Tuesday August 19, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schmidt at 6:00pm.
PRESENT: Bayer, Canever, Green, Hamel, Henderson,
Kasper, Osborn, Saule, Schmidt, Strayer
ABSENT: Bertschy, James, Sweetman
OTHERS: Michael Burns DDA Director/Assistant City Manager,
Lynn Markland, City Manager
LIBRARY: We are in the process of bidding. Hope to have information ready for the September meeting. Bids are in for the painting. We have met with Chris DeBear and have picked out the paint and carpet etc.
Most everything else to report will be covered in tonight’s meeting.
Shane advised that she gave the board two reports because there was a change from the last month.
Shane said that the auditors will be here September 8th
a) Accounts Payable Authorize payment of bills in the amount of $232,323.31
b) Minutes of the Fenton Design Committee Meeting Tuesday June 10, 2014
c) Minutes of the DDA Meeting of Tuesday July 15, 2014.
MOTION made by Kasper, supported by Schmidt to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
MOTION CARRIED, Roll Call Vote: Bayer-aye, Canever-aye, Green-aye, Hamel-aye, Henderson-aye, Kasper-aye, Osborn-aye, Saule-aye, Schmidt-aye, Strayer-aye,
Chip Beltnick– Sawyers Jeweler’s - 101 N Adelaide – Downtown Parking
In the Cornerstone Building Development Agreement that the DDA approved with Corlin Builders, the DDA agreed to appropriate $385,750 for the Architectural Fees to SAA Architects for construction of the building. Corlin Builders contracted directly with SAA Architects to provide this service for the project. The agreement began in January 2013 and ended on July 30, 2014. One of the components of this agreement was that during construction, the DDA would reimburse the retainer charged by SAA to Corlin in the amount of $2500 per month for Construction Management (Architectural Oversight) during the construction phase of the project. The DDA has been paying this since construction began last summer.
When the agreement was made between Corlin and SAA last January, construction was scheduled to begin in March 2013 with the completion being by July 30, 2013. However, construction did not begin until July due to finalizing the contractual agreement between the DDA and Corlin. The delay of the demolition of the Republic Bank along with requiring that 60 percent of the first floor leases had to be signed before the Development Agreement could begin.
The Construction Management component of this contract needs to be extended. This extension will not put us over budget.
GHASSAN SAAB Gave an update on the Cornerstone Project.
He advised that the project was progressing quiet smoothly. He said that the winter weather we had was a setback, and because of that, things are taking a little longer than anticipated. He also advised that a few of the retail occupants will be starting their build outs in a few weeks.
Sagano’s and Sawyer’s look to be open by mid November. The apartments should be ready by January.
MOTION made by Strayer, supported by Canever that the Downtown Development Authority approve the reimbursement of SAA Architects Construction Management fees billed to Corlin for the Cornerstone Building at a cost not to exceed $2500 per month until January 30, 2015.
The DDA received a Façade Improvement Program Application from Susan Olson, the owner of 300 S Leroy (Yesterday’s Treasures). She is requesting $7675.50 for improvements to her building. The Administrative Site Plan Review and Design Committee Review have been completed.
Susan Olson asked if once the work got started and they found more things that needed to be done, could she come back to the board.
Schmidt/Burns advised that it could be brought back to the Design Committee.
MOTION by Hamel, supported by Green that the Downtown Development Authority accept the recommendation of the Design Committee and approve the Façade Improvement Grant to Susan Olson for improvements at 300 S Leroy at a cost not to exceed $7,675.50.
Over the past few months the DDA Design Committee has met to improve the guidelines to the Façade Improvement Program. We are submitting new guidelines to the Board for Approval.
Discussion ensued among board members.
STEWART FLETCHER wanted to add that he had a big project $37,500. When he bought the property at 302 S Leroy it didn’t qualify for the Façade Improvement Program. He said that the DDA did a big investment on the Cornerstone and Fire Hall, but not as much on the smaller businesses.
SCHMIDT advised Stewart that there was only so much money in the budget.
BURNS told Stewart that his building was proposed for other purposes in the Master Plan.
BURNS also advised Stewart that depending on how much he is investing and how much the bank is willing to finance, if there is a gap, the DDA may be able to help.
SCHMIDT invited Stewart to sit in on a Façade meeting. He also advised Stewart to reserve his comments for the “CALL TO THE AUDIENCE” portion of the DDA meetings.
