Duration: 1:14 minutes
Malikai TLP load out and float off.
MALIKAI TLP LOADOUT_150416Transcript
[Background music plays]
Bright instrumental music, including strings, with a folksy/dance rhythm.
[Video footage]
Bird’s eye view of the base of the Malikai tension-leg platform, panning up to an aerial view of the TLP in a shipyard, revealing the waiting heavy lift transport vessel at the quayside.
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Malikai Deep-water Project
Shell Moves Malikai
[Video footage]
Low angle view of the TLP in the shipyard, the sky forming the background, changing angles to a closer worm’s eye view of another of the sides of the platform, panning down to a front view.
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Malikai is one of Malaysia’s largest deep-water oil platforms.
[Video footage]
Wide high angle view of the TLP in the shipyard, various buildings and crane structures scattered about, with cloudy blue skies forming the background.
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The platform weighs 27,500 tonnes, equivalent to 27,000 average family cars
[Video footage]
Bird’s eye view of the TLP, the water and skies beyond forming the background.
Close-up of one of the tension legs.
Wide view of a workman in safety gear welding something on the TLP.
Wide view of a large group of workmen in hardhats congregated in the shipyard as another man in safety gear speaks to them.
Machinery whirring.
Sounds of welding.
A man speaking.
[Video footage]
Close-up of the large mechanism beneath the TLP which is sliding it along.
Fast motion wide view of the TLP sliding along the tracks from the shipyard to the quayside. Clouds flit by in a blue sky in the background.
Close-up front view of the base of the TLP sliding along the tracks.
Worm’s eye view from under the TLP as it moves along the tracks.
Whirring sound as the TLP moves along the track.
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The project team slid the platform from shipyard to quayside.
[Video footage]
Aerial view, panning up slightly, of the TLP reaching the transport vessel.
Close-up of the quayside with the TLP lined up with the waiting transport vessel.
Fast motion view of the cloudy blue skies turning dark and lights appearing around the quay as the TLP starts to slide onto the transport vessel.
High angle fast motion view of the TLP, once more in daylight, sliding onto the transport vessel.
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The team loaded it onto a transport vessel.
[Video footage]
Wide fast motion view of the harbour, the TLP atop the transport vessel filling frame-right as it begins to move away from the quayside and out to sea.
Wide shot of the TLP atop the transport vessel, surrounded by ocean.
Aerial view of the TLP atop the transport vessel and moving away into deeper waters.
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The vessel carried the platform offshore into deeper waters.
[Video footage]
Panning aerial view of the TLP out in deep water, cutting to slightly high angle view of the platform and support vessels in the ocean surrounding it.
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The team released the platform, letting it float by itself.
Transporting it from land to sea took 10 days after more than a year of planning.
[Video footage]
Wide view, panning slightly, of the platform with support vessels nearby on the ocean.
[Video footage]
Extreme aerial view of the platform surrounded by deep blue seas and various support vessels.
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This major feat takes Malaysia one step closer to unlocking vital energy resources.
Shell jingle
Shell logo
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125 Years