Title: Shell V-Power Nitro+ Stay Ahead (60 seconds) - Thailand

Duration: 0:00:60 minutes


Shell V-Power Nitro+ is designed to defend your engine against Gunk and Corrosion. Here we see our hero car being chased by the monsters that represent Gunk & Corrosion

Shell V-Power Nitro+ Stay Ahead Transcript

Animated sequence

Opening shot to set the scene. We establish the BMW as hero. The BMW drives out of shot and we are introduced to the vast Chilean mountain range and see a dilapidated pick-up truck, parked on the side of the road with its engine parts ripped out.

Next, we introduce the Shape Shifter to the viewer. We zoom into the pick-up truck and notice the Shape Shifter in the trailer. The Shape Shifter wakes and notices the car drive past. It turns its head in the direction of the car.

The hero car drives along unaware of the Shape Shifter following in the background. The Shape Shifter has grown noticeably and uses its long legs to launch itself forward. We zoom out and see the Shape Shifter in proportion to the Chilean mountainside. The Shape Shifter loosely resembling a large prawn, races along the winding road with a dogged determination.

We switch to a close-up of the Shape Shifter chasing the car. The Shape Shifter has now caught up with the BMW, and we see the back of the car from the Shape Shifter’s POV.

Visual transition

The camera pans out and we see an aerial view of the winding road, snaking down the mountain. At the top of the road we see the Shape Shifter scampering after the car. The camera shakes to reflect the laboured movement of the Shape Shifter.

The Shape Shifter’s leg comes close to the car. As it comes crashing down, we see bit of the road as well as corroded metal from the Shape Shifter’s body fling into the air.

Visual transition

As the car swings round the hare-pin bend of the winding mountain road, the corroded flaring legs of the Shape Shifter grind with the road barrier. A sense of threat is created as we see the metal barrier begin to corrode where contact has been made with the monster and bits of corroded debris are left in the monster’s wake.

We see a close up of the monster grinding against the metal barrier. The orangey, brown corrosion builds up on the dented barrier, and we see it begin to crumble away. The monster’s movements look more laboured now.

Finally the crumbling corroded barrier gives way to the impact and effects of the corroded Shape Shifter mass and we see the monster tumble down the side of the mountain. However we see the Shape Shifter clamber back up with a reinvigorated intent to devour the BMW’s engine.

We see a POV shot of the monster, showing the car ahead, about to enter a tunnel. The car (facing the camera) drives into the tunnel and we see the monstrous silhouette of the monster pierce through the tunnel entrance.

The monster, now resembling a spider, begins to drill through the tunnel. Dramatically the monster begins to scale the roof of the tunnel, and appears almost directly above the BMW.

The monster, having gained significant territory on the hero car, sends sparks flying as it gauges into to the interior of the tunnel. The hero car manoeuvres to avoid the falling debris.

Visual Transition

The hero car makes it out of the dark tunnel and in an epic leap, the spider monster launched itself from the exit of the tunnel. The spider launches from the tunnel in an epic leap

At its highest point, the monster morphs into a monkey like creature. It has evolved from a body made of corroded metal to one made of gunk, with residue dripping off it. The monster lands in a massive gunky splodge as it hits the ground. The monster then takes an alternate route to the road, to catch the car.

Visual Transition

The car approaches the bridge, monster still in pursuit. The monster scuttles around the sides of the bridge. The camera angle changes, to zoom in on the monster who is looping around the underside of the bridge in an effort to catch the car.

This starts from a road-level perspective, quickly panning upwards to the monster gunk stretched up to its full height. The car outmanoeuvres the monster in close contact. Although the threat from the monster is extremely real, the monster will never actually appear ahead of the car physically, but will rise to the sides and above the car.

This shot starts from inside the car, as the driver dodges the Shape monster in close contact. To reiterate, the monster will never appear in front of the car.

Visual Transition

As the car drives across the bridge, dodging the monster, we build to a crescendo as the monster engulfs the car in a wave of gunk. The shot switches to the front of the car, as it emerges from the monster attack.

The clean car drives to the end of the bridge.

We cut to a wide shot of the car driving up to a well-lit forecourt, monster still in pursuit, but has dropped further behind the car. The forecourt is seen as a safe haven, the car slows as it approaches.

We switch to a shot of the front of the shiny, unscathed car pulling more slowly into the forecourt. A Shell V-Power petrol tank is clearly visible in the foreground. The monster is in the background approaching the forecourt, adding to the suspense of the scene.

A wide camera-angle shot shows the car at a standstill in the forecourt, as the Shape monster continues its progress towards the car. Shell V-Power branding is clearly visible across the forecourt.

Visual Transition

The monster finally reaches the station, but as soon as it comes into contact with the VP-selling station it explodes in a mess of gunk, but the petrol station repels the gunk remaining unscathed.

As the gunk clears, the shot switches from in front of the car in the forecourt to behind it. Neither car nor station are damaged or have a trace of gunk, wear or corrosion, protected by Shell V-Power. The aim of this shot is to demonstrate SVP’s ability to protect against the threats to an engine. Gunky bits of the monsters are scattered around the outside of the forecourt, emphasising its destruction for the time-being.

A close up on the left-hand back rear light, which is indicating. The car turns left out of the safety of the forecourt, to signal that the car is embarking on the next part of its journey.

A baby gunk monster creeps out from behind the pumps, to demonstrate that the threat is real, it is still there, waiting to attack unprotected engines.

The car is shown driving away down a road and the super appear.

Text Displays

Designed to defend your engine against gunk and corrosion.

Voice Over

Designed to defend your engine against gunk and corrosion.

Visual Transition

The ‘Shell V-Power Nitro +’ logo is superimposed across the shot. This reiterates the message that Shell V-Power enables you to stay ahead.

Voice Over

With Shell V-Power Nitro+.