Birmingham Airport Air Traffic Ltd


Post Title: Manager Air Traffic Services

Date: 25 November 2015

Job Purpose/Safety Accountabilities

Safety Accountabilities

The Manager ATS is accountable to the Head of ANS for the provision of a safe and expeditious ATC and MET service at Birmingham Airport.

Specific Accountabilities

·  Ensuring that the ATC Watch Log is maintained in accordance with CAP 493;

·  Ensuring that the requirements of the BAATL Safety, Quality and Security Management Systems are applied within ATC;

·  Ensuring that training for changes to ATC equipment or procedures is identified, documented and delivered;

·  Ensuring that changes to the availability of ATC services are correctly notified;

·  Ensuring that appropriate investigations are carried out in respect of any ATC occurrences;

·  Ensuring that ATC manuals and regulatory documents are obtained, maintained and made available to ATC staff;

·  Ensuring that ATC incidents are correctly reported and investigated;

·  Ensuring that ATC staff are trained in accordance with the BAATL UTP;

·  Ensuring that ATC staff maintain competence and currency in accordance with the BAATL UCS;

·  Ensuring that the annual ATC safety survey programme is planned and implemented;

Main Duties and Safety Responsibilities

Safety Responsibilities

·  Acting as Senior ANS representative on site in the absence of the Head of ANS;

·  Interfacing with other Birmingham Airport departments;

·  Liaising with the CAA on ATC matters set out in regulatory documents, including but not limited to:

Ø  CAP 670 (Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements)

Ø  CAP 393 (Air Navigation Order)

Ø  CAP 493 (Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1)

Ø  Other documents that relate to training, licensing and the initial investigation of incidents.

·  Managing the ATC Unit to meet regulatory and safety requirements;

·  Strategic co-ordination with the Manager CNS and other airport departments to ensure that work in progress, withdrawal of facilities etc. can be safely integrated with the provision of the ATC service;

·  Chairing the ANSP Flight Safety Committee meetings;

·  Acting as a member of the ANS Safety Management Action & Review Team (SMART);

·  When directed by the Head of ANS, conducting incident investigations;

·  Implementing recommendations arising from incident investigations;

·  In conjunction with the Manager CNS maintaining the Service Level Agreement for the provision of ATE services to ATC;

·  Reviewing, co-ordinating, approving and implementing ATC procedures;

·  Production, amendment and approval of the Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 2 including Supplementary Instruction (SIs), and Temporary Operating Instructions (TOIs);

·  Reviewing the ATC watch log for items to be raised at the SMART;

·  Providing input into the production of Operational Safety Cases;

·  Producing the unit staffing roster by the 20th of the previous month;

·  Participating in unit hazard identification and risk assessment activities.

To undertake such other duties commensurate with the grading of the post, which will be determined from time to time, in line with the needs of the business.

The Airport Company reserves the right to vary the duties and responsibilities of staff under Conditions prescribed in local agreements. Thus, it must be appreciated that the above duties may be altered as the future changing needs of the service may require.
Human Resources Manager
Department Head

BAATL-HR-JD-MATS Page 1 of 2

Owner: HR Manager Issue 3.0 – 25 November 2015