Federal Program Monitoring

School Year 2017-2018

Title II, Part A

Supporting Effective Instruction

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

Virginia Department of Education

Division of Instruction

Office of Program Administration and Accountability

School Division:______
Division Superintendent: ______
Title II, Part A Coordinator:______
Date of Review:______
Names of Additional Team Members (if applicable):






SCHOOL YEAR 2017-2018

Federal Program Monitoring Reviewer’s Instrument

Section A: Purpose of the Federal Program Reviewer’s Instrument………………………………………………………………2

Section B: Areas of Review for Title II, Part A………………………………………………………………………………..3-25

  1. Prior Monitoring………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
  2. Teacher Quality…………………………………………………………………………………………………….……4-8
  3. Needs Assessment and Professional Development Plan…………………………………………………………….….9-13
  4. Allowable Uses of Funding…………………………………………………………………………………………… 14-17
  5. Fiscal Requirements……………………………………………………………………………………………………18-20
  6. Public Reporting………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21-22
  7. Private School Participation…………………………………………………………………………………………... 23-26


Purpose of the Federal Program Monitoring Reviewer’s Instrument

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) requires the state educational agency to ensure that programs and activities are implemented as stipulated in the law. The Virginia Department of Education is responsible for adopting and using proper methods of administering each program included in the ESEA.

The Federal Program Monitoring Reviewer’s Instrument has been prepared by the Virginia Department of Education as a guide and checklist for the federal program monitor. The instrument has also been prepared for use by the local educational agency (school division) that is to receive a monitoring visit. It outlines the Title II, Part A, legislation section-by-section and lists possible evidence or documentation that can be presented by the school division to demonstrate compliance with the law.

School divisions should review the instrument in advance of the monitoring visit and prepare documents that would best show evidence of the division’s implementation of the Title II, Part A, legislation according to the requirements of law. Federal program monitors will share their findings with school division personnel at the conclusion of the review schedule. If corrective actions are required as a result of the federal program monitoring visit, Title II, Part A, staff will work with the school division to assure compliance.




/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)

1.1 The school division has implemented necessary actions as a result of prior federal program monitoring for Title II, Part A.

/ Yes
N/A / Feedback letters
Corrective action plans / When did the division last undergo federal monitoring for Title II, Part A? Did the division receive any findings? Have all findings from the last visit been addressed?




/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
2.1 All teachers in the school division in all content areas are properly licensed and endorsed or the division has made progress in each of the last three years. / §22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
Instructional Personnel and Licensure Report (IPAL)
Recruitment documentation / Complete the chart below:
Year / Percent properly licensed/ endorsed teachers
Which grades/subject areas have been most difficult to fill with qualified teachers over the last two to three years? How has the division addressed these issues? Which schools have the greatest challenges? How are Title II, Part A, funds used to help these schools?



/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
2.2 The school division ensures that all teachers hired with Title II, Part A, funds to reduce class size are properly licensed and endorsed at the time of hire. / Section 2123(a)(2) (B)
§22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia / Yes
N/A / List of class-size reduction teachers, dates of hire (with Title II, Part A, funds) and qualifications
Class size averages per school
Copy of CSR teachers’ licenses and qualificationsdocumentation (i.e., Praxis scores or other evidence of content mastery)
Instructional Personnel and Licensure Report (IPAL) / How many class-size reduction (CSR) teachers are paid with Title II, Part A, funds? Are they properly licensed and endorsed? What evidence is available to show that they were properly licensed and endorsed at the time of hire?



/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
2.3The division ensures that students in high-poverty and/or high-minority schools have equitable access to qualified, experienced, and effective teachers. / Section 1111(g)(1) (B) / Yes
N/A / Instructional Personnel and Licensure Report (IPAL)
Division Equity Plan
Division analysis of teacher experience by school
Summative teacher evaluation data
Copies of new teacher orientation, induction, and mentoring plans
Professional development offerings on poverty and/or diversity, etc.
Interviews / Provide a list of all schools, by grade span, comparing teacher qualifications, poverty rate, minority status, and average years of teacher experience. How does the division assure that students in high poverty, high minority schools have equitable access to qualified, experienced, and effective teachers?
Heterogeneous classroom groupings
New teachers equitably distributed among buildings and classrooms (identified buildings, classrooms and students should have an equal or lower percentage of new teachers)
High quality mentoring programs for new teachers
Recruitment programs
Placement through contractual agreements
Incentives for voluntary transfers
Professional development focused on equity –related topics (e.g. diversity, poverty, etc.)
Describe how teacher evaluation data are analyzed to ensure equitable distribution of effective teachers across the school division.


