Mercer County Schools
Title I, Part A 1003(g) School Improvement Grant
Bluefield Intermediate School
LEA NameNCES ID # / School
Name / NCES
ID # / Tier
I / Tier
II / Tier
Mercer County / Bluefield Intermediate / 540084001101 / X
Bluefield Intermediate School AYP Data
Bluefield Intermediate School is a semi-rural facility serving third through fifth grades. The 2000 census indicates a population of 11,451. The school is located at the foot of East River Mountain half mile from the Virginia state border. We have a diverse population and 71% of our students receive free or reduced lunch. Bluefield Intermediate School is a Clinical Development Site for Bluefield State,Bluefield College and Concord University. The two primary feeder schools are Memorial and WhitethornPrimary Schools.
Being a Title I school identified in the first year of school improvement parents were notified and offered School Choice options. Only three students choose to take advantage of this option.
Bluefield Intermediate School met AYP in 7 out of 8 sub groups. The students in the black male subgroup did not make AYP in reading/language arts (22.4%). In math 29% of the students in the black sub group achieved AYP via the confidence interval. Other underperforming groups include Special Needs and Low SES. Furthermore, Bluefield Intermediate School’s low socio-economic sub group achieved AYP via the confidence interval in math 34% and reading 28%. These BIS students will be our priority for the coming year. Root causes that contributed to the black males scoring below mastery include lack of parental support for students to participate in tutoring programs, not completing homework, poor attendance, and behavioral referrals for this population of students.
It is difficult to compare the 2009 results with 2010 results due to the higher starting points for meeting AYP. All subgroups decreased in the percentage of students obtaining mastery due to the rise in these cut-off scores. This data calls for continued use of research based strategies and tiered instruction as our response to intervention, as well as increasing the understanding of characteristics of the pedagogy necessary for this subgroup.
Participation Rate
Participation Rate for WESTEST 23rd Grade / 98%
4th Grade / 100%
5th Grade / 100%
Sub Group / Reading/Math
ALL / 99%
White / 100%
Black / 99%
Hispanic / 100%
Asian / 100%
Special Education / 96%
Low-SES / 99%
LEP / 100%
External Trend Data
The enrollment at Bluefield Intermediate School has fluctuated the last five years. This change in enrollment has resulted in the change of the number of teachers and ISA per pupil funds. Mercer County has a higher percent of its population over the age of 65 than the state. The percent of black population has remained consistent but minority children under 18 have increased 1.9% in Mercer County from 9.4% in 2000 to 11.3% in 2009....and most of that is Bluefield. The implication of this data is indicative of the need for support for the supplemental school levy, the county tax base, and possibility for future population growth.
The percent of Mercer County's poverty population is above the state's percentage. However, the socio-economic demographics remain consistent. The economic stability and population trends also remain constant at Bluefield Intermediate School where 71% of students qualify for free/reduced meals, 45% of students at BIS are black, and 14% of students are identified special education. The implications for this data include the need to address pre-school experiences, prior knowledge, and provide relevant experiences.
Student Achievement Data
When analyzing the trend data there are several factors that may have contributed to the decline in scores. First of all, the change in Benchmark scores for school status and growth determination that allow transition to national and international rigor of performance was challenging to reach the minimum requirements. It is difficult to compare the 2009 results with 2010 results due to the higher starting points for meeting AYP. All subgroups decreased in the percentage of students obtaining mastery due to the rise in starting points. This data calls for continued use of research based strategies and tiered instruction as our response to intervention, as well as increasing the understanding of characteristics of the pedagogy necessary for this subgroup. Second of all, Acuity is being utilized to emphasize the West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives; however, when analyzing the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) of these questions it was realized that Level 1 questions were the only ones practiced. Through further analysis BIS teachers discovered that student progress was not being tracked utilizing the classroom matrix report. Since discovering the value of this report, it is being incorporated into our rigorous instructional delivery and in our Title I After School Improvement Grant program to improve student understanding and achievement.
ReadingPercent Proficient
Year / Grade 03 / Grade 04 / Grade 05 / All Grades
All Student
2005 / 78.15 / 79.24 / 70.27 / 75.89
2006 / 79.00 / 73.63 / 77.98 / 76.80
2007 / 83.80 / 80.73 / 80.53 / 81.65
2008 / 70.65 / 78.07 / 83.96 / 77.88
2009 / 51.00 / 66.00 / 68.00 / 61.66
2010 / 35.00 / 32.00 / 31.00 / 32.60
2005 / 69.76 / 71.42 / 56.81 / 65.57
2006 / 76.31 / 67.50 / 75.75 / 72.97
2007 / 75.67 / 76.74 / 73.68 / 75.42
2008 / 57.89 / 71.42 / 85.71 / 72.13
2009 / 36.00 / 58.00 / 63.00 / 52.33
2010 / 19.00 / 20.00 / 28.00 / 22.30
Sp. Ed.
