Document No: ITS-0057

Title of document: CB certification using a Local Technical Representative (LTR)

Revision of the document: 3 / 2009-06-24

Date of publication: 2009-06-24

Date of withdrawal: 2009-06-24

Document owner: Fredrik Wennersten

Application: CB Certification


This procedure is applicable to all Local Technical Representatives (LTR), conducting TMP, WMT, SMT and RMT, under the responsibility of NCB Intertek Semko AB, providing local testing services at manufacturer’s laboratory according to the general principles of IECEE Operational Documents
OD-CB 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031 and 2034.

LTR is the abbreviation given exclusively to a specified and contracted person, operating under the responsibility of the NCB.

Operational Documents governing the IECEE procedures may be downloaded from the restricted area IECEE website;

For access code; please contact the Certification Department in Stockholm;

NB: Before this procedure is used for CB certification purposes, the NCB shall sign an LTR Agreement with the representative and the Local Entity where he/she is employed.

The NCB shall register the LTR Agreement with the IECEE Secretariat and confirm that records of the LTR’s qualifications are available for scrutiny if required. In the event of changes to the agreement, or cancellation, the NCB shall inform the IECEE Secretariat accordingly.

REVISION SUMMARY - The following changes have been made to this document:
Revision / Date / Description of Change
1 / 04.09.2007 / Initial release
2 / 2009.02.25 / Change the address of Germany office at the footer of this document.
3 / 2009.06.18 / Addition of Annex C, corrections and clarifications.

Process for LTR testing at a manufacturer’s laboratory.

1.  The LTR contacts the Certification Unit in Stockholm, to discuss the project and agree about the testing program. Make sure that any special arrangements related to item 5 below is agreed upon, before the project is initiated.

2.  The LTR sends the application form, ITS-0001, and other agreed documentation to the Certification Unit in Stockholm.

3.  The Certification Unit opens a project and returns the Reference No. to the LTR.

4.  The testing is conducted at the manufacturer’s laboratory, in accordance with the procedures of relevant CB-OD.

5.  Assessment shall be conducted following the rules of relevant OD for TMP, WMT, SMT or RMT and the report shall be submitted electronically to the Certification Unit in Stockholm, together with relevant certification documentation, test report (Microsoft Word format) for review.

6.  After the review, where the certification reviewer may contact the LTR for any clarifications, the test report is printed and signed by the certification reviewer.

7.  Once all relevant documentation has been submitted, demonstrating that the product complies with the requirements, a CB certificate is issued and signed by the Certification Manager, or Deputy.

8.  Upon completion of the project, the Certification Unit will send certificates to addressee specified by the LTR.

NB: Any documentation being part of the technical file, but deemed not necessary to submit to Stockholm, shall be filed locally for 11 years.

Price, invoicing and financial issues

A.  The LTR, or the Local Entity, will charge the client in accordance with local pricing.

B.  The Certification Unit, or the CBTL, will charge the LTR, or the Local Entity, per certificate issued, in accordance with the pricelist, ITS-0052.

C.  If the CBTR is reviewed at the CBTL, the cost for this review is invoiced separately by the CBTL.

D.  As part of random quality control, the Certification Unit may conduct a deeper follow up review of the CBTR submitted, in which case an hourly fee will be charged. Such fee will not be applied without prior notice.

NB: Any cost for the supervision or assessment of the LTR’s participation in the IECEE programs are to be borne by the LTR, or the Local Entity.

Requirements for a LTR

In addition to the rules of IECEE Scheme, given in OD-CB2027 and OD-CB2034, and the requirements in “Procedures for Training, Appointment, Duties and continuing evaluation of Mandated Reviewers for S and GS marking”, the following applies:


·  The Candidate LTR shall have extensive knowledge in the field of relevant IEC/EN standard(s).

·  The Candidate LTR shall be experienced in TMP, WMT, SMT or RMT - assessment work, as applicable.


·  The nominal training period is 1 – 2 weeks*.

·  The timeframe from application to approved LTR is decided on a case by case basis, depending on the candidate’s qualifications and the scope covered.

Responsibilities for the training

·  Technical Manager/Chief engineer / Theoretical education according to relevant standard(s)
·  Reviewer (of CBTL)* / Practical testing, according to relevant standard(s)
·  Quality Manager* / IEC 17025
·  Certification Manager / Certification schemes (IECEE)

* Training activities may be arranged in other locations than Stockholm, by instructors authorised by the


* Acceptance of the LTR is made by the Certification Manager and Technical Manager/Chief


Supervision or assessment of the LTR’s participation in the IECEE

The NCB shall be entitled to request, as appropriate, an actual product sample for examination, as part of the on-going audit/review/supervision process of the test reports completed by the LTR.

The NCB shall ensure that the LTR is continuously updated in standards and process elements by participation in testing programs, evaluation of the LTR's testing, on-going experience or through compariative testing elements.