/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
2.4 The school division’s teacher evaluation system evaluates teachers on the seven performance standards approved by the Virginia Board of Education in the Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers. / Section §22.1-253.13:5 of the Code of Virginia / Yes
N/A / Blank summative teacher evaluation form (required)
Division teacher evaluation documentation (e.g., manual)
Professional development documentation
Interviews / Describe the teacher evaluation process implemented by the school division. How is each of the performance measures weighted? Describe measures used in determining teacher performance on Standard 7 (Student progress). How are results used to inform professional development and other teacher quality activities?


/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
2.5 The school division’s principal evaluation system evaluates principals on the seven performance standards approved by the Virginia Board of Education in the Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers. / Section §22.1-253.13:5 of the Code of Virginia / Yes
N/A / Blank summative principal evaluation form (required)
Division principal evaluation documentation
Professional development documentation
Interviews / Describe the principal evaluation process implemented by the school division. How is each of the performance measures weighted? How are results used to inform professional development and other principal quality activities?




Requirements / Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible
Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
3.1 The school division consulted with stakeholders and sought advice regarding how best to improve the division’s activities to meet the purpose of Title II, Part A. (Teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, (including organizations representing such individuals), specialized instructional support personnel, charter school leaders (in a division that has charter schools), parents, community partners, and other organizations or partners with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities designed to meet the purpose of Title II, Part A) / Section 2102(b)(3)(A) / Yes
N/A / List of stakeholders
Meeting agendas
Student achievement data
Teacher surveys
Division surveys
Professional development evaluations
Instructional Personnel and Licensure Report (IPAL)
Teacher/principal evaluation data
Teacher/principal recruitment and retention data
Academic Review reports
Parent Surveys
Private school needs analysis documents
Interviews / Describe the process used to consult with stakeholders to determine annual needs and priorities. Which documents are analyzed, and how are the results of the analysis used to develop program activities? How is information collected and disseminated?How were results from the previous year’s activities and evaluations used to make decisions regarding the current year’s funded programs and activities? In what ways are the chosen programs or activities connected to or in support of division or school improvement plans? Do division and/or school improvement plans include teacher quality measures?Describe how priorities were determined and aligned with activities outlined in the plan.


/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible
Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
3.2Activities in the plan are aligned with challenging State academic standards / Section 2102(b)(1)(A) / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
Teacher/principal evaluation data
Professional development activities / How do activities align with professional teaching and performance standards and Virginia Standards of Learning?
3.3The plan describes the school division’s system of professional growth and improvement, such as induction for teachers, principals, or other school leaders and opportunities for building the capacity of teachers and opportunities to develop meaningful teacher leadership. / Section 2102(b)(1)(B) / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
Educator Induction Plans
School leadership planning documents / How does the school system support teachers, principals, and other school leaders through its induction program? What opportunities for growth and school leadership are provided for teachers, principals, and other school leaders?


/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible
Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
3.4 Services provided by Title II, Part A, funds are prioritized to schools that are implementing comprehensive and targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111(d) and/or have the highest percentage of children counted under section 1124(c). / Section 2102(b)(1)(2)(C) / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
List of schools identified for comprehensive or targeted support
Class-size reports by school
Student achievement results
Academic Reviews / Provide a list of schools identified for targeted or comprehensive support, if applicable. Identify schools that serve the highest percentage of students from poverty. How are funds prioritized to support needs in these schools around teacher and principal quality?
3.5The school division coordinates services provided by Title II, Part A, funds with other federal, state, and local funding sources. / Section 2102(b)(1)(F) / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
Interviews / What other funds are targeted to support teacher quality efforts?



