15). See AT&T Power Drawing – ATT-P-05400-E for specific BDFB/SPDU designation requirements.
Exception: When an SPDU/BDFB is provided as part of a turnkey solution and the SPDU/BDFB is dedicated to the turnkey solution it may follow the numbering convention assigned by the manufacturer.
In these instances, the SPDU/BDFB shall be stenciled as being dedicated to the specific piece of equipment and if entered into a capacity tracking system (ex. TabDb, Irma), notes shall be placed in the inventory system that the SPDU/BDFB is not available for assignment to any equipment other than the equipment for which it was installed.

Questions relative to this IRCN should be addressed to Serena Kwong at 510-796-1097

Serena Kwong

Specialist –Technical Process /Quality

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Area Mgr Eng Network Quality
Implementation Eng & Common Systems Date: 08-31-15

(Mike Cassidy)

Area Manager Network Process & Quality (Subject Matter) Date: 08-20-15

(Henry Patino)

Release Approved

Specialist –Technical Process /Quality Date: 08-31-15

(Serena Kwong)

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