John Smith, Jane Smith, and Joe Smith /
Journal Title (2015) Vol. x No. x pp. xx
Title: The Title Should Accurately, Clearly, and Concisely Reflect the Emphasis and Content of the Paper
John Smith1*, Jane Smith1, and Joe Smith2
(Please fill in as much information as possible)
Received: xx January 2015; Returned for revision: xx February 2015; Received in revised form: xx March 2015; Accepted: xx April 2015; Published online xx May 2015)
(Please select ONE publication model/copyright ownership type)
(1) © Columbia International Publishing 2015. Published at
(2) © The author(s) 2015. Published with open access at
Two spaces separate the title from Authors. Abstract begins two lines after Publisher Note. Begin the abstract one line below the ABSTRACT title. The abstract summarizes key findings in the paper. It is a paragraph of 250 words or less. For the KEYWORDS, select up to 8 key terms for a search on your manuscript's subject. Title fonts are Cambria-16. Abstract and Keyword fonts are Cambria-10. Central document text fonts are Cambria-11. All texts are justified.
Keywords: Select up to 8 key terms for a search on your manuscript's subject. Separate with semicolon. Example: Grain Yield; Labile Carbon; Organic Sources
1. Introduction
To use this template in Microsoft Word, open this file and save it to a new file name. Type over the existing text with your paper. Please read all guidelines within the text.
Begin the Introduction one line below the INTRODUCTION title. Font is Cambria-11. All text should be in a one-column format. Use one line 11 pt. spacing between paragraphs and headings. References are often noted in the text and cited at the end of the paper.
Check the manuscript to make sure you have properly filled in the footers. Instructions for the FIRST PAGE FOOTER: Font is Cambria-10. The affiliation should be the institution where the work was conducted. Use “*” to mark corresponding author. If there are two corresponding authors, use “**” to mark the second. If two authors are in the same institution, mark them with the same number. If all authors are from different institutions each receives their own number. Example/Template is seen in first page footer above.
SECOND PAGE HEADER: Cambria-11, Italicized. Fill in all author names, first and last. Example/Template is seen in the header above.
FIRST PAGE HEADER: Page number and the Received/Published line underneath the author names can be left unmarked.
2. Main Text References
For SINGLE author use the author's name and the year of publication.
Example: Smith (1999) discovered similar results.
For TWO authors use both authors' names and the year of publication.
Example: Smith and Jones (1999) discovered similar results.
For MORE THAN TWO authors use only the first author name plus “et al.” and the year of publication.
Example: Smith et al. (1999) discovered similar results.
For a GROUP OF REFERENCES in the main text, citations should be ordered chronologically.
Example: The methods were used in many areas (Thomas, 1998; Smith et al., 1999; Jones and Smith, 2002).
Notice: (1) NO First names/Middle names and NO initials of First Names/Middle Names for the references in the text. (2) Author Last Name and the Year separated by , (3) Two references separated by ; for example (Thomas, 1998; Smith et al., 1999; Jones and Smith, 2002)
3. Tables and Table Headings
Table and table number should be bold and above the table. The space between tables and the heading itself should be 5 pt. All tables should be CENTERED, but the text itself should remain JUSTIFIED. There should be one space between the Table and the Text. Example is below. The design/format of the table is flexible, but needs to be neat and readable.
Table 1 Effect of organic sources on carbon pools in soil at harvest
Treatments / WSOC (mg/kg) / Organic C (g/kg) / Labile C (mg/g) / Total C (g/kg)No manure / 26.2 / 6.20 / 3.70 / 32.02
Wheat straw / 31.5 / 6.70 / 4.20 / 39.73
FYM / 36.2 / 7.00 / 4.85 / 37.58
Vermicompost / 43.0 / 6.80 / 5.32 / 36.88
Poultry manure / 47.2 / 7.40 / 5.24 / 37.35
LSD (0.05) / 2.01 / 0.40 / 0.36 / 6.5
WSOC = Water Soluble Organic Carbon; Organic C = Organic Carbon
The Table should not go outside of the 1 inch margins. The font should remain Cambria-11. However, tables inserted from other sources may remain in original font, but must remain in 1 inch margins.
4. Pictures/Figures and Captions
Fig. 1. Example
The caption should appear directly below the picture. Picture should be one space above/below the text. Labeling should always go as follows: Fig. 1. Figure should be abbreviated with the proper number following. The period should always follow the number and the abbreviated word.