/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible
Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
3.6The division describes the process for selecting activities that are evidence-based. / Section 2122(b)(1)(A-B)
Section 2103 / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A,application
Professional development activities
Research analyses
Other / Describe the research or evidence base used to develop activities funded by Title II, Part A. Describe the implementation plan or process within the division that support the evidence-base for the specific activity.
3.7Theplan describes how the school division will use data and ongoing consultation to continually update and improve activities supported with Title II, Part A, funds. / 2102(b)(2)(D) / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
Implementation plans
Evaluation results
Program data
Instructional Personnel and Licensure Report
Interviews / Describe how data are used to improve educator quality and/or determine professional development, recruitment and retention activities. Describe consultation process.


/ Statute / Is there sufficient documentation that this requirement is being met? / Possible
Documentation / Guiding Questions / Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion)
3.8The division describes how it will use funds to address the learning need of all students, including students with disabilities, English learners, and gifted students. / Section 2103 (b)(2) / Yes
N/A / Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
Implementation plans
Evaluation results
Program data
Instructional Personnel and Licensure Report
Interviews / Describe how activities funded with Title II, Part A funds address the needs of students with disabilities. How do they activities support English Learners? How to they support gifted learners?




4.1 Activities planned support one or more of the allowable uses under Title II, Part A, guidelines. Yes No
(See ESEA Section 2103(b)(3) (A-P) for full description of each allowable activity.)
Check all that apply:
Developing or improving a rigorous, transparent, and fair evaluation and support system for teachers, principals,
or other school leaders;
Developing and implementing initiatives to assist in recruiting, hiring, and retaining effective teachers, particularly in low-income schools with high percentages of ineffective teachers and high percentages of students who do not meet the challenging State academic standards, to improve within-district equity in the distribution of teachers, consistent with section 1111(g)(1)(B);
Recruiting qualified individuals from other fields to become teachers, principals, or other school leaders…:
Reducing class size to a level that is evidence-based …; / Providing high-quality, personalized professional development that is evidence-based and is focused on improving teaching and student learning and achievement, including supporting efforts to train teachers, principals, or other school leaders;
Developing programs and activities that increase the ability of teachers to effectively teach children with disabilities, including children with significant cognitive disabilities, and English learners;
Providing programs and activities to increase: (i) the knowledge base of teachers, principals, or other school leaders on instruction in the early grades and on strategies to measure whether young children are progressing; and (ii) the ability of principals or other school leaders to support teachers, teacher leaders, early childhood educators, and other professionals to meet the needs of students through age 8;
Supporting instructional services provided by effective school library programs; / Providing training, technical assistance, and capacity-building to assist teachers, principals, or other school leaders with selecting and implementing formative assessments, designing classroom-based assessments, and using data from such assessments to improve instruction and student academic achievement, …;
Carrying out in-service training for school personnel in (i) the techniques and supports needed to help educators understand when and how to refer students
Providing training to support the identification of students who are gifted and talented, including high-ability students who have not been formally identified for gifted education services, …;
Developing feedback mechanisms to improve school working conditions, …; / Providing training on how to prevent and recognize child sexual abuse;
Providingtraining on trauma, mental health, drug/alcohol abuse and school safety, including referral mechanisms and establishing partnerships with school or community treatment and intervention services, where appropriate;
Forming partnerships between school-based mental health programs and public or private mental health organizations; and
Addressing issues related to school conditions for student learning, such as safety, peer interaction, drug and alcohol abuse, and chronic absenteeism; / Developing and providing professional development systems of support for
teachers, principals, or other school leaders to promote high-quality instruction and instructional leadership in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects, including computer science;
Providing high-quality professional development for teachers, principals, or other school leaders on effective strategies to integrate rigorous academic content, career and technical education, and work-based learning (if appropriate);
Carrying out other activities that are evidence-based. (DESCRIBE)



Possible Documentation:
Consolidated application
Title II, Part A, application
Implementation documentation
Program evaluation documentation
Other: ______
Guiding Questions: How are activities funded through Title II, Part A, monitored for effectiveness? Which activities have had the most impact on raising student achievement? Which activities have had the greatest impact on improving teacher/principal quality? If “Other” was selected as a funded activity in the chart on p. 14, describe activity/activities and how they meet the purpose of the Title II, Part A, program?
Actions Taken (or to be taken) to fulfill requirements and/or improve in areas of concern (include timeline for completion):