Application for a preliminary study voucher in innovation project funding (“innovation cheque”) / Innosuisse no.: / Ref:

Title of preliminary study (cannot be changed at a later date)

*Name of company / *UID number / Postal address
*Post code: / *Town/city: / *Canton
*E-mail / Website / *Business phone number:
*Name of representative in applicant company / *First name / Title
! *Mandatory fields
! Please note: The natural persons listed here must be authorised to sign.

1)Desired funding contribution*

Staff costs / CHF
Material costs / CHF
Total / CHF
(max. CHF 15,000)

*Please note: Eligible costs are defined as per Article 5 of Innosuisse’s Contributions Ordinance of 20 September 2017 (SR 420.231) and Articles 5-7 of the implementing provisions for innovation projects of 16 November 2017.

2)Has the company already been granted a KTI/Innosuisse innovation cheque in the past?

yes noif yes: Was it granted more than two years ago?* yes no

* Please note: In accordance with Article 17 Paragraph 4 of Innosuisse’s Contributions Ordinance of 20 September 2017 (SR 420.231), companies may only receive a voucher for an innovation cheque a maximum once every two years.

3) Has the company already been involved in a KTI/Innosuisse innovation project?
yes noif yes: Has the project been concluded? yes no

4)Is the company part of a group of companies?*

yes. Which one? / no

* Please note: A group of companies exists if one legal entity controls one or multiple companies (in the sense of Article 963 of the Swiss Code of Obligations of 30 March 1911 (OR, SR 220)). Please note that the group of companies may have a maximum of 249 full-time equivalent employees.

5)Number of employees (if part of a group of companies, please indicate the total number in the group)
Please indicate the number of employees converted to full-time positions (full-time equivalents).

1-9 10-25 26-50 51-100 101-249

6) Has your project already received funding from other public entities?

yes, from / no

7)Was your company founded in the last five years?
yes no

8)Which industry does the company belong to/which industry best describes the company?

9) Which of the fields below best matches your planned project?
(please only select one field)

Funding group / Discipline
Energy & EnvironmentSelect one element.
EngineeringSelect one element.
ITSelect one element.
Life SciencesSelect one element.
Social sciences and business managementSelect one element.

10) Please give a brief description of your innovation project and the services you expect from a research partner[1](min. 200 to max. 480 words)

What innovative idea would you like to implement?

What questions could the research partner help you with?

What is the innovative content of the planned work compared to the current status of your own research and the competitive situation of the market? Has research been carried out(indicate the sources etc.)?

What benefits is the preliminary study expected to provide for your company?

11)Which research partner do you intend to carry out the project with?

12) Has your company already worked with a research partner? yes no


I/We confirm that the information above is accurate and complete.

Place and date:

The company’s electronic declaration of consent: Instead of signing this application, the document can be sent as an attachment by directly clicking on the Innosuisse address below.

Please note:

Incomplete applications will be rejected.

You can find more information about the innovation cheque on our website at
Preliminary study: Innovation cheque

Application Form Innovation chequeSeite 1

[1] In accordance with Article 3 Paragraph 2 of Innosuisse’s Contributions Ordinance of 20 September 2017 (SR 420.231).