If the description/text below the figure is 1 line, center it under the picture. If the text is 2 lines or longer justify it instead.
Fig. 2. In this example, the figure has a long caption, which has more than 2 lines. The style for the figure caption is not centered.
All pictures/charts should be clear and/or legible.
5. Subheadings
5.1 Font and Spacing
Font for SUBHEADINS is Cambria-11. All subheadings are italicized. There should be no extra space between the text and the subheading.
5.2 Numbering
Subheadings follow the number of the Main Heading above it. They should follow the numerical sequences which they fall under.
6. Mathematical Equations
Use common fonts like Times Roman in your math equations. A math reference in a paragraph sentence such as is not numbered. The steps of a mathematical argument can be numbered using a right-aligned tab for clarity. Example below:
α = (1)
ρ=. (2)
7. Additional Template Information
7.1 When Creating your Title
Only the first word, proper nouns, and acronyms are capitalized. Keep titles brief and descriptive. Spell out acronyms unless they are widely known. Avoid starting with articles or prepositions, e.g., “The study of … ,” or, “On the..”
7.2 Section Headings
The Introduction is included in numerical section heading. Always begin with 1. Introduction.
7.3 Spacing
The spacing between all headings and text should be Cambria-11. All texts, except for Figure captions, should be justified. All sentences should be followed by a period and one space before beginning a new sentence.
7.4 Fonts
Below are ALL fonts that should be used throughout the text. Cambria can be found on Microsoft Word. Manually: Home> Font> Cambria
7.5 Additional Guidelines
Please visit Columbia International Publishing’s website at
Generally the last paragraph of the paper is the place to acknowledge people (dedications), places, and financing (you may state grant numbers and sponsors here). Acknowledgements need not be included if unnecessary.
Funding Source
List them all or simply state None
Conflict of Interest
List them all or simply state None
References should be listed alphabetically only, NOT with numerical references throughout the text.
If necessary, it should be further ordered chronologically. Font- Cambria 10
The HANGING INDENTION is 0.25”. Remove all hyperlinks.
To Cut & Paste: Cut from original document > paste onto template> select: Match destination formatting.
To Enter Manually: Paragraph > Indents and Spacing > Special: Hanging > By: 0.25”
Example/Template is below:
< From March 28, 2014, the style for the reference list has been changed to APA style for compatible with reference managing software.>
Ball, D. F. (1964). Loss‐on‐ignition as an estimate of organic matter and organic carbon in non‐calcareous soils. Journal of Soil Science, 15(1), 84-92.
Constantinides, A., & Mostoufi, N. (1999). Numerical methods for chemical engineers with MATLAB applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR.
Jursinic, P. A. (1979). Photosynthesis and fast changes in light emission by green plants. In Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews (pp. 125-205). Springer US.
Caicedo, J. M., Marulanda, J., Thomson, P., & Dyke, S. J. (2001). Monitoring of bridges to detect changes in structural health. In American Control Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 (Vol. 1, pp. 453-458). IEEE.
Authors do not need to add DOI for each reference. They will be added automatically by CIP.
Please make sure the following items were handled properly before submitting your manuscript.
1. Type correct journal title in the 1st page header and 2nd page header.
2. Type correct author names in the 2nd page header.
3. Type proper article type in the 1st page header. The default is Research Article. Please change it to Review, Case Report, and etc.
4. CIP allows authors to publish in CIP journals using either the traditional Subscription Model (i.e., copyright is transferred to CIP) or the Open Access Model (i.e., authors retain the copyright). Please select ONE publication model/copyright ownership type.
5. Type correct affiliation in the 1st page footer. Keep at least 4 lines for the first page footer to display page number properly. Empty line may be used if necessary.
6. The layout of pictures should be “in line with text”
7. Both Figures/Tables should not be out of the margin. Smaller font may be used if necessary but the content should be readable.
8. Section titles should be numbered correctly.
9. Capitalize each word for section titles.
10. Capitalize each keyword. Separate them with ; e.g. Keyword 1; Keyword 2; Keyword 3
11. Make sure the references in the text with the style explained in Section 2 Main Text References
12. References in the reference list should be listed alphabetically only, NOT with numerical references throughout the text. From March 28, 2014, the style for the reference list has been changed to APA style for compatible with reference managing software.