Title: Leading


Synopsis: Leadership can be defined as the art of motivating a group of people to act towards a common goal. A strong leader has the combination of personality and skills that make others want to follow him/her. Qualities of a good leader include vision, value of integrity, confidence, a willingness to put others before you, communication skills, patience, tolerance, and willingness to compromise. The role of leaders in an organization evolves as the business evolves.

Classroom Application: Instructors may find this video relevant for discussing the qualities of good leaders. Examples given in the video of characteristics of a strong leader include the ability to empower others to succeed, tolerance, an ability to set a good example, being approachable, and a willingness to compromise.

This video may also be used to facilitate a discussion of the ways in which the role of a leader in an organization changes as the company evolves. The example given in the video is the company, Ideas United. This company has experienced substantial growth since its beginning. There are now more people to be managed, and a greater amount of work must be delegated. More specialization takes place, and the leader’s role is to keep every member of the team focused on the same goal.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the definition of leading as described in the video? Are only certain people capable of becoming strong leaders? Give support for your answer.

Answer: Leading is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards a common goal. Anyone who has the desire is capable of developing the skills necessary for becoming a strong leader. Good leadership is a combination of personality and skills that inspires others to want to follow you. The leader is the inspiration and director of the action. These are skills that can be developed if the desire exists.

2. What qualities are mentioned in the video as characteristics of a strong leader? Of the qualities listed, which two do you think are most important? Provide a reason for your answer.

Answer: Many different characteristics are mentioned in the video as traits of a good leader. These characteristics include vision, value of integrity, a willingness to put others before you, good communication skills, an ability to listen, patience, tolerance, being approachable, and willingness to compromise. (Answers will vary.) I believe the two most important characteristics of a good leader from those listed are value of integrity and an ability to listen. Others are more likely to respect, trust, and be willing to follow you if you possess integrity. I also feel that the ability to listen to others and consider their ideas will make you a much stronger leader. No one person has all of the correct answers, but someone who is willing to listen to the ideas of others and consider their input is more likely to arrive at conclusions that are beneficial to the organization.

3. Describe how the role of leaders at Ideas United has changed since the company was founded.

Answer: Ideas United has seen substantial growth since it’s beginning. There are now more people to be managed, and the delegation of an increased amount of work has become imperative. There is more specialization within the organization. The role of the leader has moved toward overseeing the work of others and keeping the team focused on a common goal.


  1. Which of the following most accurately defines the term, “leading”?

a.It is comprised of the culture or important environmental conditions affecting the system.

b.It is the act of organizing and taking the responsibility for a business venture.

c.It is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards a common goal.

d.none of the above

Answer: c

Explanation: Leading is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards a common goal. The leader is the inspiration and director of the action.

  1. Which of the following characteristics was NOT listed by the leader of Caring Works as a quality of a good leader?



c.value of integrity

d.a willingness to put yourself first

Answer: d

Explanation: The leader of Caring Works listed vision, value of integrity, confidence, and a willingness to put others before you as characteristics of a strong leader.

  1. The supervisor for which of the following companies listed patience, tolerance, and a willingness to do it over and over again as the most important qualities of a good leader?

a.Caring Works


c.Triple Rock Brewery

d.Sound in Motion

Answer: c

Explanation: The supervisor at Triple Rock Brewery listed patience, tolerance, and a willingness to do it over and over again as the most important characteristics of an effective leader.

  1. Which of the following organizations explains the changing role of leaders within its organization as delegating more aspects of the work and an increased need to keep all members of the team focused on the same goal?

a.Sound in Motion

b.Platinum Auto Body

c.Ideas United


Answer: c

Explanation: On the video, Ideas United discusses the changing role of leaders in its organization. Due to the substantial growth of the company, there are more people to be managed and a growing need to delegate more of the work to others. More employees are performing specialized tasks and the role of leaders now focuses on keeping all members of the team focused on the same goal.

  1. In the video, which of the following qualities did the managers at Platinum Auto Body mention as the most important characteristics of an effective leader?

a.willingness to compromise

b.being approachable


d.value of integrity

Answer: a

Explanation: The leaders of Platinum Auto Body listed patience, excellent communication skills, and willingness to compromise as the most important qualities of a good leader.

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