TM1 Budget Tool Documentation

Submit Budget


  1. Submit Budget:

The Submit Budget area is where the completion of the Budget process is managed. The submission of the Budget for a Department locks down the details for that Responsibility Centre such that no further changes can be made. It also automatically sends an email to the Budget Team to advise that the budget has been submitted. It is possible in certain circumstances to have the Budget re-opened to enable further data entry. An email is to be sent to if this is required.

The Submit Budget area can also be used as a consolidated view of the underlying data and can be exported out to Excel if required.

The main Submit Budget screen shows the Operating Statement as below.

The initial view is always based on the consolidated details for the specified Department. To limit the details to a specific Department, Location, Fund or Project, double click in the appropriate cell and then select the required value.

If a specific value is selected from one of these e.g. Location = ROK then you must select the button to ensure the values shown are revised.

The screen is broken into two distinct blocks, the top block is the consolidated view of the entire Department and can be fully expanded by double clicking on the rows with the + symbol.

The second block enables a specific part of the top block to be selected and displays the lower level Departmental breakdown of the selected statement line.

This area also displays the underlying Departments based on whether the Budget has already been submitted for the Department. In the example below all Departments are coloured Red to indicate they have not yet been submitted.

It is possible to change the bottom block to display only certain lines of the Operating Statement by using the drop down box coloured yellow. This allows the departmental breakdown of the Operating Statement line as distinct from the consolidated Departmental view in the top block.

If changing the value in this drop down it is necessary to use the button to update the actual values.

To assist Budget preparers an export function has been added to this screen which will open an Excel spreadsheet with whatever details are currently displayed on the main Submit Budget page.

It is important therefore to ensure that the top block is expanded to the correct levels required prior to using the button.

Changes that may be made to the exported spreadsheet cannot be imported back into TM1 and therefore any required changes need to be made in the appropriate data entry area.

It is recommended that a fully expanded Operating Statement is exported and sent to the appropriate senior staff in the Faculty/Division for approval prior to doing the final submission.

Once the figures are deemed to be correct and ready for final submission then the button is selected.

This has been designed as a second page to prevent accidental selection of the button during any work on this page.

The second page displays user that is actually doing the submission and this value is retained for audit purposes.

There are also some very important notes on this page in regards to the submission in that not only does it Submit and Lock the Department shown in the Selected Department: field but also any lower level departments under it. It therefore maybe more appropriate to do the submission at the lower Departmental levels first and then the high level department last.

Please ensure that you have read these notes and that the appropriate approvals have been made prior to selecting the Submit Budget button.

If you have selected the initial button by mistake then you can return to the main Submit Budget page without submitting the budget be selecting the button.

TM1 Budget Tool Documentation – Submit BudgetPage 1