BedonBaptistChurch eNewsletter
Week of September 9, 2008
Rich in tradition yet open-minded to new possibilities,
Bedon is committed to sharing, through word and deed, the
Good News that Jesus Christ gives meaning, hope, and joy to life.
Worship This Week
Richard “Buckshot” Seigler, Jr., will be ordained as a deacon this Sunday morning, September 14. Pastor Eric’s charge to the candidate is based on Luke 10:25-28. In addition, the Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions will be collected. Bedon’s goal is $1,200. Worship begins at 11:00 A.M. in the sanctuary. Sunday School begins at 10:00 A.M.
Worship for Sunday night, September 14, will focus on “How to Make a Church Visit.” The monthly business meeting will be held at the conclusion of worship. The Sunday evening service begins at 6:00 P.M. in the sanctuary.
Wednesday night activities get started at 6:00 P.M. Prayer Meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. in the sanctuary.
Coming Up
- September 9: Deacons Meeting; Mary Saunders Group Meeting
- September 13: Adopt-a-Road Trash Pickup
- September 14: Deacon Ordination of Richard Seigler, Jr.; Business Meeting
- September 17: Senior Adult Committee
- September 21: Visitation Night
Homecoming is scheduled for October 12th.
Prayer List for September 9, 2008
ADawn Arrington
James & Mary Allen
Helen Broach (# 311, CMC)
Marsha Bottomley
Tyler Blocker
Sheila Brand
Randy Benton
Billy & Matilda Black
Laura Barineau
Richard Beach
Geraldine Bjork (Assisted Living)
J.R. Brand
Rita Banks
Betty Crosby
Will Cates
Robin Crosby
Legare Crosby
Jackie Cousino
Mrs. Catterton
Melanie Doyle-Kinsey
Larry Dubois
Gina Davis’ children
Mendel Driggers
Joan Driggers
Joan’s sister, Patsy
Lloyd & Juanita Driggers
Henry Fulton
Cheryl Fish
Cheryl Fagan
Rhonda Ferguson
Chuck Flowers
Tim & Pam Farmer
Teri & Arthur Fulton
Teri Lynn Fulton
James Green
Claude Gibson, Jr.
Charlie Griffin
Sadie Harrison (#208, CMC)
Jacob Huffman
Jim Haven
Steve Hopkins
Thomas Hopkins
Johnny Hodges
Clarence Hayes
Gaynelle Hiers
Mary Ann Herndon
Bobby Harrison
J.C. Iriel / J
Alton Johnson
Betty Johnson
Marty Johnson
Kerry Johnson
Phillip Johnson
Hobert & Martha Kees
Victor Kees, II
Robbie Loadholt
Theron Lawhon
Amanda Lewis
Calvin & Ruth Lane
Margaret & Charlie Long
Annie Murray
Lloyd Myer
Larry Montjoy
Jenny Miller
Berry Murdaugh
Judy Mock
Michelle & Keith McGuiness
Doug Morrison
Donna Mixon
Florence Neal
Robert Nettles
Wanda Norton
Joyce Nettles
Larry Nettles
Jimmy Powers
Ola Perry
Robert Pierce
Tammy Peters
A.J. Rice
Adam Ranly
Kelly Ridgle (Band of Blue)
Tammie & Randy Rogers
Richard Roscoe
Jean Riles
Henry Ross
Seth Seeks
Priscilla Spencer
Thomas Sessions
B.J. Sumner
Jeffrey Saunders
Debbie Sineath
Joey Stanfield
Ricky & Linda Seigler
Harvey Shear
Margaret Sims
Walter Stutts / T
Christian Tate
Frank Trask
Barry Thompson
Unspoken requests
Carrie Ulmer
Lib & Michael Varnadoe
Family of Lillian Westerburg
Mildred Whidden
Wayne West
Louie Whidden
Christy Williams
Ann and Bernard Warshaw
Louie Whidden, Jr.
Madison Whidden
Hurricane Ike
Presidential Election
Victory House Residents
Nominating Committee
FLCBuilding Program
Drug and Alcohol Addicts
Bus Ministry
Deacons/Church Leaders
Colleton Baptist Association
Ann Radford (Afghanistan)
Devon Cousino (Iraq)
Casey Hudson (Iraq)
Spc. John Ivan Elliott (Iraq)
Spc. Omar Avila
Sgt. Terry Fleming
Margaret Bailey (Magnolia)
Iva Lee Headden
Margaret Stanfield
Jennie Walling
Mary K. Crosby
Lib Stutts
James & Ruby Seigler
Susan Stanfield
Wendell Cothran
Homecoming 2007
Photos by Ted Stanfield
Ponderings from the Parsonage
How much do you know about Bedon? Find out by taking this quiz. The answers are at the end.
- New curtains have been placed on the window in the church office. What color are they?
- How many doors does the church building have?
- Name all seven deacons.
- According to standards set by the Southern Baptist Convention, what is the maximum number of persons that should be enrolled in each adult Sunday School class?
- How old is Bedon?
- Who is the teacher of the Coed 18-25 Sunday School Class?
- Who is the teacher of the Good Neighbor Class?
- Who is the teacher of the Margaret Sims Class?
- How many times per year does Bedon observe the Lord’s Supper?
- What does “FLC” stand for?
- How much money has been collected in the FLC Building Fund as of last Sunday?
- Where is Pastor Eric going this Saturday?
- What does it say on the sides of the church bus?
- What did Buckshot recently kill in the parsonage backyard?
- Since 2000, how many persons have joined Bedon?
- How many members of Bedon play in the Band of Blue? Play on the Colleton County High School football team?
- How many times has Bedon’s property been burglarized since 2005?
- What color are the hymnals? What color are the pew Bibles?
- What safety feature was recently added to the baptistery?
- What brand of copier does the church own?
- Our choir is combining with another church’s choir to perform this year’s Christmas cantata? What church is it?
- The Janie Chapman Offering will be collected this Sunday morning. What does this offering fund?
- Who was the preacher at this year’s revival?
BONUS: What song did the youth and children sing in worship last Sunday morning?
1. Pink
2. 8
3. Alton Driggers, Buckshot Seigler, Robert Driggers, Harold Blocker, Terry Bailey, Allen Crosby, and Mike Norton
4. 12
5. 161
6. Joyce Harrison
7. Victor Kees
8. Sherry Driggers
9. 6
10. Family Life Center
11. $117,000
12. Clemson
13. Bedon Baptist Church Walterboro, SC
14. Copperhead
15. 62
16. 10, 2
17. 3
18. Green, navy blue
19. Non-slip strips
20. Xerox
21. First Baptist Church, Walterboro
22. Missions in South Carolina
23. Dr. Monty Hale
BONUS: “Give Me That Old Time Religion”
The Best Is Yet to Be!
Pastor Eric