Founded 1887 Treasurer/Members Secretary
142 Mere Road
LE18 3RL
Tel: 07786 967241
Our main aim is to ensure that the footpaths and rights of way are accessible and easy to use, and remain so, for any members of the public who may wish to use them.
We are in regular contact with the Local Authority, giving our views and suggestions concerning any proposed changes to the network in Leicestershire & Rutland. We also report obstructions which we find during our group and individual walks.
We arrange rambles throughout the year. Saturday walks are of various lengths. On Tuesday Wednesday and
Thursday there are walks not exceeding 6 miles, usually followed by a pub lunch. On alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays there are longer walks available between 7-8 miles. In the summer we offer evening walks. All details are published in our twice yearly programme. We help you lead walks with leadership training.
In 1987 we produced the Leicestershire Round, a 100 mile circular walk to celebrate our 100 years existence.
The route is well waymarked and maintained and the book describes the way through the lovely and varied landscape of Leicestershire and Rutland . In 2010 we produced the ‘Leicestershire Country Park Walks’ Book, a complete guide designed for all the family with clear directions, maps and illustrations.
We hope you will consider joining our Association. Annual membership: £5.00 (cheques payable to LFA)
I/We wish to join the Leicestershire Footpath Association
Name(s) ...... Address......
...... Postcode...... Tel .No......
As a registered charity we can receive a refund of tax paid on your subscription if you complete the section below.
Please note:
- You must pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax the charity reclaims on your subscriptions in the tax year.
- You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying the Treasurer of the L.F.A
- If in the future you no longer pay tax you must cancel your declaration.
- Any queries should be referred to the current Treasurer.
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Donor(2) Title...... Forename...... Surname......
I want the charity to treat all subscriptions I have made since 6th April 2000, and all subscriptions I make hereafter, as Gift Aid Donations.
Donor (1) Signed...... Donor(2) Signed......
Charity Registration Number 235498