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Key words must be Cambria 7
Papers body must be Times New Roman10 in two columns and line space during whole paper is 1 cm.
Also, normal paper size for JREE is 6-8 journal pages. If any paper exceeded more than 10 journal pages, we will take off from production; never publish it! Unless another reduce the size of the manuscript.
All sections like introduction, materials method, results and discussion, conclusion and references must be CAPITAL, bold and distinguish with number (1. INTRODUCTION, 2. MATERIALS METHOD, ...) in Cambria font with 10 size. Also their subsection must be Capitalize Each Words , bold and distinguish with number like :
2.1.Capital Each Word of Title Continue text
2.2.Capital Each Word of Title Continue text
2.3.Capital Each Word of Title Continue text
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During text body write Table 1 or Figure 1 and in figure caption write Figure 1. orTABLE 1.
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TABLE 1. Strouhal number for different geometric cases
HD / VD=0 / VD=13 / 0.198 / 0.083
5 / 0.184 / 0.1
Figure 1. Deposition efficiency on a single square in channel
Figure 2.Comparison of the present numerical results with the experimental data for deposition fraction of micro particles in flow rate of 60 lit/min.
Also, your paper's figs must be without background fill color, no border fig and no border legend, no vertical line, no horizontal line and betterquality for publishing.
References must site during paper with ascending order as [1], [2], [3] , …
Please site 3 to 5 papers which published in JREE journal and related to your article.
And in the end of paper :
1. Authors last name, authors first name abbreviations, “title of paper “ , Name of Journal, Vol. 00, (year), page no. 00-00.
1. Amiri, M.C., “Separation of ultra-fine sulphur particles from NTA dispersion by Aphron flotation”, International Journal of EngineeringTransaction A: Basics, Vol. 3, (1990), 148-153.
1. Amiri, M. C., Kiani, A. and Jafari, T., “Separation of ultra-fine sulphur particles from NTA dispersion by Aphron flotation”, International Journal of Engineering, Transaction B: Applications, Vol. 24, No. 3, (2008), 148-153.
2. Chow, V. T., "Open Channel Hydraulics, Singapore, Mc-Graw-Hill, (1959).
3. Karbakhsh, A., Othman, I., Ibrahim, Z., Malek, K. and Hashamdar, H., "Variations of Horizontal Stiffness of Laminated Rubber Bearings with Different Boundary Conditions", in 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region and Australasian Structural Engineering Conference 2010, The, Engineers Australia., 1400, (2010).
Dear author
Please note that Acknowledgement should be added before reference section in the manuscript.
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