TKNDP NDP Amendment Table

Appendix 3: Schedule of Modification Recommendations

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) requires in Regulation 18 for the local planning authority to outline what action to take in response to the recommendations of an Examiner made in a report under paragraph 10 of Schedule 4A to the 1990 Act (as applied by Section 38A of the 2004 Act) in relation to a Neighbourhood plan. The Regulations provide that where the Council disagrees with the Examiners report to re-consult, however this provision is not engaged in this instance for the following reason:

Having considered each of the recommendations made by in the Examiner’s report and the reasons for them, the Council, with the consent of Bude – Stratton Town Council, has decided to accept the modifications to the draft Plan. Table 1 below outlines the alterations made to the draft Plan under paragraph 12(6) of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Act (as applied by Section 38A of 2004 Act) in response to each of the Examiner’s recommendations and the justification for this.

Bude Stratton NDP Policy / Modification Recommendation / Bude – Stratton DP Consideration/ justification
Policy 2 Mixed Development Schemes / Criteria deleted “(iii) it has the support of the Town Council (as the organisation representative of Bude- Stratton residents) or where there is evidence that it is a community led proposal; and”
Delete last sentence “Cornwall Council will secure the first and future occupation of the affordable homes to those with a housing need and local connection to the settlement or parish”. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 3 Development and Community Facilities / Replace this policy with:
“Planning permission will be granted for schemes of up to 30 dwellings on sites within or adjacent to the settlements of Bude, Stratton, Flexbury and Poughill and for developments of over 30 units on sites allocated for residential developments on any adopted Site Allocations DPD where it can be demonstrated that the development will be linked to local facilities including shops and primary schools by safe walking and cycling routes and / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
a)  It takes steps to follow the guidance of the Cornwall Design Guide 2012 (or any subsequent iteration)
b)  It maintains the gaps between the settlement of Bude – Stratton and the settlements of Flexbury and Poughill and does not cause their coalescence.
c)  It does not compromise the character and amenity of the Conservation Area.”
Policy 4 Residential Conversions / Retitle policy: “Residential Conversions in the Countryside”
Delete “emerging” in the first sentence as the Cornwall Local Plan was adopted on 22nd November 2016. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 5 Brownfield Development and Infill / Replace “prioritized over greenfield development” with “supported”.
“The development of brownfield sites in suitable locations for residential proposals will be supported”. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 6 Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability Impacts of Development / Delete the first paragraph “Residential development in Bude-Stratton will be required to demonstrate how the needs of future residents will be met in terms of community, medical, educational, infrastructural and social facilities in order to ensure that the needs of current residents are not compromised by additional growth”.
Replace second paragraph with “Developers will be expected to work closely with regulated infrastructure providers to ensure that the infrastructure requirements arising from their development are fully met”.
The fourth paragraph insert underlined text
“The provision of two car parking spaces where it is practical to provide such spaces” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 7 Sheltered/ Retirement Housing / Delete criteria “a) developers contributions arising from this development are utilised in providing for community needs within the town; and “ / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 8 Scale of residential development / That the policy is deleted. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 11 Workspace Training / That the policy is deleted. There is a project in the Action Chapter which will remain. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification
Policy 14 Existing Employment Sites – Map / A map on page 17 of the Bude – Stratton NDP has been amended showing an area of land outlined in blue safeguarded for employment land. The amendment was requested by Bude – Stratton Town Council as some of the land has since been granted Planning permission for housing. The decision was made on Planning Application PA16/03569 before the Neighbourhood Plan carried any weight. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with the modification.
7. Energy / The wording has been deleted as the social enterprise Bude Community Power has wound up.
Deleted in second paragraph of text “A local social enterprise Bude Community Power has been set up to develop renewable energy projects that will be owned by local people and run for the benefit of local communities.”
Replaced with “Bude Town Council is keen to work with the local Community to develop renewable energy projects that will be owned by local people and run for the benefit of local communities.” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 18 Town Centre Uses / In criterion l. replace “Priority” with “Support” and delete “over green field sites”
“Support will be given to the development of retail outlets, restaurants and pubs on brownfield sites within the town centre;”
In criterion ll. replace “unless such a change of use would result in the loss of space within commercial A3 or A4 uses” with “if the upper floor is vacant”.
“Class A3 (restaurants and cafes) and A4 (Drinking Establishments) uses in Bude Town Centre will be protected from conversation to residential accommodation. Upper floors of such premises may be converted to residential accommodation if the upper floor is vacant;”
Delete criterion Vl. “In Bude Town Centre priority will be given to proposals for B1 (Business), A1 (Shops), A3 (Restaurants and Cafes) and A4 (Drinking establishments).” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 19 Public Transport / Delete paragraph 2
“Improvements to the frequency and variety of bus services will be sought via developer contributions to allow residents; who will need services all year round; and visitors, to make sustainable transport choices.”
Delete “The development of rail links to North Cornwall and”
“Long-stay parking facilities with access to Bude and Stratton town centres will also be supported.” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 20 Cycleways and Public Rights of Way / Insert “of before “sustainable travel choices”
Delete in the second sentence “and maintenance”
The improvement of facilities and paths for cyclists and pedestrians is a priority in Bude-Stratton to increase the range of sustainable travel choices. Proposals which contribute towards the provision and maintenance of a network of cycleways and footpaths will be looked upon favorably.
Delete “first sentence of second paragraph”.
“Contributions will be sought from developers in order to facilitate these improvements.” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 21 Traffic Management and Road Safety / That the policy be deleted. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 25 Open Spaces of Heritage and Recreation Value / In second sentence replace “must” with “should, when it is appropriate”
“Development proposals should retain the openness of these areas and must should, where it is appropriate demonstrate measures to enhance existing walking, cycling and horse riding opportunities, and promote opportunities for other outdoor recreational activities.” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 26 Conservation Area and Listed Buildings / Delete everything after “enhanced” in the final sentence.

Development within the Conservation Areas and affecting the Listed Buildings of Bude, Poughill and Stratton will be required to demonstrate how it enhances the heritage, conservation and amenity value of these areas/buildings, in terms of high Quality, sympathetic design and appropriate scale of development. Other built heritage assets including Scheduled Ancient Monuments and the historic Battlefield will be preserved and enhanced, and advice sought from England Heritage in the event of planning proposals affecting these assets.” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Policy 27. Play Spaces / Delete “through developer contributions” and “summarized in the table above”
“New opportunities for play and open space will be sought through developer contributions in line with the Cornwall Council’s open spaces standards summarized in the table above.” / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
Action Chapter / Reference to the deleted policies in the “Related Neighbourhood Plan Policy” Column has been removed for policy 8, 11 and policy 21. The projects will remain in the Plan.
Reference to “Bude Energy Community” and “Bude Community Power” has been removed as the organisations have wound up. Bude Town Council will take the projects forward working with the local Community. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modification.
General text amendments and photos / Reference to “(emerging)” Cornwall Local Plan has been removed throughout the document as the Cornwall Local Plan is adopted.
Bullet point renumbering for policies and text has been amended to reflect the policies deleted from the Plan document.
Additional photos have been added where there are gaps in the Plan after the recommended policies set out in the Examination report have been deleted. The photos on the front cover have been rearranged as requested by Bude Town Council. / Bude – Stratton Town Council agrees with modifications.