Title of Lesson/Anchor Task ____Multiplying 3 Digit by 1 Digit Number__
Grade Level ___4_____ Submitted by Matt Harper
CCSS Standards Addressed:CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NBT.B.5
Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
To a lesser degree:
4.OA.1; 4.OA.2; 4.OA.3 / Time Frame for Lesson/Anchor Task:
One part of an introductory lesson, or for use as a remediation task in small invitational groups.
Unit/Topic/Learning Targets Addressed:
One: create number sense with large scale multiplication
Two: it will introduce the intermediary step to the standard algorithm. “The Stacking Method”
e.g. 135
x 4
20 =5x4
120 =30x4
400 =100x4
Three: use algebraic thought in developing reasoning and answers to the task question. / Materials/Resources Needed:
One: Place Value Disks
Two: Place Value place mat
Three: paper and pencil – perhaps graphing paper for “The Stacking Method” addressed to the left.
See Below for pictures
Describe the Lesson/Anchor Task:
- What is the problem/task you will pose to students?
Marcus has 135 baseball cards. Blake has 3 times as many as Marcus. How many baseball cards do they have altogether?
- How will students be engaged?
Two: individual note taking in their journals
- How will students collaborate with each other?
- What is the teacher’s role?
- What questions will the teacher ask?
One: As a formative assessment, walk the room to determine whether the groups arrived at the correct answer.
Two: As a summative assessment, one could ask a similar question of the class, individually to assess understanding.
Johnny has 132 blue marbles. He has two times as many red marbles. How many marbles does he have?
Teacher Notes: