Mr. Leoni
Room: N183
A mathematics course that is geared toward increasing the number of students who take mathematics beyond algebra and geometry. In addition to traditional mathematical content, the student will do more problem solving in real-life situations, geometry, statistics and probability than in traditional mathematics courses. Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry (FST) emphasizes functional expressions and forms, especially linear and quadratic forms, powers and roots, and functions based on these concepts. Students study logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial, circular and other special functions both for their abstract properties and for modeling real-world situations. The course will also introduce statistical properties such as measures, probability, simulation and binomial and normal distributions.
I will maintain high expectations for all of my students within the class at all times. I believe that every one of my students can learn the material and only expect the very best effort every student can give. The students can expect the same of me. I will always be prepared and expect my students to be prepared as well. I expect my students to put forth the highest amount of effort and care about themselves and their performance.
· Notebook
· Textbook
· 3 ring binder
· Pencil and pen
· Graphing Calculator (TI 83+, TI 84 or TI-NSpire)
(Calculator Use – The technology of the graphing calculator and computer can help us to grasp mathematical concepts in new and interactive ways. However, the role of mental capabilities such as estimation and visualization remain powerful tools for learning and problem solving. Therefore, calculators may be used during many activities but will not be allowed during other selected activities in and out of class. Many colleges and universities limit the use of calculators for students learning mathematics. Students need to work to be prepared to think mathematically with and without technology.)
Homework will be given almost everyday. The assignments will generally take 20-30 minutes to complete. The assignment will be due the next day unless otherwise stated by the teacher. (NO EXCEPTIONS) If the assignment is not completed, the student may bring the assignment up to three days after the due date for half credit (50%). Each assignment, in addition to practice, is intended to be an opportunity to apply and extend the student’s learning as they work through the problems.
100-99 A+ 89-87 B+ 79-77 C+ 69-67 D+
98-93 A 86-83 B 76-73 C 66-63 D
92-90 A- 82-80 B- 72-70 C- 62-60 D-
59 or below F
Arrowhead has a “C or better” policy in effect for its math department. A student must attain at least a C in a math class to be able to progress to the next course. This policy is an attempt to raise standards and give the students a better chance to succeed at the next course.
· Tests/Projects 50%
· Quizzes 40%
· Homework/Class Participation/ 10%
Effort/Work Habits
Semester Grade = (18 week grade is 4/5) + (Final exam grade is 1/5)
See me before school or during periods 4, 7 and 9 in Room N183 or in the math office.
My e-mail:
***It is the student’s responsibility to ask for help.
Attendance is extremely important to this class. Students who miss too many classes are almost always the students who do poorly in the class. Be in class everyday, if at all possible.
Tardy Policy: First 3 tardies of the semester are a warning. Fourth offense is a referral to the principal for a detention.
In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to get all make-up work. You have three school days to make up the assignments, tests or quizzes. If you fail to make up your work within these three days, it will be considered late and reduced to half credit (50%). Once the marking period is finished, the grades close, and no more late assignments will be accepted.
Cell phones should not be visible during the class period. It is acceptable to play music (in headphones) and/or web browse during appropriate work times. It is never acceptable to take pictures, text or use gaming in the classroom. First 2 offenses are warnings. After that, acceptable actions will be taken which can include confiscating the phone for the remainder of the class period and/or giving the phone to the office to be picked up at the end of the school day.
Please be respectful of others, if you don’t make it an issue, it shouldn’t be an issue in the class.