Title of Lesson/Anchor Task ____Multiplying 3 Digit by 1 Digit Number__

Grade Level ___4_____ Submitted by Matt Harper

CCSS Standards Addressed:
Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
To a lesser degree:
4.OA.1; 4.OA.2; 4.OA.3 / Time Frame for Lesson/Anchor Task:
One part of an introductory lesson, or for use as a remediation task in small invitational groups.
Unit/Topic/Learning Targets Addressed:
One: create number sense with large scale multiplication
Two: it will introduce the intermediary step to the standard algorithm. “The Stacking Method”
e.g. 135
x 4
20 =5x4
120 =30x4
400 =100x4
Three: use algebraic thought in developing reasoning and answers to the task question. / Materials/Resources Needed:
One: Place Value Disks
Two: Place Value place mat
Three: paper and pencil – perhaps graphing paper for “The Stacking Method” addressed to the left.
See Below for pictures
Describe the Lesson/Anchor Task:
  • What is the problem/task you will pose to students?
Give the children the following scenario and ask them to work with the place value disks.
Marcus has 135 baseball cards. Blake has 3 times as many as Marcus. How many baseball cards do they have altogether?
  • How will students be engaged?
One: small groups
Two: individual note taking in their journals
  • How will students collaborate with each other?
In small groups during the exploratory phase.
  • What is the teacher’s role?
Facilitator in small group settings during the exploratory phase. More of a ‘teacher’ as the process moves to the explanation phase.
  • What questions will the teacher ask?
One: during the exploratory phase, the teacher will be asking questions to direct the students to place their disks in groupings. In essence, with any necessary prompting the teacher will move the kids into making four groups of a single hundred disk / four groups of three tens disks / four groups of 5 ones disks. Values will then be determined. Through direct instruction, the values will be associated with the aforementioned, “Stacking Method.”
One: As a formative assessment, walk the room to determine whether the groups arrived at the correct answer.
Two: As a summative assessment, one could ask a similar question of the class, individually to assess understanding.
Johnny has 132 blue marbles. He has two times as many red marbles. How many marbles does he have?
Teacher Notes: