Title: Program Manager

Responsible to: Executive Director


The Program Manager advocates for and on behalf of deaf and hard of hearing individuals, provides case management, community outreach and management of consumer services: Employment, Access, Education/Outreach and Independent Living Skills. Outreach: responsible for coordination of all outside consultation and presentations.

Specific Duties:


  • Coordinate and supervise all consumer programs, accurate documentation and related program staff
  • Collaborate with the Community Liaison on Public Relations, bringing exposure to the agency and Deaf Community
  • Working cooperatively with the Interpreting Services Coordinator, supervise the Staff Interpreter in order to maximize interpreting hours (both staff and community) and develop community presentations relevant to the interpreting field.
  • Submit a written monthly report, including program statistics, to the Executive Director
  • Quarterly submission of a topic specific summary of program goals and accomplishments for inclusion in board and advisory reports
  • Maintain an accessible, time-specific appointment calendar
  • Stay abreast of current relevant technology and disability law
  • Maintain a record, demographics sheet and case notes for every client
  • Coordinate grant projects as directed
  • Submit current news and information for dissemination in Silent Voices
  • Attend staff development opportunities
  • Attend Deaf Advisory Council Meetings, maintaining a positive and visible relationship with the Deaf Community
  • Perform other duties as assigned


  • Assist and instruct consumers on issues related to “independent living,” hygiene, money management, budgeting expenses, etc.
  • Assist clients in determining appropriate accommodation needs and advocate for the implementation of those accommodations
  • Disability Benefits Counseling: SSI, SSD, Medicare and Medicaid
  • Housing assistance, access and referral to services, applications for assistance programs, tenants’ rights, etc.


  • Coordinate Job Placement and Maintenance Program Services
  • Responsible for appropriate, VESID regulated documentation, payment vouchers and submission to VESID office
  • Work cooperatively with the Business Manager in regard to billing for placement services


  • Consistently maintain advocating and educating for access to healthcare as highest priority
  • In collaboration with the Advocate and Community Liaison, plan and attend events, workshops and presentations
  • Act as consultant and advocate for outside agencies with deaf consumers
  • Education outside agencies and general public regarding deafness, Deaf Culture, ADA Law and accessibility
  • Provide community and client presentations relevant to Deaf Culture, deafness, accessibility and interpreting as needed
  • Provide general information and referral to clients
  • Work with staff to develop and update general guides and policies, training materials and newsletters consistent with the mission of DAS
  • Education clients of their right to equal access

Minimum Qualifications/Skills:

  • Diplomacy and strong people skills
  • Strong public speaking skills
  • Thorough knowledge of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing Cultures
  • Knowledge of RID Code of Professional Conduct
  • Excellent written, presentation and signed communication abilities
  • Fluency in American Sign Language
  • Flexibility to meet the needs of deaf consumers with a variety of language backgrounds
  • Thorough knowledge of ADA
  • Bachelors Degree in social work or related field
  • Three years experience working with deaf adults
  • Organizational and time management capabilities
  • Computer competency
  • Knowledge of telephone etiquette