2005 / 60.71 / 29.41 / 26.08 / 41.17
2006 / 45.00 / 38.46 / 26.66 / 37.70
2007 / 61.11 / 43.75 / 55.00 / 53.70
2008 / 17.64 / 52.63 / 53.33 / 41.17
2009 / 9.00 / 6.00 / 17.00 / 10.66
2010 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 6.00 / 2.00
2005 / 70.78 / 72.36 / 64.19 / 69.10
2006 / 72.97 / 64.63 / 73.68 / 70.25
2007 / 80.26 / 75.30 / 73.75 / 76.37
2008 / 60.93 / 76.19 / 81.25 / 73.68
2009 / 44.00 / 63.00 / 61.00 / 56.00
2010 / 28.00 / 29.00 / 18.00 / 25.00
Percent Proficient
Year / Grade 03 / Grade 04 / Grade 05 / All Grades
All Student
2005 / 81.51 / 72.64 / 63.96 / 72.91
2006 / 68.00 / 72.72 / 77.06 / 72.72
2007 / 82.85 / 80.73 / 85.71 / 83.12
2008 / 77.17 / 78.94 / 83.01 / 79.80
2009 / 58.00 / 69.00 / 67.00 / 64.66
2010 / 38.00 / 40.00 / 44.00 / 40.60
2005 / 67.44 / 62.85 / 56.81 / 62.29
2006 / 52.63 / 57.50 / 63.63 / 57.65
2007 / 64.86 / 69.76 / 73.68 / 69.49
2008 / 77.17 / 69.04 / 76.19 / 72.13
2009 / 42.00 / 58.00 / 55.00 / 51.66
2010 / 19.00 / 26.00 / 44.00 / 29.60
Sp. Ed.
2005 / 75.00 / 41.17 / 39.13 / 54.41
2006 / 50.00 / 46.15 / 66.66 / 52.45
2007 / 77.77 / 81.25 / 80.00 / 79.62
2008 / 52.94 / 57.89 / 73.33 / 60.78
2009 / 18.00 / 19.00 / 33.00 / 23.33
2010 / 30.00 / 0.00 / 6.00 / 12.00
2005 / 78.65 / 63.15 / 56.79 / 66.66
2006 / 60.81 / 65.85 / 72.36 / 66.37
2007 / 76.31 / 75.30 / 81.01 / 77.54
2008 / 76.56 / 73.80 / 78.75 / 76.31
2009 / 51.00 / 61.00 / 57.00 / 56.33
2010 / 31.00 / 34.00 / 32.00 / 32.30
Comparative Gap Analysis
Bluefield Intermediate Reading Proficiency / All 35%(N=338)
White = 44%
(N=196) / Black = 19%
(N=136) / Special Education = 0%
(N=52) / Low SES = 28%
(N=244) / LEP = 33%
Gap Difference / -9% / -16% / -35% / -7% / -2%
Comparative Gap Analysis Narrative: At Bluefield Intermediate School 35% of students in the all subgroup were proficient in reading according to the most current WESTEST2 data (N=338). A smaller percentage of students in other subgroups (i.e., white, black, special education, low ses, and LEP) met proficiency in comparison to the all student subgroup with a range of -7% to -35%.The largest gap exists between the all students and the special education subgroup with a difference of -35% (N=52). Note that the school is accountable for the special education subgroup in reading since the cell size is more than 50 students. In addition, a smaller percentage of students in the black and white subgroups (-16% and -9% respectively) met proficiency in comparison to the all student subgroup. A slightly smaller percentage of students in the LEP subgroup met proficiency in comparison to the all students subgroup. However, note the small cell size (N=3) disqualifies this subgroup for accountability purposes.
Bluefield Intermediate MathProficiency / All 40%
White = 48%
(N=196) / Black = 29%
(N=136) / Special Education = 13%
(N=52) / Low SES = 33%
(N=244) / LEP = 0%
Gap Difference / -8% / -11% / -27% / -7% / -40%
Comparative Gap Analysis Narrative: At Bluefield Intermediate School 40% of the students in the all subgroup were proficient in math according to the most current WESTEST2 data (N=338). A smaller percentage of students in other subgroups (i.e., white, black, special education, low ses, and LEP) met proficiency in comparison to the all student subgroup with a range of -7% to -40%. The largest gap exists between the all students and the LEP subgroup with a difference of -40% (N=3). However, note the small cell size (N=3) disqualifies this subgroup for accountability purposes. A slightly smaller percentage of students in the special education subgroup met proficiency in comparison to the all students subgroup. Note that the school is accountable for the special education subgroup in math since the cell size is more than 50 students. In addition, a smaller percentage of students in the black and white subgroups (-11% and -8% respectively) met proficiency in comparison to the all student subgroup.