MOTION by Bayer, supported by Kasper that the Downtown Development Authority Board approve the recommended revisions of the Façade Improvement Program by the Design Committee as presented.
At our last meeting, this topic was tabled. Since then, I have done some research pertaining to Downtown Parking Systems. The City Manager, Mayor, Chairman Schmidt and Vice Chairman Strayer also met on this topic last week to try to gather a clear direction on this matter.
BURNS reported that he contacted the City Manager of Grosse Point. They had similar items with parking. Grosse Point renovated an old parking structure and built a new one for $4,000.000, $20,000 per space.
Discussion ensued
-When the Community Center parking lot was constructed, it was engineered to hold a parking structure.
-Will need more parking in the city.
-There was some concern among the retail tenants of the Cornerstone about employee and customer parking.
-Parking signs are needed.
-State Bank and the City of Fenton made an agreement long ago. The parking lot of the State Bank is City property. There are approx. 40-50 parking spots. Signs can be put up stating that it is a municipal lot after banking hours.
-There are about 1100-1200 parking spaces in the downtown area right now.
-Most everyone was in favor of developing the triangle parcel next to the Beanery. The DDA does not own that parcel it belongs to the City.
-This parking issue will be taken to the next Council Work Session on Sept 2nd.
The DDA received a request from John Strayer to consider sponsorship of the 4th Annual Fenton Halloween Parade, Art Show and Afterglow to be held on October 29, 2014. This event was not a budgeted event for this year. However, I do not believe this would have a significant effect to the overall DDA Budget if it is approved. This is a popular event that will provide free Halloween fun and entertainment for Fenton families and will be an additional event to draw more out of town visitors to Fenton.
Chelsea Mills and John Strayer gave a presentation on the previous year’s event. Chelsea explained that they also have a K-12 Student Art Fair. It has grown over the last few years from 100 entries to 300.
John said that the Community Center was not available this year and wanted to keep the event downtown. They are going to have it at Stewart Fletcher’s building at 302 S Leroy and in the Mill St area. They are planning on having tents. They already have a few sponsors, Sawyer’s Jewelers and State Bank, but with the tents it may not be enough.
MOTION by Schmidt, supported by Kasper to give a sponsorship to the Fenton Halloween Parade at a cost not to exceed $4500.
At our last meeting, this item was tabled as we discussed the possibility of New Moon Visions returning to provide services. Those activities are continuing. We will provide an update to the board on this matter and will have further discussion if necessary.
SCHMIDT said that ever since New Moon has been our marketing firm, they have done an excellent job. At the last meeting the merchants were very upset in hearing that New Moon was leaving. Their voices spoke volumes.
KASPER said that he thought they gave a personal welcome to new merchants.
MOTION by Schmidt, supported by Canever to approve the Marketing Plan established by New Moon Vision.
I am asking to reschedule the September 16, 2014 DDA Meeting. Both the City Manager and I will be attending the International City/County Management Association Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina from September 13th to 18th.
A few board members could not make the September 13th date so it was agreed that the September meeting will be on the 23rd.
MOTION by Schmidt, supported by Saule to change the September DDA meeting from the 16th to the 23rd.
At the March meeting the DDA approved a cost not to exceed $3000 to reimburse the Lakes Area Art Council for expenditures for the Art Walk. At the same meeting the LAAC also requested that the DDA purchase feather banners for the event. Working with New Moon Visions, we found $2400 of available funds from the Marketing and the Event Marketing budget to purchase 10 banners. Total cost of those banners was $2350.
The DDA received an expenditure sheet dated July 15, 2014 to reimburse LAAC for their expenses. There is some discrepancy on some of the line items that they are asking reimbursement for. There was no one from LAAC at the meeting tonight, so this will be tabled until the next meeting.
STACEY of Yesterday’s Treasurers asked what was being done about the empty FARR building.
MARKLAND advised that the building is owned by FARR and they have not talked to them about it.
CHIP of Sawyer’s Jewelers complimented on all of the good things that were going on in the City of Fenton and that the City is heading in the right direction. He would like to see more of the Good Stuff reported in the media.
CAROL of Sweet Variations asked about the landscaping part of the Streetscape.
BURNS advised that OHM would be sharing that in a couple of weeks.
KASPER asked the DDA Board Members to try to attend the City Council meetings when the DDA is involved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Craig Schmidt Elaine McGreevy
Craig Schmidt, Chairman Elaine McGreevy
Downtown Development Authority Recording Secretary