SLO – Admissions & Records/Registration – Fall 2010
In May 2010, as part of a “Pilot” Program Priority Registration 390 SFUSD High School graduates who had completed the matriculation process were notified by email and given an early registration date. The complete matriculation process includes the application for admission, testing, orientation, and counseling services. By providing Priority Registration to these students, average units enrolled, course completion and retention rates will increase by 10% compared to a similar SFUSD group from the Class of 2009.
Utilizing data from Banner compare average units enrolled, course completion, and retention rates to previous years cohorts.
Fall 2009¹ / Fall 2010² / Fall 2009 / Fall 2010 / Diff. / % Diff.SFUSD HS Graduates : / 367 / 390 / 23 / 6.27%
Students Enrolled: / 292 / 321 / 29 / 9.93%
Total Units: / 2,617 / 4,098.5 / 1,482 / 56.61%
Average Units: / 8.96 / 12.77 / 3.81 / 42.46%
Students Enrolled in MATH: / 64 / 237 / 22% / 74% / 173 / 270.31%
Students Enrolled in ENGL: / 138 / 225 / 47% / 70% / 87 / 63.04%
Students Enrolled in ESL: / 48 / 106 / 16% / 33% / 58 / 120.83%
Students Enrolled in CHEM: / 8 / 55 / 3% / 17% / 47 / 587.50%
Students Enrolled in PE: / 76 / 101 / 26% / 31% / 25 / 32.89%
Students Enrolled in BIO: / 4 / 18 / 1% / 6% / 14 / 350.00%
Students Enrolled in POLS: / 25 / 38 / 9% / 12% / 13 / 52.00%
Students Enrolled in PSYC: / 63 / 47 / 22% / 15% / -16 / -25.40%
¹ Fall 2009 SFUSD HS graduates were given a registration appointment in July, closer to the start of the semester.
² As a pilot project, early registration priorities for Fall 2010 were given to 390 SFUSD HS graduates who had completed the matriculation process.
A data comparison was done between Fall 2009 SFUSD HS Graduates who received registration dates in mid-July and the Fall 2010 Pilot Group who received second day registration. Compared to Fall 2009, the total units enrolled in Fall 2010 by SFUSD High School graduates increased significantly by 56.61% from 2,617 units to 4,099 units. The average units enrolled increased by 42.46% from 8.96 units in Fall 2009 to 12.77 units in Fall 2010.
Continue to compare longitudinal data between cohorts
Discussions & Changes:
Collaborate with other Student Services Units and Interested Academic Units to integrate improvements into next cycle.
9/5/12 MLL