No Fear Vocab 5
aberrantabnormal, deviant. It’s a much stronger word than eccentric.
abridgeto shorten something by cutting certain parts out
accentuateto emphasize or draw attention to a particular feature
acclimateto get used to
adamantfirm, unyielding
adhereto stick to something firmly
agitateto make someone feel anxious or disturbed
banalboring, ordinary
castigateto criticize or punish someone severely
circuitouslengthy and indirect
convolutedtoo complicated to understand easily
countenancefacial expression
curtailto cut short
decorouswell-mannered, dignified
defaceto ruin the appearance of something
defileto dirty something
derivativetaking ideas from somewhere else, unoriginal
diffusespread out
digressto move away from the current topic
discorddisagreement and strife
disreputea bad reputation
dissonantinconsistent, incompatible.
dissuadeto persuade someone not to do something
divisivecausing disagreement and hostility
elucidateto clarify, to explain
epistolarya text written in the form of letters or correspondence
exacerbateto make a bad situation worse
facilemade without real thought or feeling, and therefore of littlevalue.
fastidiousfussy, concerned with details, very clean
germaneappropriately related, on-topic
hackneyedstale, overused
inconsequentialnot important
nebulousshapeless, indistinct
perturbto trouble or worry someone
pretentioushaving an unrealistically high self-image
prosaicsimplistic, unsubtle, and unimaginative
reprimandto rebuke someone; less harsh than castigate
sagaa long, dramatic tale
sartorialrelating to clothing
scoffto mock or scam
seemlyproper, pleasant-looking
succinctclear, to the point
superficialoverly concerned with appearances and surfaces, shallow
superfluousextra, unnecessary
tangentialonly somewhat relevant to the topic at hand
triteoverused, unoriginal
wastrelan offensive term for someone who is lazy and wasteful
No Fear Vocab 6
abjureto reject or avoid something
abrogateto cancel, to repeal
abstractsomething that can't be touched or held, but can only beunderstood intellectually
abstracteddeep in thought
adjureto order someone to do something
administerto manage the business affairs of a person or organization
adverseharmful, unfavorable
alludeto make an allusion
allusiona reference to an event, person, piece of literature, etc.
arrogateto take or claim something without the right to do so
aversestrongly disliking something
callouscold, unfeeling
callusa buildup of hard skin, as on the fingers of a guitar player
censorto remove or edit something because of offensive content
censureto criticize severely
climacticdescribing the most exciting, important moment in a movie, story, novel, etc.
climatichaving to do with the weather
complementto go well with something; to complete
complimenta flattering comment
continualhappening again and again
continuousgoing on without change or interruption
councila group of people working in an official capacity
decryto strongly criticize
definite sure, unquestionable
definitive the ultimate, most authoritative example or edition ofsomething
deprecate to put down
depreciateto go down in value
descryto discover something
disassemble to take apart
discreetmodest, cautious
discreteseparate, unconnected
dissemble to lie, to pretend
elicitto draw information out
eludeto avoid, to escape
endemic characteristic
epidemic wide-spreading phenomenon
equable even, unchanging
equitable fair, just
expedientpractical, suitable for a particular purpose
expeditiousdone quickly and efficiently
fermentto undergo or cause to undergo a biochemical process thatbreaks substances down into simpler ones
fictionaldrawn from a work of fiction
fictitiousa lie, not true
flounderto move about clumsily
fomentto stir up, to incite
founderto collapse, to fail
illusiona deceptive vision, a hallucination
ministerto care for someone's needs