Intertek Semko-SE/YYNNN

Local Technical Representative (LTR) Agreement

Made between
The NCB, Intertek Semko AB, hereinafter called Intertek Semko
<Mr No Name>, hereinafter called the LTR, employed by:
<Local entity >
0. /
As a National Certification Body (NCB) participating in the international CB Scheme, Intertek Semko is obliged to secure that the LTR procedures is carried out according to the current rules for testing and certification of the CB Scheme and according to the latest edition of its Operational Documents.
This agreement covers the general conditions to be fulfilled by Intertek Semko and the LTR with respect to the IECEE TMP, WMT, SMT and RMT programs.
Product Categories/standards are covered by Annex A to this agreement.
Financial matters are covered by Annex B to this agreement
1. /
Responsibilities of Intertek Semko
·  Selection and designation of the LTR
·  Ongoing supervision and monitoring of the LTR
(May be delegated by the NCB to one of its CBTL)
·  Ongoing training of the LTR in the procedures and operation
of the CB scheme
·  Qualification of both the initial and ongoing technical competence
of the LTR through assessments and auditing
(May be delegated by the NCB to one of its CBTL)
·  Registration of the LTR with the IECEE secretary, and maintenance
of the current details in the register
·  Issue of CB Test Certificates including the use of LTR
·  Operating as detailed in OD-CB2028 through 2031 and 2034
·  Accepting the liability issues that may arise because of the LTR work
2. /
Responsibilities of the Local Entity
·  Providing the facilities and resources to support the LTR
·  Ensuring that the LTR maintains accurate documentation regarding his/her technical competency and experience
·  Not to be affiliated with, nor consulting for, nor influenced or controlled, by the manufactures or suppliers
·  Taking appropriate steps for LTR’s under his/hers responsibility, to demonstrate adequate insurance coverage
·  Facilitating on-site the responsibilities of the NCB
3. /
Responsibilities of the LTR
·  Operating in compliance with all relevant requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and the IECEE CB schemes requirements and procedures
·  Operating with the procedures and working instructions of Intertek Semko regarding the use of manufacturers test laboratories
·  Maintaining technical competency for the specified scope of work (as per Annex A) within the accepted scope of Intertek Semko
·  Maintaining accurate documentation regarding the LTR’s technical competency to Intertek Semko and informing about any change of status
·  Ensuring that all use of manufacturers’ test laboratories is carried out in accordance with the general principles of OD-CB 2027 as well as with the procedures of Intertek Semko
·  Being available, as appropriate, to be assessed under the peer re-assessment program pertaining to Intertek Semko as requested in advance by the Lead Assessor of the Peer Assessment Team
·  Accepting on site supervision upon request of Intertek Semko
·  Not being affiliated with, nor consulting nor influenced or controlled by the manufacturers or suppliers
4. / Confidentiality
All documents and information concerning clients and test samples that apply to this agreement shall be regarded as strictly confidential among both parties.
5. / Insurance
The local entity (including the LTR) shall be responsible for maintaining adequate indemnity insurance covering all services performed under this agreement.
6. / Validity of the Agreement
This Agreement becomes effective upon the date of signing by both parties. Thereafter the Agreement continues indefinitely until it is terminated by either party, giving the other party three (3) months prior notice in writing.
Either party has the right to cancel this agreement with immediate effect if any of the parties fails to comply with any provision of this agreement, suspends its payments, enters into liquidation or takes or suffers any similar action in consequence of its debts, whether voluntary or compulsory.
7. / Law applicable
This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Sweden.

This agreement including annex, has been made out in two identical copies, one for each party


Legal Registration No. *

*(Only if the LTR is a person legally registered as a own company)

Local Entity



Organization / Intertek SEMKO AB
Address / Torshamnsgatan 43, SE-164 22 Kista Stockholm
Country / Sweden

List of annexes

Annex A NCB LTR Report to the IECEE Secretary

Annex B Economic compensation

Annex C Flow chart for the process “CBTC via LTR”

Annex A to LTR Agreement YYYY

NCB LTR Report to the IECEE Secretary

(Annex A of OD-CB2034)


Organization / Intertek SEMKO AB
Address / Torshamnsgatan 43, SE-164 22 Kista, Stockholm
Country / Sweden
Date of Initial “LTR Agreement”
Latest Revision of “LTR Agreement”

Products/Standards covered by the Agreement

Product Category / IEC Standards / Products Covered

All product categories and standards are within the scope of the NCB


Legal Registration No. *

* (If applicable. see § 2.3)





Records of qualifications of the LTR are available for scrutiny if requested

Local Entity YES NO


NB: If this section is not filled, it implies that the LTR is an Independent Individual

Signature of NCB Representative: ______Date: ______

Annex B to LTR Agreement YYYY

Date: ______

Economic compensation

A.  The LTR, or the Local Entity, will charge the client in accordance with local pricing.

B.  The Certification Unit will charge the LTR, or the Local Entity, per certificate issued in accordance the Pricelist of ITS 0052.

C.  As part of random quality control the Certification Unit may conduct a deeper follow up review of the CBTR submitted, in which a fee of USD 100/hour will be charge. Such fee will not be applied without prior notice.

NB: Any cost for the supervision or assessment of the LTR’s participation in the IECEE programs are to be borne by the LTR, or the Local Entity.

Annex C to LTR Agreement YYYY

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Intertek Deutschland GmbH, Stangenstrasse 1, 70771 Leinfelden- Echterdingen, Germany, tel +49 (711) 273110, fax +49 (711) 27311 559
Intertek Semko AB, Torshamnsgatan 43, Box 1103, 164 22 Kista, Sweden, tel +46 8 750 00 00, fax +46 8 750 60 30
Intertek Testing Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd, 5 Pereira Road, #06-01, Asiawide Industrial Building, Singapore, Tel +65 6282 7187, Fax +65 6280 0840