Title:Shell V-Power “Protection against Gunk & Corrosion” 60sec TV Commercial

Duration: 1:00 minute

[Background Music]

Cinematic, action thriller sound effects of metal creature/gunk monster chasing a car at high speed

[Video Footage]

-The commercial begins showcasing a red BMW car driving down the road

-Then a metal creature emerges

-The creature appears to be chasing the car

-The car seems to be avoiding the creature smoothly by turning and accelerating with great handling

-The metal creature transformed into a gunk/dirt monster and appeared to be following the car closely.

-The gunk/dirt monster doesn’t seem to be able to catch the car as it drives smoothly with power and accelerate down the road

-Car drives down the road and a Shell Station is revealed

-The car then drives into the Shell Station with the gunk/dirt monster closely behind. The car then stopped at the pump station to refuel Shell V-Power fuel. The gunk/dirt monster is shown following behind

-A far shot showcase that the gunk/dirt monster disintegrates into thin air just as the car refueled with Shell V-Power

-The frame shows the car still parked at Shell V-Power pump area with the background of the gunk/dirt monster dissolving behind

[Text Displays]

Actual benefits may vary. See Shell.com.my/vpower

[Video Footage]

-The car is seen leaving Shell station and it is shown that the remnants of the gunk/dirt monster has turned into a small blob that flops helplessly on the ground, unable to catch up with the car. This indirectly shows that the gunk/dirt monster is actually dirt/corrosion build up from a vehicle. And this car is free from it as it uses Shell V-Power fuel.

-The car is shown driving smoothly down the road again


Protection against gunk & corrosion


Shell V-POWER Logo

Shell Logo then appears with the Shell Malaysia 125 Years logo next to it