Willow Grove MillHomeowners Association Annual Meeting Minutes: 12/6/16 – 6:30pm
Location: Brick Mill Elementary School
Attendees: Willow Grove Mill Homeowners Association board members and homeowners.
Special guests included:
- Matthew Burrows – Superintendent of Schools for the Appoquinimink School District
- Sgt. Scott Saunders from the Middletown Police Department
- Aaron Blythe, President WGM HOA, opened the meeting at 6:35pm by introducing Matthew Burrows who presented information on the upcoming referendum for the Appoquinimink School District on December 20, 2016.
- The presentation and materials Mr. Burrows covered during the meeting is available on the WGM HOA website.
- Mr. Burrows provided the homeowners opportunity to ask any questions and obtain additional details regarding the referendum.
- Aaron Blythe and the board thanked Mr. Burrows for his presentation to the HOA and welcomed Sgt. Scott Saunders of the Middletown Police Department.
- Sgt. Saunders presented information relative to the homeowners of WGM including updated police calls of various types taking place in the community of WGM.
- Sgt. Saunders was clear to indicate that the type of calls occurring in WGM should not be cause for any concern in the community.
- He did remind homeowners to lock their vehicles to avoid the potential of theft of belongings.
- Sgt. Saunders did ask for the help of neighbors in the community to be watchful of each other and provide assistance as needed to reduce possible crimes from occurring during this time of year.
- Examples of ways neighbors can help one another is to care for a package if it placed at a home and no one is there to receive it to prevent potential theft.
- Sgt. Saunders reminded homeowners to register their home alarms with the town and station.
- An overview of the police department and their units was provided for awareness
- Sgt. Saunders offered assistance with the community for future meetings and organizing of events/committees and to provide updates.
- Aaron Blythe provided a Presidents Report reviewing topics such as:
- April 2016 Assessment – Payments to date and number of unpaid homeowners along with follow-up actions being taken such as property liens.
- Inquiries responded to by the HOA year to date
- Other updates included – Paving, stop signs, speed enforcement, commercial development and rt. 299 widening.
- Treasurer’s Report was provided by the HOA Treasurer, Tony Tagliaferro.
- Tony reviewed expenses year to date and expected dues for 2017.
- A homeowner asked if feedback could be provided to the town regarding snow removal and the improvements they would like to see for this year.
- Aaron explained that the snow removal for a portion of the community was contracted out by the builder as compared to the town and that this year should be improved.
- A homeowner asked about the possibility of posting information on the website regarding responsibilities each homeowner has regarding their property, HOA responsibilities, town, etc.
- The board agreed to review information and develop a frequently asked questions page for the site.
- A homeowner asked if the time period of when the annual assessment is due can be extended at all to allow for further time to pay. Also discussed was the placement of signs regarding when the amount is due.
- The board explained the time frame from when the notices are mailed to when the payment is due and agreed to review placement of signs as reminders.
- Architectural Review Committee (ARC) updated provided by Ryan Heller.
- Ryan reviewed the purpose of the ARC and provided examples of the types of requests a homeowner would submit by walking through examples including Fencing and Sheds.
- It was explained that the process is meant to only help maintain property values and not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. All requests are looked at how the can be approved as opposed to turned down.
- Ryan reviewed the number of request submitted to the HOA in 2016 and indicated only 1 decline was sent back to a homeowner.
- Old Business –
- New section of Townhomes: Aaron provide updates regarding the exclusion of the newer section of townhomes due to builder not updating the plans with the county.
- The section was mailed letters from the HOA in November to inform them that they due to fall under the HOA structure but are encouraged to keep with the themes and ideas for the betterment of the community.
- A homeowner asked if it was possible to amend the restrictions to include the section and it was explained that it would require the vote of all homeowners in order to approve an amendment.
- Aaron reviewed the entrance sign development and expected locations of the signs with building to occur May-June 2017 timeframe.
- The board will receive bids and ask the community for feedback regarding sign development and incorporate the information in the selection process.
- A homeowner expressed concern over trashcans in the playground/open space areas not being maintained as frequently as they should.
- Aaron agreed to share the feedback with the town and work to improve the matter.
- New Business -
- Aaron reviewed the desire of the board to hold open, quarterly HOA meetings where homeowners can be present and ask questions.
- Online payment options are being explored for the 2017 assessment dues to provide homeowners with an alternative to writing a check.
- The HOA is working to better establish a Community Event Planning Committee to provide some fun activities for families and encourage events such as community yard sales and spring cleanups.
- Aaron indicated a holiday light contest would be run in December and voted on by the board where the winner will receive a prize such as a gift card.
- No vote for the election of board members could take place due to the lack of quorum by the homeowners. As a result, the existing board will remain intact until the next annual meeting or until a member resigns.
- Total homeowners in attendance was 52 with 176 required to meet quorum.