April 3, 2017
To Agencies Interested in United Way Funding,
Attached is the Letter of Intent Application Form that we will be using as the first step in our 2018 and 2019 Grant Funding process.
Please review our funding priorities and eligibility criteria. If the project for which you are seeking funding meets these guidelines and you wish to apply for United Way funding, please complete the attached Letter of Intent Application Form and submit by 3:00 p.m. April 17, 2017. The UWIC Community Investment Teams will review these letters and invite eligible agencies to submit full applications.
With the increased need in our community for health and human services and with limited dollars available, United Way’s Board of Directors must ensure that our Community Investment Grants are being made as wisely as possible. And our investors (donors) want to know that we are making the greatest possible impact in the areas of need identified by our recent community survey. Our funding will based on those priorities identified first before other programs will be considered.
If you are invited to submit a full application, you will note that we are asking for less information about your agency and more about the program for which you are seeking funding. You will be asked to specify clearly the anticipated outcome of your program --- what you are attempting to do, why there is a need for it, the expected outcome, and how you will know if you have achieved that outcome. As much as possible, this information should be quantified. Please note, we understand that you are small agencies with limited resources, so we are not asking you for professional program evaluations, but we will need some relevant data on how your program will make a difference. We will be available to provide you with technical assistance and training, if requested.
As in the past, prior funding by United Way does not guarantee funding in any subsequent year. This is an annual, competitive granting process. If you are not currently receiving grant funding from us, please note the required information that you will need to submit with your Letter of Intent as outlined in the Agency Documentation Checklist.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me via the phone or email below. Thank you again for your interest in partnering with United Way in meeting our community needs and for all you do to make our community a better place.
Cathy Niiro, Executive Director
United Way of Island County
2018 & 2019 Community Investment Grant
Agencies providing health and human service programs
Organizations that provide services to residents of Island County
Non-profit organizations – 501 (c) 3 status that have filed a 2015 IRS Form 990 or IRS Form 990EZ.
An annual independent CPA Audit if your revenues (from your IRS Form 990) are over $500,000 OR an independent financial review if under $499,999.
We will fund new or existing programs, as long as they meet our criteria.
We will consider applications for programs that meet any of the following. Please note: Funding is provided for specific programs, not overall operations. (For very small agencies with only one program, that agency is eligible for funding if it meets our priorities.)
EDUCATION – Helping Children and Youth Achieve Their Potential
Priority #1 -Youth Programs / Youth Development (7-17): programs that build character, moral, fitness, accountability and leadership in our youth.
Priority #2 -Family Strengthening/Parenting: family development, adult education and parenting, birth parent serves and childcare
Priority #3 Early Childhood Learning: Opportunities for ages 0-5 to ensure that all children who enter first grade will be ready to learn and thrive services and childcare
INCOME – Promoting Financial Stability and Independence
Priority #1 -Temporary & Permanent Housing
Priority #2 -Skills training, education & other support systems to achieve self-sufficiency
HEALTH- Improve People’s Health
Priority #1 -Awareness of and access to mental health
Priority #2 - Awareness of and access to healthcare resources (including counseling).
Domestic Violence – any form of violence against intimate partners, former partners, family or children and advocacy.
Hunger- food assistance as required
Substance Abuse – drug and alcohol treatment, counseling
Provide copies of all the required documentation as listed in the AGENCY DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST. Incomplete or omission of any of this information will deem your organization ineligible to proceed with review of your Letter of Intent and invitation to submit a grant application.
Address identified priorities
Benefit a significant number of Island County residents
Deliver services efficiently and cost-effectively
Encourage self-reliance
Focus on prevention
Does not duplicate services
Enhance cooperation and collaboration among organizations
Political campaigns
Sectarian programs (we will fund a program of a religious organization as long as the program doesn’t include religious content and is open to all)
Loan payments or deficit spending
Services normally supported by tax dollars
Capital campaigns for buildings, etc. We will fund program-related equipment.
April 4,2017Publicize opportunity to submit a Letter of Intent to apply for funding.
April 17, 2017 Letters of Intent due
April 2017Community Investment Team Chairs review Letter of Intent and invites
Agencies to submit full application
April 18, 2017Board of Directors approve agencies that will be invited to
submit full grant applications.
April 19, 2017 Grant applications sent to agencies to agencies that are approved to apply. Rejection letters to agencies that do not meet the criteria for funding.
May 1, 2017 Press release for volunteers to serve as community investment members.
May 19, 2017 Grant applications due from approved agencies.
May 19, 2017 Deadline for recruitment of community investment team members.
Late May 2017 Training for community investment team members.
June – July 2017 Agency site visits and grant presentations.
July 2017Board Members Set Campaign Goal
February 2018Grant funding requests finalized after campaign.
United Way of Island County
2018/19 Community Investment Grant
Letter of Intent Application
Please complete the following form and return it to United Way of Island County by 3:00 p.m.April 17, 2017. Community Investment Grant Applications will be issued to agencies whose programs fit the United Way of Island County’s Eligibility and Funding priorities. A letter of intent application is required of all agencies, regardless of past United Way support. Please fill out a separate letter of intent for each program for which you are applying. Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee funding.
OrganizationInformation: / Organization Name:
Contact Person:
Phone: Fax:
Organization Mission: ______
Organizational Status: __ 501 (c) 3
Please provide
brief, but specific
information about
the program for
which you are
seeking funding
(not your entire
agency) / Funding Priorities: (Please select the primary outcome that your program will deliver.)
Program Name and Short Description: ______
Outcomes – what you hope to achieve, how many people will you reach, what difference will
this program make in their lives, etc. Please quantify this as much as possible.
First Year Program Budget: ______Amount Requested from UWIC:______
Please return by mail, fax 360-675-5157, or email .If this is the first year your organization is applying for funding, please mail Letter of Intent with required documentation from the Agency Documentation Checklist.