True Stories Series:
Very Easy True Stories
Easy True Stories
True Stories in the News
More True Stories
Even More True Stories
Beyond True Stories
by Sandra Heyer
CASAS Competencies
(Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System)
33ATrue Stories. Very Easy True Stories
Textbook. Heyer. 1998. ISBN: 0-201-34313-4.
Very low level stories with high level interest for students who have little or no experience with English. All simple present tense. Picture- based.
SectionComp. No.Competency
All0.2.1Respond appropriately to personal info, questions
All0.2.4Converse about daily activities and interests
All2.7.5Interpret literary materials
All7.2.1Identify and paraphrase pertinent information
33BTrue Stories. Easy True Stories
Textbook. Heyer. 1994. ISBN: 0-8013-1089-X.
A picture-based beginning reader with human interest stories adapted for ESL students from newspapers and magazines.
SectionComp. No.Competency
All0.2.1Respond appropriately to personal info. questions
All2.7.5Interpret literary materials
All7.2.1Identify and paraphrase pertinent information
33CTrue Stories. True Stories in the News. A Beginning Reader
Textbook. Heyer. 1996. ISBN: 0-201-84660-8.
Beginning reader with human interest stories adapted for ESL students from newspapers and magazines.
SectionComp. No.Competency
All2.7.2Interpret info, about ethnic, language groups
All2.7.3Interpret information about social issues
All7.2.1Identify and paraphrase pertinent information
All7.4.4Identify or utilize appropriate info, resources
33DTrue Stories. More True Stories. A Beginning Reader
Textbook. Heyer. 1997. ISBN: 0-201-69516-2.
Readings based on human interest stories adapted from newspapers and magazines including new, updated, and improved material which motivate students toward reading fluency.
SectionComp. No.Competency
All2.7.2Interpret info, about ethnic, language groups
All2.7.3Interpret information about social issues
All7.2.1Identify and paraphrase pertinent information
All7.4.4Identify or utilize appropriate info, resources
33ETrue Stories. Even More True Stories. An Intermediate Reader
Textbook. Heyer. 2000. ISBN: 0-201-34672-9.
Continues the True Stories tradition with 15 updated human interest stories adapted from current newspapers and magazines.
SectionComp. No.Competency
All2.7.2Interpret info, about ethnic, language groups
All2.7.3Interpret information about social issues
All7.2.1Identify and paraphrase pertinent information
All7.4.4Identify or utilize appropriate info, resources
33FTrue Stories. Beyond True Stories
Textbook. Heyer. 2003. ISBN: 0-13-091814-8.
Continues and expands the True Stories tradition with eight thematic units, each based on a real-life, human interest story. Each unit opens with a true story from the news, followed by reading and activities that explore the theme.
SectionComp. No.Competency
All0.2.4Converse about daily activities and interests
Units 1, 2, 81.1.3Interpret maps and graphs
Unit 82.3.1Interpret clock time
All2.7.5Interpret literary materials
Units 3, 76.7.2Interpret data given in a bar graph
Unit 46.7.4Interpret data given in a circle graph
Units 1-87.2.1Identify and paraphrase pertinent information
Units 1, 2, 4-77.2.2Analyze a situation, statement, or process
Unit 27.2.3Make comparisons, sort, classify items and info.
Units 3, 87.2.4Make inferences, hypothesize, predict, conclude
All7.2.6Generate ideas using diverg., converg. thinking
Unit 87.4.2Take notes or write a summary or an outline
Unit 17.4.8Interpret visual representations: flowcharts, etc.