DIBELs and the three Tiers of instruction are being implemented. Tier I (90 minute uninterrupted block) scheduling is in place. During this block of time, Title I and Special Education teachers are working within the classroom. The DIBELs assessment will be utilized to drive instruction in the 2010-2011 school year. Third grade students are assessed in DIBELs three times a year (BOY, MOY, EOY) and progress monitor every two weeks for intensive, every three weeks for strategic students and monthly for those that benchmarked students. Teachers in grades 3-5 are using DIBELs data, WESTEST2 data, and Writing Assessment data to drive instruction and intervention. DIBELs assessments have been administered and staff development provided. Walk to Intervention (Tier II) is school wide grades 3-5 where Acuity, Read Naturally, Odyssey, SIPPS, Triumphs, and other research based programs are being utilized. Tier III intervention is provided by two different after school programs: 21st Century After School program and the Title I School Improvement Grant. During the 21st Century After School program, fourth and fifth grade students’ work on homework assignments with teacher guidance, then they break into groups and work on comprehension strategies, math skills and computer programs such as Read Naturally and Odyssey. Multi-cultural activities are also provided for students to gain a better understanding of the world around them. Part of the 21st Century Program is for students to be physically active during part of the program. Math Mats are utilized to review basic facts to incorporate physical activity. Community involvement is another feature in this program in which the 4-H program comes to BIS to teach students various topics such as good nutritional habits, germs, and farming activities. The Title I School Improvement Grant serves third grade students and one fourth grade student. Read Naturally is also utilized during this time. Reteaching activities are provided utilizing Acuity questions which give students the opportunity to rethink their answers to further develop their understanding.
Acuity is used to benchmark our students three times a year. We are requiring our staff to regularly utilize Acuity and WV Writes as part of their curriculum and this will be monitored by the administrator. DIBELS data, Acuity data, basal reader fluency benchmark data, and NAEP data will be additional assessments used to plan for improvement.
Research states that an early predictor of a student dropping out of school is their reading score in third grade. Students who are poor readers have a greater chance of dropping out before graduation. Based on the 2010 WESTEST 2 data, 65% of third grade students scored below mastery in reading/language arts. In the black subgroup 81% scored below mastery in reading/language arts. Social issues include poverty and community drug abuse. The school must be a safe environment and resources must be utilized and obtained to address the children's social issues.
The average absence rate of Bluefield Intermediate School's black cell is 20 days per year, which range from 2 days to 41 days. This is a contributing factor to the root cause of students scoring below mastery on WESTEST 2. Bluefield Intermediate had 52 more behavioral referrals in 2009 than 2010. The black sub group had 196 more discipline referrals in 2009 than 2010. Over a two year period there were 986 referrals for all students and of those 396 were the black sub cell. Some of the root causes for poor academic performance are the lack of parental support, attendance, discipline, and school climate.
Bluefield Intermediate is made up of a diverse group of students. Seventy-one percent of our students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Bluefield Intermediate population is comprised of 54% white, 45 % black and 1% Asian and Hispanic students. Many of our students come from single parent homes where education is not a priority and the mobility rate is 8%. Also, the majority of our students do not have computer access at home. To combat these issues Bluefield Intermediate teachers have met, developed and implemented many programs. Currently, there is a positive behavior support program where students earn tickets based on attendance, accountability and behavior. With those tickets the students can “purchase” various prizes, such as, popcorn, and healthy snacks, etc. Also, each grade level has a classroom of the week which is recognized with a banner placed outside their classroom. Each grade level decides upon a student of the month and those students are recognized before the entire school. Teachers also attend professional development sessions to address the needs of their diverse classrooms. To address the root cause of school climate BIS will adopt the Capturing Kids Hearts program. Along with Capturing Kids Hearts, BIS will utilize community members to help motivate our black male population. Outstanding community leaders will come into the school and help to mentor and motivate our students. The mentors will instill the importance of an education; they will focus on the student’s academics as well as helping to build responsible citizens. We will use the local football coaches and players to work with small groups of students. They will also instill the importance of school. Activities will include afterschool meetings and mentoring, attending a high school game and monitoring school performance.