Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Date: January 23, 2012
Location: Barclays, 745 Seventh Avenue, NY, NY, 10019
Subject: FSDA Executive Board Meeting
Attending: Nick Gaudiosi, Russell Touhey, Gina Bertucelli, John O’Grady, Pat Wallace (phone), Jack Murphy, Joe Razza, Domenick Rossetti (phone), Vicki Pitcavage, Mike Gimpel, Matt Callaghan, Kevin McGuire, Steve Chimento
Absent: Bill Costello, Joe Haney, Joe McCormick, Glenn Corbett, Paul Mallery, Jim Ellson, Nika Whitehead, Sandy Sansevero, Larry Byrnes, Mike Laffey
- Welcome New Executive Board
- Clear understanding of duties of each role
- Board members stated they read By-Laws and understood their duties.
- Gina stated she would like to share role of obtaining speakers between 2nd and 3rd vice presidents. Bt-law amendment.
- Jack Murphy elected unanimously Chairman of the Board of Directors by those present.
- Any changes to By-Laws
- A few By-law amendments were discussed to reflect our practices.
- Draft proposal to follow for Board approval and reading at February meeting
- Gina will draft by-law amendments for submittal to Board
- Quarterly Board meetings
- We would like to have regularly scheduled Exec Board meetings so that we can all schedule our time. These could take place immediately after a scheduled monthly meeting
- Membership
- Increase number of dues paying members
- As of 1/23/12, we have approximately only 40 paid members for 2012.
- Financial Secretary must notify Corresponding Secretary of any paid members asap. Corresponding Secretary to update database.
- The Corresponding Secretary will generate a list each month indicating paid members and those in arrears. Any new members will be noted on the list.
- This list is to be emailed to the Board the Friday preceding each scheduled monthly meeting.
- Contact members in arrears
- The Corresponding Secretary will send out an email dues notice asap to be followed by a mailing to those in arrears.
- Starting in March of 2012, members in arrears will be denied access to the meeting. Warnings will be given at the February meeting.
- A proposal was made to charge $20 per meeting guest pass to our meetings. This was approved and will be included in the By-Law amendments.
- New Member Welcome Packet
- A proposal was made to develop a new member packet to include: By-Laws, Membership Certificate, Welcome Letter.
- Nick will put together a draft packet
- Remind members about information on website
- Budget
- 2011 Financial Statement
- There was no 2012 Financial Statement
- Monthly reports
- It is imperative that we have a Treasurer’s each month to track the Associations expenses.
- Golf Outing
- We will try to keep the same date (May 21, 2012), the Monday before Memorial Day.
- Joe R, Kevin McG and Gina will solicit quotes from Douglaston, Clearview and Bethpage asap.
- Increasing the price of the outing will be discussed after receipt of quotes.
- A suggestion was made to conduct the raffle as a “Chinese Auction” rather than a free for all. This idea had a lot of support.
- A thank you letter must go out to all donors no less than 2 weeks following the outing.
- We need to get more members involved, not just the Board.
- Donations
- We must set a budget for the year. Our operating costs have increased.
- The budget will be limited to income generated the previous year, not anticipated income.
- A donation budget must be set aside and the balance considered in all votes for donations.
- The vast majority of the group felt that all donations must be in line with the Association’s core mission, the protection of life and property from the hazards of fire.
- Task Force
- Maintain regular contact with Fire Prevention
- We have a unique and strong relationship with the FDNY and in particular, the Bureau of Fire Prevention. We need to continue this effort with regular meetings.
- Identify problems facing our members
- We must do more to encourage our members to bring fire prevention issues to the Association
- Turnstiles
- Combined FS/EAP Plans
- Use more online survey with the help of John Jay College
- We need to get more members to submit on-site surveys. Remind members at monthly meetings or email.
- Meetings
- Locations
- February- World Financial Center
- March- Prince George Hotel
- April- Seminar at 1 Chase Plaza, no regular meeting
- May- Trinity Real Estate
- September- FDNY Headquarters
- October- open
- November- open
- December- open
- Topics/Speakers
- Jack Murphy working on topics and speakers
- We need to hear from membership on what topics they would like to hear more about
- Reach out to PD to determine EAP overlap and identify any problems related to operations.
- Determine an appropriate gift for speakers, consistent with available funds.