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Sample List of Employee Wellness Resources & Challenges
· Employee Wellness webpage www.healthiergeneration.org/employeewellness
o Employee Wellness Toolkit
o Webinar: Overview of the Employee Wellness Criteria and Evidence of Success for National Recognition
o Employee Wellness Baseline Assessment
o Employee Wellness Interest Survey
o Action Plan Template
o Employee Wellness Success Stories
· Healthy Schools Program Resource Database for more employee wellness implementations ideas, tools and templates. When searching the database, choose School Employee Wellness and then choose national resources. www.healthiergeneration.org/schools
· Guidelines for Offering Healthy Foods at Meetings - This document provides simple, easy-to follow guidelines for providing healthy snacks and meals at meetings, seminars and other catered events. http://www.mdhwc.org/Downloads/highlights/Nutrition_Guide%20at%20Mtgs%20UMN.pdf
· Healthier Worksite Initiative: Toolkits - http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/hwi/toolkits/index.htm
· Walking Your Way to Wellness - The aim is 10,000 steps a day. This incentive campaign moves your employees through a 12-week program to incorporate regular walking into their daily lives. http://www.welcoa.org/freeresources/pdf/stepbystepfr.pdf
· Fruits and Vegetables Challenge - A fun way to encourage employees at your worksite to eat more fruits and vegetables every day. http://www.eatsmartmovemorenc.com/FruitsAndVeggiesChallenge/FruitsAndVeggiesChallenge.html
· Move and Crunch Challenge - A fun, innovative event that engages the entire school community. School principals model healthy lifestyle choices and challenge students, parents and school staff to "Move" and
"Crunch" their way to wellness, by striving to meet recommendations for physical active and eating fruits and veggies during the week-long event.
· Stress-Less Challenge - A worksite wellness activity that provides employees the opportunity to practice and adopt a variety of strategies to reduce and manage stress. The activity is designed to be conducted over a four-week period. It can be modified to suit the needs of your committee and number of participating employees.
· Ten Minute Challenge - A worksite wellness activity that encourages employees to practice health enhancing behaviors such as eating smart, moving more, quitting now and managing stress. Each week of the challenge focuses on one of the healthy behaviors. http://www.eatsmartmovemorenc.com/TenMinuteChallenge/TenMinuteChallenge.html
· Maintain, Don’t Gain! Holiday Challenge - Worried holiday weight gain will weigh you down? Join the Holiday Challenge to get free weekly e-Newsletters that will help you maintain your weight during the holidays. In this newsletter you will find healthy recipes, tips and information to help you successfully navigate the holiday season. The Holiday Challenge runs from November 21 through December 31. http://www.myeatsmartmovemore.com/HolidayChallenge/index.html
EW resources handout 2011-2012
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